The advantages of using greenhouses are obvious, but planting seedlings in a greenhouse requires special care. Plants will not tolerate thickened and dry soils. Near crops it is necessary to constantly tinker, properly caring for each sprout.
- Basic rules for preparing the greenhouse for planting
- Features of the earlyCultivation in a greenhouse
- How to sow seeds in a greenhouse
- Growing a radish in a greenhouse( video)
How to plant seedlings in a greenhouse: layout options for beds
OdiN of the main nuances that must be taken into account when arranging the greenhouse - the layout of beds. It is necessary to determine in advance the type of culture and its quantity. This will serve as a basis for choosing the way to locate landings.
Choosing the right location of plants will exclude the possibility of shading by high species of low plantations.
All seedlings in the greenhouse can be either in the ground or in pots. Each option has its own nuances of use and for each culture they select the most optimal method. But the correct placement of beds or pots will help the basics of geography. For this you need to take into account the sides of the world.
Seed placement options depending on the sides of the light :
- Installation of long beds from north to south. So each sprout will receive its dose of solar energy. In this arrangement, it excludes the leaving of low cultures in the shade.
- Location from the east to the smell. It is characteristic of tall plants. Because of their size, the lower parts of the stem can not access the light. This landing corrects this problem.
- Landing with a gradient on the south side. This option is used if the land is uneven. This method allows you to optimally warm up all the seedlings.
In this case, you can use the entire space of the greenhouse. This will help the vertical layout of plants. In the greenhouse, racks or shelves are installed. In the upper tiers, it will be optimal to put seedlings in pots. The middle will be filled with adult plants, and the bottom will serve as an excellent warehouse.
Selection of plants for planting in the greenhouse
The greenhouse is suitable for the cultivation of absolutely any crops. If we are talking about business, then many agree that flowers are the most profitable option. They are followed by greens due to rapid turnover and high demand. Next come vegetables, mushrooms and berries.
Rules for the choice of culture :
- Individual parameters of the microclimate;
- Necessary mineral substances for growth;
- Number and structure of feeding;
- Features of care - ventilation, watering and others.
Each plant has its own care requirements. When growing crops it is important to familiarize yourself with all the features. It is important to take into account that due to different microclimate parameters, not all vegetables can be grown together. If there is no possibility to plant crops in different greenhouses, then select the most similar plants.
The most popular vegetables for planting:
- Radish and Pekinese cabbage - has a short maturing term and is easy to clean;
- Cucumbers - like moisture and more demanding of themselves than the previous version;
- Peppers and tomatoes - take time to grow and have high demands for care.
For a greenhouse, you can pick up any plant. You can start growing exotic fruits and berries in temperate latitudes. You can harvest a tobacco or cannabis. Everything depends on the preferences and opportunities of the truck-gardener.
Distance between seedlings that can be planted in a greenhouse
The landing can be made according to different schemes. The process of planting remains unchanged. Among the proposed options it is necessary to choose the most optimal for a particular greenhouse.
Planting patterns:
- Ordinary;
- Chess;
- Belt-socket;
- Square-socket.
The first location of beds is the simplest. Plants should be placed in parallel rows. There is also some distance between the beds.
Chess landing is used for determinant varieties. To do this, make two rows with an interval of 50-60 cm for tomatoes or 30-40 cm. Everything depends on the size of the plant.
Growing a bovine heart in a greenhouse and other tall tomato varieties requires a distance between vegetables of 40-50 cm and between beds is 70 cm.
Belt-nestingThe system is a bit like a chess scheme. Only vegetables are parallel to each other. Between cultures, you need to leave room for passage. This planting makes it easier to maintain crops.
Square-socket technology involves the construction of nests. The distance between them usually has 80 cm. The interval between beds is 60 cm. In each nest there can be up to three bushes of seedlings. As we grow weaker plants are removed.
Basic rules for preparing a greenhouse for planting
Before sowing seeds and planting seedlings, it is necessary to prepare a greenhouse and its soil. To do this, apply a number of methods. They are aimed at the safe and fertile cultivation of vegetables, flowers, trees, berries. First you need to understand the construction itself.
