Heaters for a greenhouse made of polycarbonate: heating with your own hands, video and heating in winter, how to heat in the spring

Heaters for a greenhouse made of polycarbonate - an irreplaceable thing Heaters for a greenhouse made of polycarbonate - an indispensable thing Those who prefer to grow vegetables and greens throughout the year always face such a problem as warming a polycarbonate greenhouse. In summer there is enough natural heat, but with the onset of autumn and winter it is required to decide which heaters to install and how efficiently they will work.

    • Electric heating greenhouses polycarbonate winter
    • How to heat the greenhouse polycarbonate
    • spring How to insulate a greenhouse made of polycarbonate with their hands
    • Furnace Heating greenhouses polycarbonate
    • Warming greenhouse polycarbonate water heating
    • How to make emergency heating in a polycarbonate greenhouse
    • Heating the greenhouses of polycarbonate with your own hands( video)

Electrical heatingGreenhouses made of polycarbonate in winter

For a greenhouse made of polycarbonate, it is worth choosing heating, relying on certain nuances. It is necessary to set a clear goal about what heating is for, which will influence the choice of a certain type of heating system. It is necessary to take into account the peculiarity of the functioning of the greenhouse in which the heating will be installed.

You need to choose the heating depending on the budget, which is supposed to be spent on the modernization of the premises.

It is necessary not to forget about personal preferences, so that the heated greenhouse fully satisfied with its effectiveness. Many prefer to equip the greenhouse with heating by their own hands, and for this they use the simplest method in the form of a conventional fan heater.

The whole process consists of :

  • Electricity supply to the greenhouse;
  • Installation of devices for heating;
  • Connect them to the mains.

This method allows not only to heat premises for growing plants in winter, spring and autumn, but also has a number of advantages.

Electrical heating of greenhouses made of polycarbonate allows to grow plants in winter Electrical heating of greenhouses made of polycarbonate allows to grow plants in winter

Namely :

  1. Optimum cost of equipment.
  2. Mobility, because to change location, heating devices, it does not take too much time and effort.
  3. The wind in the room will be only warm, and also it will provide additional ventilation of the space.
  4. You can quickly catch up with the desired temperature, which is especially important in winter frosts.
  5. Fans have a heating level control.
  6. The devices ensure even warming of the entire greenhouse, especially if several equipment is installed at once.
  7. Condensate will not be collected, as the air moves constantly, which excludes the accumulation of water on the walls of the room.

Unfortunately, there are a number of drawbacks. If one fan is installed, the heating will be uneven. The plants are adversely affected by direct exposure to direct hot air flows and it will be necessary to install pre-stacks that will prevent such a moment.

How to heat a greenhouse made of polycarbonate in the spring

To heat a greenhouse by means of an electric heating cable is an attractive option for those who prefer innovations in horticulture. It is not difficult to build such heating with your own hands and it is quite possible.

And also pay attention to a number of positive qualities of :

  • Low installation cost;
  • Cost-effective operation;
  • Ease of use;
  • Presence of automatic heating controller;
  • Uniformity of heat distribution throughout the room;
  • Long service life.

The special feature of the method is that it primarily heats the floor, which eliminates a large amount of heat loss. When installing, you must carefully follow the instructions so that there will be no subsequent problems with the operation.

You can heat the greenhouse with an electric heating cable The greenhouse can be heated using an electric heating cable

Sequence of operation :

  1. The ground layer is removed.
  2. Covered with a layer of sand.
  3. Further it is required to lay a material that has a low thermal conductivity, so that the equipment heats up the soil inside the greenhouse, and not the entire earth.
  4. Then the windings of the wires are laid on the cushion of heat insulation. Each ring must be equidistant from the other. It is desirable to withstand a distance of 15 cm.
  5. Sand is applied a few centimeters thick.
  6. To protect the cable, it is necessary to lay a grid of iron on the sand surface.
  7. At the end, the earth is falling asleep.

Depending on how the vegetation will be planted, maintenance of a different kind of temperature is required, and by means of such an installation it is not difficult to accomplish this, which will substantially increase the yield. Important!To create an excellent thermal insulation when installing this kind of heating, in the greenhouse you need to use polystyrene foam or polyethylene foam. They have such properties as impact resistance, water resistance and long service life.

How to insulate the greenhouse of polycarbonate with your own hands

The biological method of heating a greenhouse is considered the simplest. In other words, it will take biofuel, which will be a self-heating substrate. Each summer resident knows that when decomposing any organic matter begins to release heat. It is these properties that should be used in this case.

