For beginners, who are just starting their way in construction and are going to conduct work on creating a greenhouse made of propylene pipes using polycarbonate coating, one should choose the simplest form of the frame, and this is the arch form. It is most simple to assemble, unlike the gable version and other, more complex species.
There are rules for placing polycarbonate on the structure:
- Since the material is subject to mechanical deformation, it is necessary to use woodenSupports;
- You need to bend sheets of polycarbonate, before fixing it in a vice, then stretching along the cells;
- Do not close the bottom of the sheet material too tightly - small gaps are needed to vent air masses inside the coating;
- The upper part, on the contrary, must be closed by a pipe so that moisture and dust can not penetrate inside;
- The film, which protects the material during operation, is removed only after the fixing of the sheets.
When a greenhouse is built on a gable-shaped form, the biggest difficulty for someone who does not have experience of such work will be the mating of polypropylene elements. In such situations it is recommended to use a special soldering device.
Is it possible to build a greenhouse of HDPE pipes with our own hands
Pipes made of HDPE, that is low-pressure polyethylene, differ little from propylene ones, that's why, in addition to using them for installing water pipes and gas equipment, they are used for constructing light structures, including greenhouses.
. The homemade construction can be located on a strip foundation, which is also used for construction of residential buildings.
For work it is better to acquire HDPE pipes not by pieces, but by bays - so you can avoid unnecessary material waste.
Construction stages:
- After the marking is done, a trench 300x500( width and length) is pulled out for the foundation.
- At the bottom, a cushion of sand and rubble is evenly distributed and the reinforcement is installed, after which the pit is poured with a mixture of concrete;
- Around it is built a formwork made of boards and plywood.
- As the concrete dries up, the frame is prepared - for this purpose, arcs from the HDPE profile are attached to the lower box of the beam.
- With the help of the clamps, the ribs are fixed, they are enough to put one on each side and one in the center of the structure.
- When the foundation is frozen, the structure is fixed to it with corners and dowels. Between the box and the base, any waterproofing material can be laid.
The next stage will be the erection of the ends and the covering of the covering. Since HDPE pipes bend well, this simplifies the construction of the frame.
The greenhouse of polypropylene with their own hands( video)
The comments of those who have already tried to build greenhouses on their own show that practically there is no difference in the use of polypropylene profiles and HDPE plastic pipes. If you correctly calculate all the dimensions, joints, make a solid foundation and choose the suitable covering material, the greenhouses from these two types of material will be equally reliable and functional.