Washing old paint - a reliable and effective way of preparing the wall

Chemical method for cleaning

When deciding how to rip off paint from walls, you can resort to a chemical removal method, used with the help of a wash-viscous chemically aggressive liquid to remove paintwork materials from different types of coating. It penetrates deeply into the old coating layer and softens it. It is applied by brush or brush without plastic elements. After uniform application, it is necessary to give the liquid time to soak, which will make it easy to remove the old coating with a spatula or scraper. After removing the old paint from the walls by this method, the remains of the previous coating can be removed with sandpaper with fine grain.

Flushing is an aggressive volatile liquid, therefore, working with it requires the use of personal protective equipment. It is also necessary to ensure good ventilation in the room. If the substance has got on the skin, it should be washed off immediately with a large amount of water.

Important! When working, use rubber gloves, a respirator and safety goggles.

Thermal and mechanical cleaning method

The next method of removing old paint from walls is thermal cleaning, which involves heating the previous coating to a high temperature. From this it softens, swells and becomes plastic, which makes the process of its detachment quite simple. For this method, a building hair dryer is used. This method has several limitations:

  • Not all types of paint soften from temperature.
  • Metal and stone surfaces remove heat, which makes the described method practically useless.
  • The elements that are unstable to high temperatures( wallpaper, switches, wiring and so on) can be damaged during operation.
  • If there are wooden elements, they can be charred.

If the previous method is not suitable for your case, and you do not know how to clean old paint off the walls, you can try mechanical peeling with a spatula, chisel and various metal brushes. This method is very effective and is used most often, but it has a number of drawbacks. First, the spatula allows you to remove only the exfoliated coating layer. Secondly, chipping causes surface defects, which forces them to be removed later by means of putty. Thirdly, when using a metal brush, a thin sol forms, which affects the eyes and respiratory organs badly.

Note! The latter method is recommended to use only when there are no other options, and you have nothing left but to remove the old paint from the walls mechanically.

Flushing old paint or how to do it?

As the removal of the old paint is best done by chemical method, we will consider it in more detail. Washing is used to remove the coating created by pentaphthalic enamels, oil paints, glyptal enamels, varnishes. In composition, it is a mixture of organic solvents, disintegrants and thickeners. On average, the washing action of one layer for most types of liquid is no more than 20 minutes. It is applied with a brush or roller( always without plastic elements).

Before applying the wash it should be shaken thoroughly until a uniform mixture is formed. If after shaking it will separate, then it should be slightly warmed in the jar. It should be applied in a dense layer at a temperature of at least ten degrees. The softening of the old layer takes about 20 minutes, after which it can be removed with a spatula or scraper. If the wall is painted in several layers and only the first is removed, then the operation is repeated. At the end of the procedure, the entire wall is washed with an easily volatile solvent.

Important! Keep the wash is necessary in a tightly closed container, hidden from exposure to sunlight and other sources of heat.

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