How to care for tomatoes in a greenhouse: care after planting tomatoes, how to properly hone in the greenhouse, what you need

How to care for tomatoes in a greenhouse - an important issue that interests gardening How to care for tomatoes in a greenhouse is an important issue for gardeners interested in. The main goal of any gardener is a large harvest with high taste and product characteristics. Often, the result of the cultivation of vegetable crops depends not only on the variety chosen, but also the observance of agrotechnical recommendations for cultivation by the gardener. Even if tomato cultivation takes place in a closed ground, it is necessary to make some efforts to create the most comfortable conditions for the formation of a large number of ovaries on plants and fructification of the vegetable culture.

    • Maintenance of tomatoes after planting in the greenhouse
    • How to properly care for tomatoes in the greenhouse: temperature regime
    • Proper care for tomatoes in the greenhouse: features of irrigation
    • Whether to wheedle tomatoes in the greenhouse
    • Tomatoes
    • Peeling and pruning of leaves
    • Greenhouse care for tomatoes( video)
    • Greenhouse tomatoes: care( photo)

Maintenance of tomatoes after planting in a greenhouse

Usually, rAssad is planted in a greenhouse between April 20 and May 15.At this time, the temperature can drop significantly at night, so the root system of the seedling needs to be insulated. This can be done by mulching the soil. For this purpose, the last year's tops of tomatoes, straw, grass, wood bark, film are suitable.

To water tomatoes is necessary in 12-15 days after planting shoots in the protected ground Tomatoes must be watered 12-15 days after planting shoots in the protected ground

Experienced gardeners say that mulching the soil helps to increase the quantity and quality of the fruit by 30-40%.

Watering tomatoes should be 12-15 days after planting shoots in the protected ground. The first fertilizing of plants is carried out from the moment of appearance of the first ovaries( on average, 20 days after disembarkation).Subsequent fertilizers are carried out every 12 days. For fertilizing, depending on the stage of plant development, organic( wood ash, humus) and inorganic( superphosphate, potassium sulfate) fertilizers are chosen.

How to properly care for tomatoes in the greenhouse: temperature mode

To care for tomatoes should be with the organization of the correct temperature regime.

The most comfortable for tomatoes is the temperature within + 16-22 ° C, depending on the time of day. During the flowering and fruiting period, the temperature in the greenhouse should be increased by several degrees( do not exceed the upper limit of + 27 ° C).

The grooming of tomatoes should begin with the organization of the correct temperature regime.

It is possible to raise the temperature in the greenhouse correctly without damaging the shoots, using thick candles, hot bricks and buckets of water, gas and IR heaters.

To control the temperature and the ventilation of the greenhouse will help. This will contribute to better self-pollination of plants.

Proper care for tomatoes in the greenhouse: features of irrigation

From the compliance with the norms of watering tomatoes depends the development of the stem of the plant, the ripening of the fruit, their taste and appearance. The need for moisture in tomatoes determines the stage of development of the bush.

Water the tomatoes best in the morning Watering tomatoes best in the morning hours

The following recommendations will help to properly water the tomatoes:

  1. Before flowering, the bushes should be watered at a rate of 3-6 liters per square meter of seedlings.
  2. In the period of flowering and fruit formation, shrubs are watered at a rate of 10-15 liters per square meter.
  3. Watering should be carried out every 4-6 days.
  4. The water temperature should be in the range of + 20-23 ° C.
  5. Watering bushes better in the morning.

Some varieties of tomatoes require more frequent watering. The periodicity of irrigation is usually indicated in the agrotechnical recommendations to the variety.

Whether to spruce tomatoes in a greenhouse

The hilling of tomatoes helps to strengthen the root system of the plant: loosening the soil provides free access to air to the roots of the plant. In addition, when humming tomatoes, in the soil around the plant grooves are formed, in which moisture is retained. This allows you to provide the bushes with sufficient moisture even on hot days.

It is necessary to plant the plants in the greenhouse with a small hoe, gently laying the ground with a mound around the stem. You need to work carefully so as not to damage the roots of the plant.

The hilling of tomato bushes helps to strengthen the root system of the plant Humming of tomato bushes helps to strengthen the root system of the plant

If there is a lack of soil on the bed, the hilling is done with additional soil.

Procedure is recommended if the bottom of the stem of the plant is covered with convex tubercles - the rudiments of new roots, for which additional moisture is required. Often, the first planned hilling is required during the first 30 days after planting shoots in the greenhouse, the second - after the blue stems of plants.

Pasynkovanie tomato

Often horticulturists have to speed up the process of fruit ripening. This is especially true for regions with a short warm period. To help in this will help pasynkovanie tomatoes.

Pasynkovanie - a process of removing from the bush of all unnecessary, lateral shoots. This procedure is extremely important for the rapid maturation of the fruit: by removing the stepsons, the plant will direct all the nutrients to the ripening of the fruit, and not the development of the stem. In addition, pasynkovanie tomatoes reduces the chances of hitting the bushes with late blight.

Pasynkovanie bushes help and if the plant "fat": all the nutrients from the soil are not directed to the ripening of the fruit, but the strengthening of the stem, the development of the root system.

The procedure for pampering tomatoes is very important for the rapid ripening of fruits The procedure for pampering tomatoes is very important for the rapid maturation of fruit

The first time tomatoes are planted after two weeks of growing shoots on the bed, after - every 12 days. Tall shrubs, usually, form several( 2-3) stems. At the same time, 5-7 flower brushes are left on each stem.

Stepping plants should be done in the morning so that the sections can be tightened to the night. Stepping tomatoes in rainy weather, slices should be treated with ashes.

Remove shoots in such a way that they leave hemp at 15-30 mm. At the same time, planting shoots, but also radical ones, are planted.

Peeling and pruning of leaves

To help the fruits to ripen faster, the planting can also be done by removing excess leaves. Most often, these procedures are carried out to form shrubs of stunted tomatoes.

Punching is the cutting of the tops of stems over a full-fledged flower brush. After the procedure, the growth of the bush ceases and the plant directs vitamins and trace elements obtained from the soil to feed the fruit. Usually, the bush is crocheted after 3-5 brushes appear on the main stem of the plant. The approximate time frame for the procedure is mid-July or early August.

Unscheduled pruning is performed if there is a suspicion of infection of the bush with phytophthora.

Topping and pruning of tomato leaves is often carried out to form shrubs of low tomatoes Topping and pruning of tomato leaves is most often done to form shrubs of short tomatoes

From the bush, the lower leaves are also removed. This is done under the brushes with unripe vegetables. The leaves are cut or broken to the side so as not to injure the stem. In doing so, work should be in protective gloves, and the tool should be processed after each bush.

At the recommended time to remove the 2-4 lower leaves, otherwise you can provoke a delay in the development of the plant.

All foliage is not recommended to be removed: based on the experience of gardeners, this negatively affects the taste characteristics of vegetables.

Caring for tomatoes in a greenhouse( video)

Caring for tomatoes, both on open beds and in sheltered ground - is a pledge of a large and high-quality harvest. For each variety, agricultural advice can have its own characteristics( for example, large-fruited tomato varieties should be tied, regardless of the height of the bush).But, as for irrigation rules, temperature regime, ventilation, care of the bush and root system, then the recommendations remain unchanged. Observing all the tips for the care of tomatoes in the greenhouse, you can get the best result!

tomatoes in the greenhouse: Care( photo)

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