The most common horse manure can be considered a classic option.

The decomposition of manure is very fast, and the heating up can be up to 60 оС.If it is laid in beds at the optimal distance from the crops so that they do not burn, they will be provided with the right amount of heat and nutrition.

To warm the greenhouse from polycarbonate it is possible with the help of manure It is possible to heat the greenhouse from polycarbonate using manure

It should be noted that the manure can be :

  • Horse;
  • Sheep;
  • Rabbit;
  • Pork;
  • Cow.

If you plan to use liquid fraction, then you need to add them with sawdust, husk or bonfire. The organics are stored in advance, according to preliminary calculations and preparation. It is necessary to form a foundation pit, the depth of which will be at least 60 cm. The width of the pit should be 150 cm. A cold organic substance is laid on the bottom. Put a hotter composition on top. It is very important that the thickness of the organic material is maintained, which depends on the season of the calculation. In particular, in the early spring it is necessary to lay a composition of 60 cm, and at a later time by 30. The organics need to be compacted. It is covered with heat-insulating materials, for example, glass or wood. Several days are allowed for the settling of manure. Above put the soil and you can plant the plants.

Oven heating of greenhouses made of polycarbonate

Before the construction of the greenhouse, it is necessary to calculate what plants will be grown inside, from what material the structure will be constructed, what kind of heating will be used. It is not too difficult to consider installing an oven in a room. The method is so-called grandfather, but very effective.

It is important to install this type of furnace, the capacity of which will be able to heat the room.

Stove heating of polycarbonate greenhouses is an effective method Oven heating of greenhouses made of polycarbonate - an effective method

Polycarbonate 4 mm thick has the same ability to retain heat, as with conventional double-glazed windows, and therefore it will be sufficient to install a conventional brick 2 / 2.5 brick. It is not difficult to build a furnace even for an experienced dacha owner, and at the same time a minimum of materials, time and costs will be required. To do this kind of heating, it is necessary to pre-heat the foundation of the structure. This will help not only to reduce heat loss, but also to eliminate the displacement of the hotbed in strong gusts of wind.

Heat insulation of polycarbonate greenhouses with water heating

In order to meet the expectations of the greenhouse: it is necessary to correctly calculate the design, make the insulation, in order to keep the heat better even in summer, since at the beginning of the season there may be frosts. It is important that additional heating is installed, if desired, use the premises throughout the year. Thermal insulation in a greenhouse is very important, but not less than heating, which can be chosen water. This option is especially suitable for those who have already installed an oven inside the greenhouse.

It is desirable to choose a furnace with a water circuit, with the pump installed, by means of which the hot water circulates through the pipes.

The system consists of the first and second circuits. The first is located under the surface of the soil and is made of a plastic pipe capable of withstanding a high temperature. The second is the heating of the dome space of the greenhouse room, which is carried out by radiators.

Water heating - one of the methods of heating the greenhouse Water heating - one of the heating methods of the greenhouse

Radiators choose depending on personal preferences :

  • Cast iron;
  • Bimetallic;
  • Aluminum.

When installing a water heating system with an oven, care must be taken to ensure that the kiln is properly equipped with a chimney, to discharge combustion products or in other words gases.

Depending on the boiler and the type of furnace, the chimney can be :

  • Classic brick;
  • Asbestos-cement;
  • Metallic.

The most important thing is that if there is not even a minimum of installation skills for furnaces and water circuits, it is advisable to consult specialists so as not to damage the plants and make the heating as correct as possible. This will primarily affect the quality of the crop and its quantity.

How to make emergency heating in a polycarbonate greenhouse

If there is a sharp cooling, and there is no ready-made heating system, then you can use emergency heating methods. Take an empty barrel and a porous brick. The brick should be soaked with a combustible mixture and put in a container.

Emergency heating in a greenhouse made of polycarbonate can be built with a drum and a porous brick Emergency heating in a greenhouse made of polycarbonate can be constructed with a drums and porous bricks

A barrel is placed near the heifer. Mounted pipe from the top of the device to the ceiling part of the greenhouse.

The bricks are set on fire. The option is really fast and the most effective, and also allows you to heat the room to heat and store it until the morning.

Heating the greenhouses of polycarbonate with their own hands( video)

The most important thing is not to forget about the safety of the heating system, so that the greenhouse, plants and, even more so, human life will not suffer. Follow our advice, use a calculator, make up a heating project and the plants will thank you for a rich harvest.

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