Requirements for greenhouses :
- The site for plant breeding must be clean and disinfected.
- The smell of paint or other chemicals should not be felt in the greenhouse. To avoid this, you need to properly ventilate the greenhouse.
- It is necessary to take care of the necessary parameters of the microclimate. For this you can use special greenhouse equipment.
- It is necessary to determine in advance the placement of seedlings. To do this, you can install additional shelves and shelving to economize the area of the greenhouse.
Also preparation of the greenhouse includes works with soil. It is necessary to ensure its fertility, to rid itself of pests, to make it sufficiently nutritious and moist. A different soil composition is also suitable for different crops.
Special curtains can be purchased to help control the flow of solar energy. In the morning, the blinds should open slowly, so that the crops do not feel sharp temperature changes.
For ground preparation, it is partially replaced. To do this, remove the top layer and replace it with a more fertile one. Also need to periodically fertilize the soil.
In special shops you can buy ready-made primer for greenhouses. Or we prepare this mixture ourselves. There are many recipes that make the earth more nutritious and saturate it with the necessary trace elements. For each type of culture they choose their optimal variant.
Features of early crops in the greenhouse
For early planting, the soil must be prepared in the fall. In spring, soil can be fertilized by placing a layer of manure that will heat seeds and seedlings during early planting. In addition, it is necessary to create a growing plan that will include a crop view and visually place all the plants in the greenhouse. It is also necessary to take into account the main conditions for the cultivation of early crops.
Early landing regulations:
- Cultures that do not have time to ripen before the seedling is planted must be determined along the beds and between them.
- Rapidly sapling, creating a rich soil, you can sow all the beds. They include celery greens, mustard and turnips.
- Do not neglect methods to accelerate the growth of plants - fertilizing, fertilizing, lighting. Such acceleration schemes are effective for greenery.
- Seeds of radish, greens and lettuce before sowing should be soaked for three days before planting.
- Spinach and Peking cabbage are first planted in pots and grown on a windowsill. Before planting in a closed ground, the seedlings are watered abundantly. This reduces the trauma of the root system.
The main crops are planted in late spring or summer. For each species, their timing is chosen when planting seedlings in a greenhouse. Most often this period begins at the end of spring - early summer.
How to sow seeds in the greenhouse
At the end of winter, frost-resistant crops start to plant. These are self-pollinated types of vegetables, greens, spinach, Peking cabbage. In this case, sowing is performed first in pots, and not in the ground. Before planting, the seeds are soaked in water for several days. The layout of the arrangement of containers with seedlings depends on the choice of placement method. You can install pots on the ground or on special racks.
The optimal timing when seeds can be sown:
- In the southern part, tomatoes are planted at the end of winter - early spring. In the middle of March they sow sweet pepper. At this time, planting eggplants, cuttings of grapes and cucumbers begin and continue until the end of the month.
- In the center of Russia, the beginning of crops is delayed by 15-30 days. It all depends on the weather.
- In the north and the Urals, seeds can be sown in April. It is necessary to monitor the temperature of the soil. In this case, the crops are covered with polyethylene.
Planting planning can depend on many factors. It is important to take into account not only the number for sowing, but also the temperature of soil and air and the general climatic conditions. In some cases, compacted crops are first planted, which can fertilize the soil and yield a quick harvest.
During the cultivation of crops, it is necessary to monitor the humidity in the hotbed and the temperature. Germination is carried out at a temperature of 23 degrees. In this case, the transplant can be performed only with the formation of 4 leaves on the stem. But these are general figures, the germination of plants depends on their individual qualities. Care plays an important role.
Growing Radish in the Greenhouse( video)
Now many people are engaged in greenhouse business or growing vegetables for themselves. The pros of this activity is obvious - a good and fresh harvest all year round. But in order to grow different plants, you must follow the basic rules of planting. You need to consider the placement of crops, timing, the presence of constant care, fertilizing, watering several times a week and many other factors.