How to pepper the peppers in the greenhouse video: the formation of bushes, the proper care for polycarbonate, the formation

Patronize peppers must be properly, in order to get a good harvest pinch peppers must be correct in order to eventually get a good harvest Peretz is a leader among vegetables for greenhouse cultivation. In this case, many gardeners neglect the pasynkovaniya this culture, which is wrong. For high yields, peppers also need to be formed.

    • necessity and features of the formation of pepper bush in the greenhouse
    • Video formation of pepper in greenhouse: sequence
    • Process As pinch tall and undersized pepper in greenhouse
    • nuances formation of pepper in greenhouse polycarbonate
    • Carefor pepper bush and forming a glasshouse
    • formation pepper in greenhouse( video)

necessity and features of the formation of pepper in greenhouse bushes

The process of pasynkovaniya is the removal of young shoots from the stalk of culture. This procedure also includes getting rid of excess foliage and flowering, which does not bear fruit. The formation of pepper shrubs is necessary, that the culture did not spend nutrients on unnecessary elements.

Pasynkovanie directly depends on the scheme of planting pepper. With a dense planting, this procedure is necessary. If plants have enough room for growth, then remove useless shoots should be as the plant thickens.

Too thick planting deprives leaves of light. From this, the fruits grow poorly and have an unattractive appearance.

The parameters of the microclimate in the greenhouse can influence the process of pumping. If the temperature and humidity are increased, then the plant is better developed leaf and shoots. For good growth, it is necessary to ensure the ventilation of each bush in the greenhouse. But to avoid diseases, the lower part of the vegetable should be removed before the first branch.

Panskin pepper is necessary to ensure that the culture does not spend nutrients on unnecessary elements pinch pepper bushes is necessary to ensure that culture is not spent on unnecessary nutrients elements

frequent disease that affects pepper:

  1. white clay - is characterized by white spots on the basal part of the plant;
  2. Soft bacterial rot - occurrence on peppers of soft stains of brown color;
  3. Gray rot - the fruit develops gray spots.

If watering in the greenhouse is infrequent, then you do not need to remove the lower shoots. They can retain moisture. When one of the diseases is detected, it is not worthwhile to form the bushes. The plant will further weaken and will not be able to develop normally.

Video forming peppers in a greenhouse: the sequence

process A healthy plant can start to form when it reaches a height of 15 cm At this time you need to get rid of the high points of growth..As a result, 3-4 main shoots will remain on each bush.

The first pasning will help:

  • Form bush;
  • Prevent excess growth;
  • Increase branching.

The formation of stems depends on the planting pattern and the timing of cultivation. Density should be moderate. If to make too abundant landing, the possibility of infection of plants with diseases will increase, their yield and quality will decrease. That's why you need to periodically cut off unnecessary parts.

The process of forming a pepper bush takes place in several stages process of forming bush peppers several stages

Pasynkovanie is several stages. First cut the side parts of the plant, then get rid of the first bud, the next step is to remove the bottom sheet and finally you need to pinch the main stem.

After the procedure, 9-12 leaves and 2-4 new shoots appear on the culture. From them choose the strongest. They will make up the skeleton of the plant. Weak shoots pinch. Further, the bushes are formed vertically, adhering to the V-shape. When the selected shoots start to start branches, you need to get stronger from the received branches. Weak elements are required to pinch with the appearance of leaves.

Often the kidney is placed on the main stem. Ovaries are formed on each branch. Side shoots and buds should be cut. Each leaf is enough 2 sheets to get all the nutrients. One is on the main stem, and the second is on the side of the plant.

Check with the definition of excess sheets and shoots should be carried out regularly. These elements are cut from the side and below the branching point of the main stem. In greenhouse conditions, it is also necessary to get rid of the leaves on the main stem.

Indications for cutting of leaves:

  • Dry;
  • Infectious diseases;
  • Spoiling.

When the shoots grow, they should be tied. Do this work carefully, because the stems are quite brittle. To get a quick harvest, you have to cut off growth points on the main stem. This procedure should be done 50 days before the end of the growing season.

How to patronize a tall and short pepper in a greenhouse

The formation of pepper also depends on the selected variety. If you do not go in for the vegetables, you can completely ruin the plants. That is why it is necessary to properly and timely form bushes of plants.

Scheme for pasynkovaniya stunted varieties:

  1. First cut the tip of the plant, and a small bush with lateral shoots;
  2. Shoots are inspected and selected the strongest options;
  3. Follow the development of the lower foliage and, if necessary, cut it.

