Cross-stitch patterns for boys: embroidery for girls, kiss download, metric for free, shirt

Cross-stitch embroidery develops mindfulness and memory in both boys and girls Cross-stitch embroidery develops mindfulness and memory for both boys and girls Cross-stitch embroidery is an interesting hobby for both boys and girls. This is quite a useful activity, contributing to the development of fine motor skills of the hands and imagination.

    • Scheme cross stitch to
    • boys Embroidery boy cross
    • embroidery stitch for boys
    • embroidery Use cross
    • metric Embroidery for boy( video)
    • Examples schemes cross stitch for boys( photos)

scheme cross stitch for

boys embroidery cross schemes boy boyish different themes, which can entrap a child to work. The main thing in embroidering is to understand the principle, and then the process draws in so much that it is difficult to come off until the work is finished. Modern sets contain everything necessary to perform this work, it remains only to determine the desired image for embroidery.

The older the child, the more complicated the scheme for embroidery he can offer The older the child, the more difficult the scheme for embroidery it is possible to offer

Schemes for boys can offer to embroider:

  • aircraft;
  • Machine,
  • Dog;
  • Anchor;
  • Boat.

Embroidery of a boy with a cross

Among the schemes for embroidery, pictures containing people's images, or rather children, are often in demand. It can be a boy or a girl or both of them together. Often in the picture the boy kisses the girl, which looks very nice and funny.

Among the embroideries images of children are also often found as images:

  • Beasts;
  • Metrics;
  • Animated characters;
  • Toy;
  • Nature and so on.

Images of cute kids attract not only children, but adults, embroidering with even more enthusiasm Images of cute kids are attracted not only children but also adults who take on embroidery with even greater enthusiasm

Learning to embroider a cross can be anyone. This kind of art can be used not only for decoration of decorative interior elements, but also for clothes. With the help of cross-stitch it is possible to beautifully decorate a shirt, blouse, dress, jeans, etc.

Tools and materials

  • Threads of a floss;
  • Canu;
  • Needle with blunt tip;
  • Diagram for embroidery.

Or you can buy in the store immediately a ready-made set, in which there is all this.

Before embarking on embroidery, carefully read the instructions for use Before embroidery, please read the instructions for use

To start you need to carefully review the scheme, a particular image corresponds to what color thread.

Today, the canvas already has a color image that facilitates the process of performing the work.

It's easier if several needles are used in the work, each of which will correspond to its color. This will allow you to immediately use the right color in the row, without trimming the unused thread of another color.

Cross-stitch for a boy

To embroider a cross quickly and simply, if you understand the technology of making a seam "cross".The picture is complete, smooth and beautiful, if all work is done accurately.

Cross-stitch kits involve children and adults, and each of them can find on the store counter the scheme you like.

Boys engaged in embroidery, speak better and less often need the help of a speech therapist boys engaged in embroidery, it is better talk and rarely need help logopedist

Kits for children from three years old have a simple pattern, where the crosses are large enough. Sets for adults increase in size. There are more colors used.

Boys often prefer to embroider tanks, cars, airplanes. The resulting creation causes them excitement and excitement. Psychologists and teachers note that boys who can embroider, have a good handwriting, and also perseverance.

The use of cross stitching by

Earlier embroidery was a traditional skill, which was taught to children from the smallest age. In each family one could see embroideries - a traditional cross embroidered shirt.

Today is a good way to pass the evening. But it is important to understand that embroidery is not only a pleasant pastime, but also a very useful occupation, which has huge benefits.

Embroidery from a small age contributes to the activation of the development of child speech Embroidery from a small age promotes activation of the child's speech development

Embroidering, the child repeats the names of the flowers, learns to distinguish their shades. The child learns to count, trains in the orientation on the sheet and canvas. The boy learns to use a needle and a thread. In addition, it is important to notice the enormous benefit in the development of aesthetic feelings and the development of fine motor skills of the hands.

The use of cross stitch is invaluable. That is why the lessons of work at the school include several hours to familiarize the whole class with different types of embroidery. Having received at the lessons of the basics of the execution of the cross, you can embroider the whole picture yourself at home.

To the interest of the child to work even more, it is better to go with him to the store and buy him a set with a picture he liked. It is better to do the first few stitches together with the child so that he remembers the technique of performing stitches( first to the right, then back), and then let the boy himself try to do the work.

At first, the child will have to help a little - insert a thread in the needle, fix the thread at the end of the work, help count the cells and determine the desired color. And as soon as the boy understands the technology, he himself will be able to finish his work without any help until the very end.

Embroidery of the metric for the boy( video)

The very first work should be very simple, easy to perform. Otherwise, the kid will get bored with this work even before obtaining the desired result.

Examples schemes cross stitch for boys( photo)

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