Greenhouse from the profile for gypsum cardboard: own drawings of the greenhouse, guides to make, video

From the profile for drywall can make a greenhouse, different in shape and size You can make a greenhouse from the profile for gypsum cardboard, which is different in shape and size. It's not an easy task to make a greenhouse with your own hands, especially if you have to face it for the first time. The greenhouse made of metal profiles is easy to make, having inexpensive materials and ordinary fasteners at your fingertips.

    • Hotbed of profiles for plasterboard: pluses and minuses of the frame
    • Greenhouse from the profile for gypsum board with own hands: required elements
    • Greenhouse with our own hands from the profile for gypsum cardboard: drawings of the structure
    • How to make a greenhouse fromOf the profile for drywall in-house
    • Greenhouse profile for gypsum board( video)

Greenhouse profile for plasterboard profiles: pros and cons of the frame

Galvanized profile for fasteningipsokartona - excellent material for the creation of greenhouses of all sizes. It is very practical in the assembly, it gives rigidity and stability of the structure.

The metal profile for gypsum board is not afraid of rainfall - it is not afraid of dampness and moisture, it is not afraid of fungus and mold.

Among the advantages of the greenhouse from the profile is worth noting the long service life and reliability Among the advantages of the profile greenhouse, it is worth noting the long life and reliability of the

The profile frame for the greenhouse has small drawbacks - light weight of the base, it needs to be firmly attached to the foundation and special care must be taken when assembling the frame. If the profiles are connected incorrectly, the skeleton may turn out to be unstable and weak.

Advantages of metal profiles:

  • Ease of installation. When assembling the structure from the profiles, no cooking of metal or special strapping is required, the material is mounted using nails and self-tapping screws.
  • The profile frame can be transported from place to place - it is quite light.
  • Galvanized profiles are not corroded. It does not need to be dyed or wrapped with a rag when stretching the film onto the frame.
  • The low price of the material is a huge plus when choosing a framework for a greenhouse. Metal profiles for gypsum cardboard can be found in any store of construction products.

The profile is suitable for creating a gable or one-run greenhouse, working on an arched greenhouse will take a long time and will cause a lot of trouble.

Greenhouse for plasterboard profiles with own hands: required elements

Those who have ever faced gypsum boards in their lives know that it consists primarily of a frame. From the frame depends the strength and reliability of the structure. In most cases, the frame is covered with a layer of plasterboard. But some craftsmen have adapted to make from gipsokartonnyh profiles not only arches and partitions, but also greenhouses. Having behind him the experience of working with a profile for drywall, you can build a covered greenhouse yourself.

The profiles come in different sizes with different purposes and, accordingly, name.

The most common profiles:

  • PP - ceiling with concave inside edges;
  • PS - rack, also has bent ends;
  • Mon - directional, with straight edges( it is possible to insert a PP and PS profile).

These profiles are enough to collect a greenhouse or a greenhouse. However, for better strength of the construction, it is better to use a 50/50 gypsum plasterboard profile( PS) and a 50/40 guide( PN).The length of the profile is about 4.5 meters. All profiles are galvanized and therefore protected from moisture.

From the profile by cutting, any element of the greenhouse

can be made. The rack profiles are used to install the vertical parts of the greenhouse, the guides are used for horizontal beams.


self-tapping screws can be used for fixing the profiles

Depending on the size of the future greenhouse, other profiles can be used. When choosing the main thing to pay attention to the quality of the material - when bending a good profile will not bend, but return to its original appearance.

Greenhouse with own hands from the profile for gypsum cardboard: drawings of the

For self-construction of the greenhouse, profiles for gypsum board, polycarbonate for carcass coating, level, metal scissors and fastening materials are needed. The first and most important step is the creation of a blueprint for the future greenhouse. It should specify the dimensions of the structure - width, length and height, specify the location of windows and doors, make a calculation of the material.

When calculating, it is important to consider the dimensions of the profile so that, in the final analysis, the design is proportional.

On the Internet, there are many drawings on which you can collect a greenhouse. If there is no possibility to draw a drawing on your own, you can select the most suitable model on the greenhouse construction sites that can satisfy all requirements.

Drawings of a greenhouse from a profile can be found on the Internet or independently made by means of the computer program Drawings of the greenhouse from the profile can be found on the Internet or produced independently with the help of the computer program

. In the drawings, the measurements of the greenhouse, the junction of the main and guide profiles are indicated exactly. Also, the drawings must take into account whether the heating system of the greenhouse will be installed. This stage of work must be done before the frame is mounted.

You need to do the assembly of the greenhouse in sequence - for each section separately cut the profile and connect it together. At the end, combine the finished sections into one large structure.

After assembling the frame, it must be installed and secured on the site, and only then proceed to cover it.

How to make a greenhouse of a profile for drywall itself

First of all, before you start working, you need to determine the location of the installation of the greenhouse. If there is any foundation or solid foundation on the territory, it will be wonderful. The profile itself is not heavy, and the load on the surface to which the greenhouse will be placed will not be significant. You can use a thick bar, which you need to dig a little into the ground, but be sure to level.

Before cutting the material and installing the structure, it is necessary to clear the location of the greenhouse from debris, and it is also desirable to level it with earth.


  1. Drawing on the drawing, place and cut the profile to fit on the ground. You can collect small structures on the ground, and then partially supplement them with the whole structure of the greenhouse.
  2. The distance between the profiles is within 50-100 cm, otherwise the design may not withstand a strong gust of wind.
  3. On the contour of the base of the greenhouse, a moat is dug, into which it is possible to establish a foundation for better fixing the structure.
  4. It is better to check each section of the collected greenhouse at once. Horizontal level bars, vertical racks-per plumb.
  5. After collection of the frame, depending on the coating material, you can start placing and cutting the coating.

An excellent solution is the finish of a greenhouse made of polycarbonate profile An excellent solution is the finish of the greenhouse of polycarbonate profile

Polycarbonate is excellent as a coating for such a greenhouse. Do not forget that the ends of polycarbonate must be closed.

You can use the corner from the store, but you can dissolve one of the profiles along the length and seal two corners from it.

Now it is becoming popular to make greenhouses of plasterboard profile with a removable roof. This approach can extend the life of the greenhouse for many years.

After covering the greenhouse, it is advisable to give the cover material to lie on the profile structure. In a day you can bring the soil into the greenhouse and plant the beds.

Greenhouse profile for gypsum board( video)

Greenhouse from gypsum board profiles is one of the best options. It is not only economical in performance but also easy to install and install. Despite the fragility of the profile, with proper manufacturing and rational use, this greenhouse can serve several seasons.

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