Pepper loves a thick landing, but in moderation. He prefers to contact his neighbors. Therefore, with a rare planting, the formation of shrubs is not necessary, since it sometimes turns out to be completely meaningless.

Certain varieties do not need formation. This is indicated on the packaging when buying seeds.

To remove excess elements, the growth of the plant should be 30-35 cm. This is the period of active development and strengthening of the culture. You can cut off shoots when the pepper has at least 10 leaves and is the first ovary.

To push tall and short peppers in a greenhouse is necessary in a timely manner High-growth and short pepper in the greenhouse should be patronized in a timely manner.

Tall grades must be formed in 2-3 stems. For this purpose, the strongest shoots that have the first flowering and corona connection are selected. Ovaries on young vegetables should immediately be cut, as all vital forces and nutrients will go to the development of the ovary. After cutting, the pepper will begin to branch.

Features of high-grade pasynkovany:

  1. Periodically inspect the plants;
  2. The strongest stepson does not need to be touched;
  3. Other stepsons need to be removed in time;
  4. For each new fork, it is necessary to carry out splicing;
  5. For tall peppers, a garter should be made;
  6. 30 days before the end of the growing season, remove all shoots.

To remove stepchilds, only sharp tools should be taken. They need to be disinfected after working with each plant. These precautions are necessary to not transfer the disease from one bush to another. If you do this, you can lose the entire crop.

Pasynkovanie tall cultures - this is an important event. But for good growth and development of culture, peppers need to tie. It is also important to remember that the plant is regularly wrapped around the support.

Nuances of pepper molding in a greenhouse made of polycarbonate

A greenhouse made of polycarbonate creates the most comfortable microclimate for the plant. Humidity and temperature increased for fast fruit ripening. It is important to maintain a certain wind speed in the greenhouse to prevent the development of a variety of rot.

So that each bush is well ventilated, the lower part of the plant needs to be cut off. This part can be left only in case of bad watering. Then she can hold water.

The first flowering of peppers must be removed The first flowering of peppers must be removed

Nuances of greenhouse hive formation:

  1. You do not need to touch infected bushes. They may not survive vaccinations and weaken even more.
  2. Peppers love to contact their relatives. If planting is rare, then it is not necessary to conduct the formation of shrubs.
  3. The first flowering of peppers must be removed. This is done in order to achieve maximum crop yield. If you need to collect seeds, then the first flowering will have to be left. In this case there will be loss of yield.
  4. Twice a week you need to inspect the peppers and remove excess elements between the main stem and the root.
  5. It is necessary to monitor the appearance of possible plant diseases. If they were found, then immediately remove all the elements of the culture and burn outside the hotbed.
  6. When removing the stepson, leave the bottom sheet. It provides food for the ovaries.
  7. The ovary should receive sufficient sunlight. To do this, cut off the foliage, which shadows it.

All parts that are cut from the plant must be taken out of the greenhouse. If they are affected by the disease, they will need to be burned. It is important to constantly monitor the condition of pepper for good yield.

Pepper care and hive formation in the greenhouse

Pepper is a fragile crop, so all work with it must be done with utmost care. This rule applies to any cultivar. Care for pepper has its own peculiarities and nuances, which every summer resident should familiarize with.

Things to consider when caring for peppers:

  • Abundant watering;
  • Moderate top dressing;
  • Good illumination of each leaf;
  • The tie depends on the variety.

The plant needs regular and abundant watering. It should be watered more often than tomatoes. For rapid growth, you need to pour even more water onto one bush.

Pepper loves copious watering and good illumination Pepper loves copious watering and good lighting

Optimum watering is determined by a wet earth depth of 30 cm.

Pepper feeding is a risky exercise. If you overdo with any element, you can lose the plant. This applies to both chemicals and organics.

The sensitivity of pepper to lack of water is quite appreciable. If it is deficient, the fruits will simply stop developing, and the taste will drop dramatically. To keep moisture between the rows, mulching is carried out. Also worth noting is that pepper is a fairly thermophilic crop.

Pepper tie is determined by the variety. This procedure should be carried out only with tall plants. Indeterminate varieties and hybrids need a binding garter.

Pepper formation in the greenhouse( video)

Growing pepper in the greenhouse has its own nuances. They concern the general care of the culture and the need to plant the plants. Forming bushes involves removing all unnecessary elements.

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