Home greenhouse: greenhouse for seedlings in the apartment, own plants and photos all year round, flowers types

Home greenhouse is a great way to grow plants at home Home hothouse - is a great way to grow plants at home Over the last few decades has become a domestic greenhouse universal attribute of many apartments. The tradition of our grandparents found their place in the era when fruit and vegetable products are accepted to buy in the trade network. On the balcony or in a specially designated corner, citizens grow flowers, lemons and a number of other things. Start your journey into the world of gardening is easy.

    • Choosing a home greenhouse for seedlings in
    • apartment Why use a home greenhouse
    • That requires a greenhouse in the apartment: Tips for beginners
    • Create home greenhouses with their hands
    • Home Greenhouses( video)
    • examples of home greenhouses( photo ideas)

Choosing a home greenhouse for seedlings in the flat

Designer and homemade - 2 most common types of construction. The first option will appeal to those who do not want to spend time developing the project and the assembly. Depending on the characteristics of the crops that are planned to grow, you can choose the right model.

From a practical point of view, the home design greenhouse has one significant drawback. It is not always easy to find a variety in the retail chain that fits into the interior.

Similar problems are not observed when it comes to the home-made version.

Home greenhouse can be made in any style homely greenhouse can be made in any style

list of its benefits is as follows:

  • gardener to pick their own building materials;
  • Ability to choose stylistic design;
  • You can make a design even with non-standard dimensions.

To start gardening at home, you must pay attention to the amateur and design options greenhouse. The first, as it already follows from the name, provides for the creation of the whole design with their own hands from the beginning to the end. If there is no time for this, then the bet is made on the second option. You can buy a ready-made greenhouse in a specialized store.

Why use a home greenhouse

common mistake novice gardener is a wrong definition of the functional purpose of the home greenhouse. Not every variety is suitable for radish, violets or roses.

In order for a good harvest to become a reward for hard work, first you need to choose the right greenhouse. Everything starts from the place of future placement.

For structures that are mounted on a windowsill, a significant indicator is the length. It is selected in such a way that the greenhouse does not occupy more than 70% of the windowsill.

In a house greenhouse plants should be comfortable In a house greenhouse, plants should be comfortable

In addition, there are several other important requirements:

  • It must be ensured that the windows are sufficiently insulated, otherwise incoming cold air will put an end to the future crop;
  • It is not allowed to place a mini-greenhouse near permanent heat sources;
  • Make sure that careless movement does not disturb the seedlings.

All these requirements are reduced to the need to ensure the most comfortable conditions for plants. The absence of a draft, sudden movements and constant heat is the key to a good harvest. If planting seedlings on the balcony is planned, several more are added to the listed requirements.

First of all, we are talking about sufficient thermal insulation of the structure, otherwise the seedlings will not last long. In addition, attention should be paid to compliance with watering and feeding. Speaking in general, the placement of the greenhouse on the windowsill is due to the need to grow thermophilic crops. In the case when the gardener stakes on radishes and a number of other vegetables - the placement takes place on the balcony. It should be remembered that a portable greenhouse is suitable for work all year round.

What a greenhouse requires in an apartment: tips for beginners

Regardless of what kinds of flowers or other plants are planned to grow, the presence of a well glazed balcony is mandatory. In addition, green spaces need a constant inflow of sunlight. This means that the greenhouse should be made from the sunny side.

It is advisable not to bend the stick. Excessive amount of solar heat will not affect the development of flora representatives in the best way.

The further actions of the horticulturist largely depend on the type of construction that will be used.

The greenhouse in the apartment should be properly placed so that the plants feel comfortable The greenhouse in the apartment should be properly placed to make the plants feel comfortable.

The following options are available:

  • The garden and country option provides for the construction of a reduced copy of the traditional greenhouse in the apartment;
  • Multi-storey greenhouse - the lower part of the structure is made stronger, otherwise it is impossible to fully place the seedlings on the second floor;
  • The seasonal winter or spring-summer greenhouse provides for the insulation or supply of the structure with the irrigation system.

Moderate temperature regime, absence of drafts and heat of the sun - guarantee of constant development of flowers, vegetables and berries. The main thing is to properly place the structure so that at any time the seedlings feel comfortable.

We create our own greenhouses

Once all the nuances are considered, we can proceed to the stage of practical implementation of the conceived. A widespread in all respects option for the homemade greenhouse is the use of obsolete equipment.

Depending on the aesthetic preferences, you can take the frame of an old TV or VCR.

If there is no time to mess with this, you can make a fully functional frame from the parts purchased in the store.

Home greenhouse is quite easy to create with your own hands The home greenhouse is quite simple to create with your own hands

The advantages of this option are as follows:

  • Excludes the possibility of drafts;
  • Possibility to install a temperature level controller;
  • The design is unpretentious in maintenance;
  • The lower part of the hotbed should be completely hermetic;
  • It is advisable not to use metal elements.

Home greenhouses( video)

The whole process of making comes down to choosing a pallet with a depth of at least 25-30 cm. Everything depends on the sort of seedling. For fruits with a developed root system, a design with a depth of at least 35 cm is selected. It is necessary to make sure that the base and sides have no slits. Otherwise, top dressing and water will quickly flow out. Cover the house greenhouse with a 2-layer film.

Examples of home greenhouses( photo ideas)

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