Tomatoes live in the greenhouse: what to do, tomatoes and fattening

Tomatoes live in a greenhouse - this problem can overtake almost any gardener or gardener Tomatoes live in a greenhouse - this problem can overtake almost any trucker or gardener Tomatoes are very common for growing agricultural crops. And who does not like to eat freshly picked tomatoes right from the garden?But it happens that the vegetables are missing something during their growth and development. In this case, certain problems may appear. One of them is the fattening of tomatoes. If this happened, you should find out why this happened and then proceed to correct the situation.

      • Reasons for tomatoes to live in the greenhouse
      • Tomatoes in the greenhouse are very fatty: what to do and how to fight
      • Homemade tomatoes live in the greenhouse: what to do
      • Abundant fat burning tomatoes in the greenhouse: whatDoing and preventing the disease
      • If tomatoes live in a greenhouse( video)

Reasons why tomatoes live in a greenhouse

Tomato fat loss is easy to determine. Tomatoes are raging, the greens are developing intensively and juicyly looking, but there is practically no fruit. In addition, the top sheets can be twisted, the brush itself is very weak. Flowers on this bush may not be at all or very little. In this case, you can not wait for a good harvest.

Bright dark green foliage color and at the same time twisted tops are the main signs that tomatoes are fattening.

Why does this happen?

Tomatoes can fat for several reasons Tomatoes can be fattened for several reasons

Here are the main reasons:

  • Tomatoes lack natural light;
  • Tomatoes are too closely planted in relation to each other - if there is not enough light, the fattening is practically assured;
  • Plants are overfed with nitrogen or other organic fertilizers;
  • Tomatoes are too "flooded" with water - this can happen if the first 15 days after planting abundantly and strongly water the soil;
  • The humidity in the greenhouse is increased due to frequent watering.

Another type of fattening tomatoes in greenhouses is the appearance of new shoots. As a rule, this is typical for indeterminate varieties of tomatoes, as well as those bushes, where a long flower brush is obtained, on which fruit is tied. All the forces go to new shoots, and the development of the vegetables themselves is suspended.

It should be noted that the determinant varieties of tomato and those species that have a short brush are practically not exposed to this phenomenon.

Tomatoes in the greenhouse are very strong: what to do and how to fight

When it becomes clear that tomatoes are fattening, it is necessary to establish the causes of what is happening, and then to deal with their elimination.

If tomatoes strongly live, try not to water the plants in a week If tomatoes are highly fattened, try not to water the plants during the week

What to do if the tomatoes began to fat:

  • Stop watering the plants for a week.
  • Very carefully, but carefully remove from the bushes that part of the foliage that blocks the fruits and ovaries such a necessary light for them. However, all at once it is not necessary to break off - the plant can experience stress.
  • If the temperature on the street has fallen sharply and the plants have become cold - you need to close all the windows and doors and try to heat the greenhouse. In the daytime there should be a temperature of +25 degrees, and at night - +23.
  • To contain the growth and storming of tomatoes you can feed them under the root with such a composition - 3 tablespoons of superphosphate are bred in 10 liters of water. Each bush will need one liter of such a mixture. Do this procedure after a lot of watering the soil.
  • It is desirable to stop "feeding" tomatoes with nitrogen-containing fertilizers.

Sometimes the leaves do not twist, but simply stretch upward at an acute angle. The fruits are small, the flowers crumble. This means that bushes lack watering. It is desirable in this case to water the plants, lower the temperature and ventilate the greenhouse.

Homemade tomatoes live in the greenhouse: what to do

There are many ways to fight tomato fattening. If those described above are not helpful, you can try a few more tips.

Ways to combat fat burning tomato is a lot There are a lot of ways to fight tomato fat burning

So, if tomatoes are fattening, you need:

  • Feed tomatoes with substances containing magnesium. Usually, when this microelement is in short supply, the leaves of the plants begin to turn yellow.
  • Carry out forced pollination of plantations by shaking the bushes in dry weather from about 11 to 13 o'clock in the afternoon;
  • Potassium supplementation will also be useful. It is carried out at the time of flowering 5 or 6 brushes.

In case of too dense planting of shoots, you need to release the brush a little from everything that is superfluous. For example, pinched the fruit so that not more than 5-6 tomatoes remain on the bush. Yes, a good harvest from such a plant can not be collected, but the remaining tomatoes will ripen well. Then it is recommended to feed the bush with phosphorus-potassium fertilizer or ash and try to water it less.

If tomatoes grow well only on one brush, and on others it's bad, you need to collect tomatoes from this brush( even if they are not ripe).Experiencing is not necessary - vegetables can calmly be filled with juice and on a well-lit windowsill. Shrubs after felling should be watered.

Abundant fat burning of tomatoes in the greenhouse: what to do and prevention of the disease

To further avoid the problem of fattening tomatoes in the greenhouse, you should take some steps in advance.

To the bushes tomatoes do not start to fat, it is necessary to paternize plants in time To bush tomatoes have not started to fatten, you need time to pinch the plants

Preventative measures to help avoid fattening:

  • every 14 days bushes desirable to process substances against pests and various diseases;
  • Incorrectly formed bushes can also lead to such a problem - you need to pinch the tops of tomatoes in time and cut off lateral shoots;
  • Do not allow heat or excessive temperature drop in the greenhouse;
  • It is not necessary to plant those plants in the greenhouse that are intended for growing outdoors - the greenhouse conditions for such tomatoes may not be suitable;
  • In time the spent pasynkovanie will allow nutrients to direct the forces on development of fruits, instead of greens;
  • Once the tomatoes are in the greenhouse, you do not need to immediately spread the manure under their roots - the plant "overfeeds" and fattening in this case can not be avoided.

Growing vegetables in greenhouses do not need to plant tomatoes together with cucumbers. For their growth, absolutely different conditions are necessary, therefore, this neighborhood only harms both.

If zhiruyut tomatoes in the greenhouse( video)

Once a problem is detected fattening, you must immediately do to resolve it. After all, if you do not do this - all the forces of the plant will go into the rapidly growing greenery, but there will be very few fruits. In this case, there is no need to expect a good abundant harvest. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the condition of tomatoes and take preventive measures. In this case, diseases can be avoided and get a lot of tasty, juicy tomatoes.

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