Planting cucumbers in the greenhouse: how to plant properly, plant and plant, video and care after planting, how to raise

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In a greenhouse, to be sure, cucumbers grow in our kitchen gardens more often. Growing ogurch Cucumbers can be planted in any greenhouse, regardless of the materials from which it is made can be planted cucumbers in any greenhouse, regardless of the materials from which it is made Ikov in the open field is possible only in warm areas, where climatic conditions are fully compliant with standards such cultivation.

    • to Soils Requirements: how to plant cucumbers in the greenhouse
    • Dates: when to plant cucumbers in the greenhouse
    • planting plan: how to plant cucumbers in the greenhouse
    • Planting and care: cucumbers in greenhouses
    • rules: how to grow cucumbers in the greenhouse
    • Planting cucumbers in greenhouses( video)

requirements of soil: how to plant cucumbers in the greenhouse

defined area where the greenhouse would stand, so that the soil has been preparedearly. Usually it's not autumn yet, but the early preparatory work has been done. It is necessary that the earth was properly dug up, deep digging helps to quickly remove the roots of perennial plants. Not less than 5 cm of old soil should be removed - it is impossible that it should remain for new landings. There, pathogens have accumulated, which can damage young seedlings.

After the cucumber is planted, it is recommended to water the soil After the cucumber is planted, it is recommended to water the soil

The next time - the soil must be decontaminated. A seven percent solution of copper sulfate will help in this. The process does not last long. The soil must be rich, fertile, and it must absorb and pass well, the acidity of the soil in the greenhouse should be low or neutral.

Cucumbers are preferably planted in a substrate from turf ground, and even fresh humus. Superphosphate and urea( 15 g), sifted ash( 250 g) are usually added to the bucket of land mixtures, but nitrogen fertilizers are not necessary. In greenhouse conditions, the cucumber can be planted only in seedlings.

Dates: when to plant cucumbers in the greenhouse

believed that planting seedlings in the greenhouse under moderate latitudes need until May 12-16( provided that the unheated greenhouse).Easier to not make a mistake, to measure the temperature of the soil - it should warm up to 15-18 degrees. Cucumbers are considered heat-loving plants, a little hurry in the spring, and the frustrating cold for them, especially frost, can negate the whole crop. You can also be guided by the lunar calendar.

Find out when to put cucumbers in a greenhouse, you can from a special calendar, which is sold in a store for vegetable growing Learn when to be planted cucumbers in a greenhouse can be made of a special calendar, which is sold in the shop Horticulture

In a situation where the weather is unpredictable, it is possible to protect the seedlings following :

  • install the heater on ittime;
  • Fill with warm water plastic bottles, spread them over the greenhouse;
  • Use modern covering materials.

With plastic bottles is the easiest. In the daytime, they naturally heat up, and at night the extracted heat gives off to the plants next to which they lie. This method does not require the use of technology. Of course, we are talking about unheated greenhouses.

Planting scheme: how to plant cucumbers in the greenhouse

Two-line planting is the most frequent and optimal option. Lines or ridges in width can be a meter + - 10 cm, and height 22-30 cm. To increase the yield, combs or steam ridges are used. It is necessary to excavate pits with a depth of 40 cm, at the bottom of which lay a layer of hot manure, and fill it with 15 cm of dirt.

If the width of the greenhouse is 2 or 2.5 m, a path is made in the center, the ridges on the left and right are themselves. If the greenhouse is much wider - from 3 to 4.5 m, then you can make two tracks, with three or four rows of planting. The distance between the bushes in the row is 35-40 cm. Such density is optimal, if the density of planting is increased, the illumination of planting will suffer.

Choose a scheme for planting cucumbers, depending on the growth characteristics of the selected variety Selecting cucumber planting scheme should be based on the characteristics of the growth of selected varieties

Often over ridges stretched wire trellis, and they can be then tie with string or thread cucumbers. Often, the planting of cucumbers is accompanied by the planting of other plants in the inter-row - green( low), lettuce, Peking cabbage, etc.

Planting and care: cucumbers in greenhouses

When the warm weather, soils are well warmed, held transplanting. Before planting, the wells are poured with a warm solution of potassium permanganate, then with usual warm water. Cucumber plant is necessary so that the level remained above the soil earth com 2-2.5 cm. In this case the root collar will not touch the ground, so that the water flowing under irrigation, and pathogens not provoked infected seedlings.

If the seedlings grown in peat cups, they need to remove any torn top and the bottom, he put the cup into the hole that he has soiled the plant. When the glass is transplanted, the plant does not fall asleep, so as not to infect, only the pot is covered. You can sprinkle a seedling with straw or sawdust to avoid radical decay. In a word, transplant carefully, carefully, as much as possible to protect the plant from stress.3-4 plants are planted on 1 square.

Rules: how to grow cucumbers in a greenhouse

The main rule of growing - in time to harvest. Especially the first cucumbers, taken off, and this will strengthen the formation of fruits. The bush begins to form after 8-10 real leaves have appeared. In the lower nodes at that time it is necessary to nibble the side shoots. When the plant has reached the trellis, the main whip is wrapped around it, tied up, pinching is carried out.

When growing cucumbers, they should be fed, for example, potassium sulfate When growing cucumbers should be fed, for example, potassium sulfate

Tips for growing cucumbers:

  • cucumbers require good, active watering - if a system for drip irrigation, will be great;
  • Timely weeding is required - because the weeds are selected nutrients from the cucumbers, and they grow slowly, and fruits may not be as healthy;To feed
  • cucumbers necessary after 10-11 days, is typically a mixture of manure with urea or ammonium nitrate, after feeding the plants watered around the root;
  • The garter too needs a cucumber, so it grows freer( it can be a peg with a cord, ready-made trellis);
  • In sunny weather, ventilate the greenhouse, only without drafts, which do not like cucumbers;
  • Open the greenhouse for insects to fly in, it's necessary for pollination.

Another simple rule of care for cucumbers: the higher the temperature in the greenhouse, the higher, respectively, must be and the humidity of the air. If it seems that there is little natural moisture, there are ways to increase it. For example, pour abundantly on a hot day all the paths in the greenhouse, and then close it for an hour.

What other conditions do you need to create cucumbers?This is lighting, it should be sufficient. Sometimes you need additional light sources. Or you can choose varieties that are better suited to blackouts.

Planting cucumbers in the greenhouse( video)

How many lovers of juicy cucumbers, so many opinions on how to plant, which varieties to use( our or Chinese), when to plant, etc. Every experienced gardener has what to add to all the tips. Then listen to the noble vegetable growers, and enrich your experience.

Happy landing!

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