Sowing cucumbers for seedlings for a greenhouse: how to plant and plant at home, planting and where to sow seeds

Sow cucumber on seedlings follows 20 days before planting it in a greenhouse Cucumbers plant seedlings 20 days before they are planted in the greenhouse Cucumbers are one of the most popular herbaceous plants, they belong to the pumpkin culture, they are easily grown both outdoors and in a closed greenhouse. This vegetable has been a part of a huge number of useful and tasty dishes for thousands of years and is very popular due to its dietary properties. Not just this fetus has so many fans: it contains a minimum of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, but it contains a large amount of potassium, which is indispensable for the smooth functioning of the heart and kidneys, rich in vitamins, carotene and trace elements. Since ancient times cucumber, in addition to its basic properties, is used both as a cosmetic plant and as a medicinal plant.

    • When planting cucumber seedlings for greenhouse
    • Planting cucumbers in a greenhouse seedlings
    • How to plant seedlings of cucumbers in the greenhouse
    • How to care for the seedlings in the greenhouse
    • cucumber seedlings at home for greenhouses
    • Cucumber seedlings seedlings( video)

When to plant cucumbers for seedlings for a greenhouse

To obtain a fruitful harvest, it is necessary: ​​to sow the seeds of cucumbers in a timely manner, to ensure correct plantingfrom seedlings. Cucumbers are very fond of heat, so the main criteria for determining the time of planting seedlings in the soil are the temperature regime of the environment and the temperature of the soil. Seedlings must be planted in the soil, the temperature of which is above +15 oC.Germination at a given temperature will obviously slow, since in this period cucumbers grow only under the daylight of the sun, and at night they stop their development.

In the first days of May, you can plant seeds in the event that planting seedlings is planned immediately in open soil In the first days of May, it is possible to plant seeds in the event that seedlings are planted immediately in open soil.

Basically, the soil in the greenhouses reaches the required temperature, somewhere in mid-May.

Acceleration of soil heating can be achieved by laying sawdust, manure to a depth of approximately 50 cm and closing the bed with a darkened film. Based on these characteristics, it is possible to calculate the optimal time for cucumber planting on seedlings. Since the landing of cucumbers in the greenhouse will be possible after May 15, the seedlings must be planted somewhere after April 20th.

Planting cucumbers in a greenhouse with seedlings

For a couple of days, before planting seeds on seedlings, they must be held in a wet cloth until small sprouts appear. For a good harvest, it is important to use a quality soil mixture, which you can prepare yourself. For what, for example, in autumn it is necessary to spread out the fallen leaves in the greenhouse, in the winter it will settle a little. For sowing seeds on seedlings in the spring, either individual tanks or one large container are used, but with the creation of a pick.

Do not forget that the seedlings of cucumbers need regular watering, approximately 2 to 3 liters of water per square meter of the garden bed

The seeding is performed in several stages :

  • To plant the seed, createSmall depressions in the soil;
  • In the groove we lower the seed to a depth of about 1 cm;
  • On top of the ground a little sprinkled with a seedling mixture for best results;
  • Pits are covered with a film or a plastic bottle, previously cutting it, to protect the future seedling and preserve moisture;
  • We support the necessary temperature regime in the greenhouse( approximately 12 - 14 оС in the night and 15-16 оС in the daytime).

At night, seedlings need to be covered with additional materials, make a greenhouse, in the daytime it's better to do without them. When the air temperature reaches 20 ° C, it is necessary to open the window to allow fresh air to flow.

How to plant cucumber seedlings in a greenhouse

Cucumbers in greenhouses can be grown both from seeds and by transplanting already prepared seedlings into the soil. This option is ideal for those conditions when the ambient temperature is still quite cold, and the seedlings can not be restrained anymore.

This procedure is simple, but it is necessary to take into account several features that are important to know and apply to AS:

  • Soil preparation;
  • Create holes;
  • Transplant.

Before planting cucumbers in a greenhouse( not winterhouse), the soil should be prepared well. To do this, you need to dig out beds about 30 centimeters in height, 80 centimeters wide, leaving a passage between them about 60 to 70 centimeters. Then, the beds are treated with a solution of potassium sulfate, urea, wood tar and superphosphate.

Before planting cucumber seedlings in a greenhouse, you must first dig up the beds, after which it is recommended that they be abundantly watered with a solution of Mullein Before planting cucumber seedlings in a greenhouse, it is first necessary to dig up the beds, after which it is recommended to water them abundantly with the solution of the mullein

Along the ready-made bed at about 1.5-2 meters height, you need to stretch 2 rows of wire to supportHarvest.

It is important to strengthen it very qualitatively so that the "thread" does not burst under the weight of the fruit. Directly on the day of disembarkation it is necessary to make holes, their depth should be equal to the height of the container along with the seedlings.
Before extracting the seedlings from the pot, it should be properly watered and sown each sprout separately, approximately 50 cm apart. For better illumination of seedlings, it should be planted in staggered order.

Transplantation of seedlings is made necessarily vertically, falling asleep only pots. Fall asleep with sawdust and peat to the leaves, the stem is only necessary, provided that, at the time of planting, it began to stretch.

How to care for seedlings in the greenhouse

Need for seedlings permanent care, you need to monitor the cleanliness of the beds and remove the weed plants. From time to time loosen the soil. The first time after the landing, when the sprouts are still fragile, you should be very careful and attentive to them, so as not to damage the still fragile roots of cucumbers. Before planting plants in the greenhouse, it is necessary to make a "schedule" for watering cucumbers and follow it clearly. Until the time of flowering, it should be done every 5 to 7 days, then less often, about once every 2 to 3 days.

One of the main rules for growing cucumbers is the purity and accuracy of the beds One of the main rules for growing cucumbers is the cleanliness and care of the beds

An important point to note is that the water that is watered by the seedlings must be necessarily warm, in case of cold water there is a risk of "disease" that may entailBehind itself and at all withering away of roots at a plant.

It is strictly forbidden to water cucumbers from the hose, since such a pressure will lead to soil erosion and damage the root system. Watering is necessary precisely the soil, and in no case is the plant.

Cucumber seedlings at home for the greenhouse

For cultivation of cucumber seedlings at home for the greenhouse, a number of conditions must be observed.

Namely :

  • Select the primer;
  • Observe planting time for seedlings;
  • Provide the necessary lighting;
  • Ensure the necessary temperature conditions;
  • Plant seedlings in a greenhouse at a specific time. Seedling cucumber, which is properly grown and prepared for planting, has two or more real leaves, a short sturdy stem, a rich rich green color and developed roots

    To maintain quality cucumber cultivation in greenhouses, seeds must be picked upCertain varieties, such as self-pollinated or parthenocarpic, do not need the help of various insects.

    For seedlings that are planted in the open ground, suitable and bee-dusted varieties of cucumbers.

    Seeds are available in different quality - raw, processed and granulated. Unprocessed seeds, before planting, must be calibrated: first it is necessary to utilize substandard and small ones, then the remaining ones should be lowered into a saline solution-unfavorable seeds will float up, and full seeds will go to the bottom. They need to be removed, washed with water, then dried and processed. The processed seeds are already ready for planting, they are sown in the open ground, they are treated with antifungal agents. Granulated seeds, on top of the protective layer, are covered with a layer of nutrients.

    Greenhouse cucumber seedlings( video)

    Observing such rules, you can grow a good harvest. Do not neglect the recommendations of experienced people. After all, they are worked out over years of work - it's not courage, but experience.

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