How to independently find water for a well in a suburban area - effective ways

0 Only specialists can determine the exact place for installation of an autonomous water supply source. But if the territory is already habitable, equipped, then their work will create many difficulties for the owner, and first of all, the need for the use of technology.

In addition to the fact that it still needs somehow to be driven( dismantle part of the fence, it is possible to cut down several bushes), it is necessary to reconcile also with the fact that the drilling rig will excavate at several "control points", that is, move around the site.

How to minimize all these difficulties and independently find water for the well using only the simplest devices, by what signs, visually, it is possible to determine its presence in the ground, entirely relying on the centuries-old experience of ancestors - the reader will be able to learn all about this from the proposed review of simple, including, and folk methods and techniques.

We are looking for water with the help of technical means

Aneroid barometer

barometer Such devices belong to the household category. The prefix "aneroid"( dr / grech.) Means anhydrous. The presence of an underground horizon( the results will be approximate) is determined by comparing the pressure measurement data at different points. The use of a barometer is possible only if there is a reservoir near or on the site. Artificial( for example, a pond, a well) or natural - there is no fundamental difference.

Measurement procedure

The first is conducted at an open source, the second - at the point where drilling is expected. It is generally accepted that 1 mm of mercury. Art.corresponds to 13 m. Therefore, if the difference in the readings of the device is, for example, 0.8, then the water in the chosen location lies approximately 13 m х 0.8 = 10.4 m below the water level.

The method of biolocation

The long-known and efficient way of searching for water. There are quite a few varieties of adaptations and techniques. When self-searching, it is better to use 2 curved wires - aluminum or copper( with a frame, a vine and some other "devices" to work somewhat more difficult).Their form is clear from the picture:


In each hand - one. In order for them to rotate freely, they are placed in tubes that simultaneously function as pens( holders).For these purposes, even a hollow elder( as an option, a cut of reeds or the like), if it is on the site or next to it, will do.

Search technology

The horizontal parts of the bars must be parallel to the ground.


Scheme of movement on the territory - any. The main thing is to find a point where procrastination will change the position and intersect. This place should be noted( for example, put a peg), and already from it to continue the search. Moving in different directions, you can determine the configuration of the underground horizon and find a site where water approaches the surface the closest. In this place delays will behave as actively as possible. It is here and it is desirable to drill.

The video will clarify all the details of the dredging:

But if it is not convenient to equip the well in this place - in terms of excavation, laying the routes( water pipe, pump electrical power), from the point of view of operation and maintenance? Here, for this, it is necessary not to be lazy and explore the entire territory with the drawing up of a scheme for locating a water "vein" on it. It will be easier to determine the most suitable point for drilling.


In principle, any, for example, a glass jar, though our ancestors always used a clay pot, would do. Any capacity before the experiment should be from the inside is absolutely dry!

Option number 1 - put the dishes over the pre-selected place. In a day check. If its walls become misty( condensation appeared), then there is water in the ground.

Variant No. 2 - a vessel and some substance characterized by intensive moisture absorption are used. For example, table salt, silica gel( for sale, at a price of 50 - 55 rubles / kg), a piece of brick( silicate).The selected "absorber" of the liquid is loaded into a container, which is wrapped in a dense fabric and buried in the ground( shallow, enough for 40 to 50 cm).

The next day the degree of filling saturation with moisture is checked. Selikagel( depending on the brand) changes color, salt darkens( and you can check by touch whether it is dry or wet).

To accurately determine the saturation, before placing the vessel in the ground, it must be pre-weighed( along with the desiccant).The same - and after digging. Comparison of the results allows us to draw certain conclusions.

Note! If several "points" are preselected, where the horizon may be supposed to be, then to speed up the diagnostics of the site it makes sense to make several such "bookmarks".In a place where the absorption of moisture by the material is more intense, and drilling should be carried out. The condition of the experiment - in each of the vessels must be the same "absorber".That is - or everywhere salt, or only silica gel and so on.

Variant №3 - cover the selected segment with a foil of foil per day, pressing down the edges of a piece of polyethylene( for example, brusks).The appearance of an abundant condensate from the inside indicates that there is no error-below is water.


How to find water visually

By evaporation of

If there are deposits of aquifers in the ground( about the level of groundwater in detail here), then over these segments of the territory in the morning a fog of fog is formed. It can rise as a "pillar" or hamper - this is not the main thing. By the density of the "cloud" one can judge about the approximate volumes of the horizon and the depth of its occurrence. The closer it is to the surface, the fog will be thicker, more saturated.

According to the configuration of the terrain

In the lowlands the probability of availability of groundwater is much higher than in the plain.

By vegetation

Everyone knows that all representatives of the flora are divided into different categories, including, and on the basis of their "relationship" to water. One needs a lot of it, and they need abundant watering, others manage the minimum that nature provides. Therefore, in natural conditions, they grow in places where their "replenishment" of moisture from the ground is quite sufficient.


We need to look closely at the weed grass on the site, especially since it will give information not only about the water reserves in the ground, but also about the approximate depth of its location. Each district has its own flora, and all the necessary information can be found on the Internet. Only some examples are sufficient on the basis of plants most widespread in most of the Russian Federation.


Note! These methods give only approximate data on the presence of water in the area. More accurate conclusions can be made only by comparing the results of several different "studies".Before making a final decision on the feasibility of drilling at a particular point, it is necessary to conduct a whole range of survey activities using at least 3 to 4 different methods. This will significantly improve the accuracy of the forecast.

Some remarks

Water search should be meaningful, otherwise most of the work will be done in vain. It is impossible to give an exact, unambiguous recommendation for determining the location of a well in the statement "exactly here" for several reasons, since all sections are different.

  • First, the configuration of the underground horizons is affected by the composition of the soil, the terrain.
  • Secondly, the nature of the climate depends on the intensity of their filling, the volume of water reserves.
  • Thirdly, remoteness from natural reservoirs( lake, river).
  • Fourth, the specifics of the territory. For example, large-scale construction, deployed near the site, can greatly alter the geometry of the underground horizon. Its characteristics are affected by the location of roads in the district, adjacent areas( their number, destination, and so on).

The following diagrams give only an approximate idea of ​​underground aquifers.


This can be oriented to those owners whose plots are located near natural reservoirs or in the so-called interfluve.


But knowing and such, general information, it is possible to determine with an optimal probability the optimal place for drilling a well. The fact that the first time, it may not be possible to "get", does not complicate the task too much. Understanding the features of the location of the horizons, their configuration, the number of trial drilling will reduce to a minimum.

Not every water layer is suitable for installing a well in it. Only knowledge of their characteristics will help to properly equip an autonomous water supply system.


It lies not deep. Use it is possible only for irrigation and other household / needs. For cooking is not recommended, so the water in this layer( and this is mostly rainfall, the result of melting snow) is not sufficiently filtered. In addition, there is a risk of drains to this horizon( for example, due to defects in the sewage system).



They are more cleaned, and it is to this level that so-called "limestone" wells are drilled, pit pits for wells.

Artesian layer

The highest quality( in terms of chemical composition / composition of water), but also the deepest. It can lie at a level of 70 m or more. It is unrealistic to equip such a well.

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