Coarse sand - features of
Sand is a mixture of rocks and minerals that do not stick together and have different sizes. This material is natural, as it is extracted either from the bottom of the river or in a quarry. Usually such a material is sieved or washed. Large sand has certain standard sizes: from 2.4 to 3 mm. However, river and quarry sand differ in composition: in the river material there are no additional impurities, so it costs more.
The presented sand has such characteristics:
- no organic impurities;
- when water is absorbed, the volume of sand can increase to 14 percent;
- to this material corresponds to 1 class of radioactivity;
- for coarse-grained sand class 1 and 2 frost resistance is 100-200.
It is produced using high-tech machines, so its cost is not small. If sand has impurities of clay or other substances, then flushing is used. It is sieved only if there are very large particles( stones, rubbish) present in it. Only after this material is sorted.
Coarse-grained sand - application in construction
Coarse sand is a natural, environmentally friendly material. Usually it is used by in construction( for the manufacture of concrete and foundation construction).River material is used during the asphalting of roads, on its basis a roadway is manufactured.
Due to its properties, the material strengthens the strength of reinforced concrete or concrete structures. Also it can be used when laying paving slabs, so that puddles do not form on it. In this case, sand is also used in the production of this tile.
Construction sand of coarse fraction is used for the manufacture of slag blocks, concrete( together with crushed stone or rubble stone).It is used such material for obtaining plaster solutions, screeds from cement, for finishing, foundation.
For these procedures it is necessary to use river sand, since it has no impurities and is a good filler for solutions.
Large sand is used in brick production. Still a large material can be added to the solution from which the blocks are formed. It in this case creates a remarkable strong skeleton of the block and makes it resistant to external influences.
Sand of coarse fraction - its auxiliary roles
As sand does not bind with water, it is successfully used in different solutions. The material gives such a solution strength and provides minimal shrinkage. Also, it does not respond to chemicals, is a good filler for various mixtures, makes them stronger and does not spoil their original properties.
Because sand has a neutral, unobtrusive color, it is often used in landscape design, despite the fact that it is crumbling. Slides and paths are made of it. Sand can not rot, because it well passes air and does not retain moisture.
A large number of installation, construction and finishing works can not be carried out without the use of coarse sand. This material is indispensable in the construction of walls made of bricks, as well as for the arrangement of the drainage system. Usually a pillow is made from sand, which helps to protect the foundation from excess moisture. And this kind of material can also be used for settling septic tanks.