Cucumbers in the greenhouse for beginners: growing and video, proper care in the greenhouse, agricultural machinery Courage in the Urals

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Growing cucumbers in a greenhouse, you need to know some features and subtleties Growing cucumber in a greenhouse, it is necessary to know some features and subtleties Someone grows cucumbers in the greenhouse year round - so usually grown cucumbers are preferred by those who are well earned on the green harvest. But the industrial cultivation of cucumbers rarely interests beginners. Such economic interest usually appears when there is some kind of agro-experiment, having it behind your back you can think of all-year-round growing. Usually it is important for beginners to grow a small but healthy crop. And they begin not with such relative exotics as eggplants and zucchini, but with cucumbers.

    • Growing cucumber in a greenhouse: Soil Preparation
    • in greenhouse cucumbers: cultivation and maintenance
    • Humidity and temperature regime: agricultural machinery cultivation of cucumbers in the greenhouse
    • Secrets of the technology of growing cucumbers in the greenhouse
    • Features of cultivationcucumbers in a greenhouse in the Urals
    • How is the cultivation of cucumbers in the greenhouse: Krasnodar region
    • Growing cucumber in a greenhouse( video)

Growing cucumbers in greenhouses: Soil Preparation

It all depends on the variety of cucumber, ripening time may be different. Accordingly, and some subtleties of care for certain varieties may vary. Always need to look at the information on the package with seeds, there are valuable tips for planting, feeding, etc. But whatever the grade, planting this is not the first stage, first you need to prepare the soil.

Before planting cucumbers, it is necessary to prepare the soil Before planted cucumbers, it is necessary to pave the way

Features of soil preparation before planting:

  • is believed that the optimum soil mixture - it's equal parts compost, manure, peat and sod land, which the acidity around7 pH;
  • If necessary, add lime or chalk to the soil;
  • These are the necessary precautions, so do it right, because even the most careful care will not get rid of fungi, and such prevention will significantly reduce the risk of infection of plants.

For the same purpose, wood ash can be regularly added to the soil. But fertilizers are not introduced so quickly, everything has its time, first you need to plant the plants - these are the rules.

In a greenhouse, cucumbers: growing and nursing

In spring, around mid-May, you need to plant the seedlings in a greenhouse. And here there can be no mistake. The process is simple, first the hothouse needs to be disinfected. Then the prepared soil is introduced. Five days before planting, do not be too lazy to throw a piece of film on the soil, and then at a height of one and a half meters pull two rows of wire. Between the individual rows the distance should be 20-25 cm. Firmly strengthen the wire so that cucumbers do not break it under their weight.

Cucumbers in the greenhouse need competent care cucumbers in a greenhouse in need of proper care

By and large cucumber likes mode and timely care - watering schedule, timely fertilization, hoeing and weeding. At the very beginning of growth cucumbers watered every two to three days, on the square leaves about seven liters of water. When cucumbers start to bear fruit, plants need moisture every day, before applying fertilizers to the soil. Methods and methods of irrigation are different.

.Everyone praises his successful experience, these are simple watering cans, hoses with nozzles, and special sprinklers for greenhouses. This plant likes abundant watering, whether it grows in a greenhouse, or in the open ground.

Humidity and temperature regime: crochet cultivation in a greenhouse

If you approach profession professionally, first of all, the temperature in an unheated greenhouse should always be kept at a certain level. Lessons are simple: while the cucumbers do not begin to bear fruit, the temperature should be at least +20 in the daytime. At night - not below +17.And when the cucumbers have already begun to bear fruit, the requirements for temperature change.

It's better if you follow the following rules:

  • Clear and sunny weather - + 24 / + 28;
  • Overcast days - + 21 / + 23;
  • At night - + 18 / + 20.

Grow cucumbers in a comfortable environment for them need to grow cucumbers in comfortable conditions for them

Recommendations for temperature in the soil mixture is compliance with permanent + 20 / + 24.Avoid sudden temperature changes, which are always a stress for the plant. This is dangerous for both traditional varieties of cucumbers, and for hybrids.

Humidity before fruiting should be around 80%.But when the flow of the harvest has started, the humidity should be at least 90%.At the same time, the plan is such that the soil is constantly moistened, the plants need to be sprayed. Watering is frequent, and the height of the walls of the hotbed helps to retain moisture.

Secrets of the technology of growing cucumbers in a greenhouse

If you are just starting your agro-experience in the country, you can not do without the "experienced" tips. Of course, the main thing is to prepare the garden in autumn, then choose a place under the greenhouse, outline the construction of a greenhouse, purchase a new one, or repair an old one. Hotbeds of film technology are relevant, but they are increasingly abandoning glass greenhouses, and refuse to use polycarbonate.

Cucumbers can be grown in polycarbonate greenhouses

These tips are not new, for many they can be useful:

  • If the leaves or the yellowing of the cucumbers turn pale or yellow,, In this case, the plants can be gradually fed urea;
  • It happens that with active growth, when you wait only for good results, flowering is weak, insufficient, then the plant needs potassium phosphorus fertilizing;
  • If there are few ovaries, bird droppings will be required, but in this case the temperature should not be higher than +18 in the daytime, and at night the hotbed can be ventilated( but without drafts).

By the way, all grades are sensitive to drafts, and Courage, and Alligator, and Herman, and Zozulya, and Emerald Stream, and Relay, is true for Chinese varieties. He will not spare long-bodied cucumbers, nor gherkins. No matter how much they say about it, many summer residents forget, and then complain about a bad harvest.

Features of growing cucumbers in a greenhouse in the Urals

Very often in this area advised to equip greenhouses with a dome. And it is practical, the service life of such homemade homemade construction will not be one year. The vegetation period in the Urals is short, an unusual fact is that even at the beginning of summer, frost may be threatened.

Growing cucumbers in a greenhouse in the Urals is best in greenhouses with a dome Growing cucumbers in a greenhouse in the Urals is best in hotbeds with a dome

In early and mid-May, seedlings are not yet planted in the greenhouse. It is necessary that the soil is sufficiently warmed up to + 21 / + 24.Approximately from 19 to 22 May planted seedlings. If the hothouse is film, and you use manure, you can do it early. In the heated greenhouse very different conditions and requirements.

How is cucumber growing in the greenhouse: Krasnodar Territory

Take some of the regions of Ukraine, the suburbs and the Krasnodar Territory - the conditions are different, and the requirements for greenhouse growing of cucumbers can also be different. The main requirements for the cultivation of cucumbers in the Krasnodar Territory, this is probably the resistance of the variety to drought. Dry weather and abundance of pests - a real obstacle for a quality harvest. All the time you need to moisten the surface of the soil, so that the land does not overheat.

The requirements for greenhouse growing of cucumbers, depending on the region, may be different The requirements for greenhouse growing of cucumbers, depending on the region, can be different

To keep moisture in the soil, you can cut the nettles between greenhouse rows. This will not only protect the soil from overdrying, but also deter pests. Soil also need to be enriched with nitrogen, and the easiest way to do this is with the help of chicken manure.

At the very beginning of his journey in the role of gardener, save useful articles and tips, save them at least in pdf-files, even in Notepad. Much is quickly forgotten, so you are looking for the same advice, for a greenhouse - drawings and sizes, for fertilizer - proportions, etc.

Growing cucumbers in a greenhouse( video)

In truck farming, there are a lot of their secrets and know-how, it is also about peat pots, and about miraculous hydroponics, and about folk methods of pest control. Save this knowledge, and enjoy the excellent harvest!

Delicious cucumbers!

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