Many gardeners have a greenhouse in the garden, and almost everyone thinks that can be grown in the greenhouse, how to increase the yield, how much time on the early harvest to spend, And how to collect it correctly.
- How to increase productivity in the greenhouse
- Excellent crop greenhouses their
- forces How to get an early harvest in greenhouse
- Proper harvesting in the greenhouse
- Harvest greenhouses( video)
- Examples of crop in the greenhouse(photo)
How to increase productivity in the greenhouse
If you listen to the latest recommendations of gerontologists, they believe, to the human body did not age, to daily outputs all tXenu, you need a day to eat at least 600 grams of raw vegetables. In the summer-autumn period, the use of vegetables completely fits into the norm. To comply with these recommendations, it is necessary for vegetables to increase the fruiting period. This can be done by growing vegetables in a greenhouse. It is necessary to show all the secrets of understanding the process in order to collect a rich harvest in the greenhouse.
In a greenhouse, each vegetable grower grows his favorite set of plants and cherishes the hope of a high yield. A high yield is provided by a number of actions corresponding to the seasonal period. For the autumn-winter period, in order to increase the yield in the greenhouse, the disinfection and fertilization of the soil in the greenhouse will help. It is very good to plant the siderats on the beds about 3-4 weeks before the cold starts, and when the first frosts strike, dig them up so that all the nutrients remain in the ground.
When the snow falls, we must sketch it on the beds in the greenhouse.
In the autumn carefully think and draw on paper rectangle sheet into which the beds in the greenhouse, and sign them to know exactly where and how the plant will be planted, taking into accountProviding the most comfortable conditions for cultivated crops. This is necessary for the introduction of autumn fertilizers, because different cultures have different demand for mineral elements.
spring-summer period begins with the selection of plant seeds in the planting, which can without compromising crop yields increase at different periods of the spring-summer season. For example, there are salads that are neutral to the duration of the day, so they can be grown at any time of the season, and there are plants that need a long day. Pay attention to the temperature regime.
Crop rotation and proper selection of plants for joint cultivation is the key to the future harvest, i.e. Be sure to pay attention to the predecessors who grew up to this and the neighbors with whom we want to plant the plants, because the competent placement of plants will help increase the yield. Before planting crops, pre-lay, in accordance with the instructions and needs of plants, intended for spring fertilizer. During the growth period, the necessary additional fertilization with microelements of cultivated crops, corresponding to their vegetative state, is carried out.
To obtain a good harvest, we apply the appropriate methods of formation - pasynkovanie, blinding the bush, reducing side shoots, tying, etc. Well get along with vegetables, many spicy herbs, because their essential oils scare off pests, you can apply and chemical methods to protect the crop.
main criteria of increase of productivity:
- Competent preliminary preparation of the soil in the autumn and winter;
- Selection of suitable seeds;
- Application of crop rotation;
- Accounting for the correct neighborhood of plants;
- Compliance with the irrigation regime;
- Timely top dressing of plants;
- Plant formation;
- Protection of plants against pests.
In the summer it is recommended to ventilate the greenhouse, lower the temperature and increase the humidity. Also significantly increase the yield will help the barrel, installed in a greenhouse, in which nettles or other green weeds are flooded with water. When fermented, this capacity increases the amount of carbon dioxide in the greenhouse, and it increases the yield.
Excellent crop of the greenhouse on its own
Grow in a greenhouse you can any plants, which only your heart desires, even exotic, if there is a desire to grow them. To obtain an excellent crop in the greenhouse, you need to pay attention to the nuances.
- Selection of seeds recommended only for greenhouses;
- Seed selection should be stopped on tall varieties and hybrids with a long maturation period, they are also called indeterminate, which bear fruit until the frosts;
- Before planting the seedlings of the main plants, it is possible to plant greenery in the greenhouse, which improves the soil structure and does not affect the future crop of subsequent plantings;
- Application of additional measures for pollination of plants inside the greenhouse - for this you can use special preparations or tapping on the guide trellis with a stick;
- Use aeration to create a temperature not higher than 25-28 ᵒС and humidity not more than 75%, becauseOverestimated parameters affect the quantity and quality of the ovary;
- Timely implementation of plant formation;
- Carrying out timely prevention of plant diseases with appropriate drugs.
Cultivation of all kinds of plants in the greenhouse, using the necessary techniques, can significantly increase yield and get wonderful and incredibly useful greens, vegetables and other crops with excellent taste qualities.
How to get an early crop in a greenhouse
The aim of a summer gardener has always been and will be - it is getting an early and plentiful harvest. And this goal can easily be realized by having a greenhouse made of polycarbonate or greenhouses. The harvesting greenhouse can also be in winter( winter), and then it can be grown throughout the year. In such greenhouses, hydroponics is often used;Method of growing plants on artificial soil. The greenhouse is wonderful, but, as they say, do not be bad yourself, becauseTo obtain a good early harvest, it is necessary to have knowledge.
- Agrotechnical methods;
- Qualitative seed selection and growing seedlings;
- Proper mixing of plants.
For the early harvest, the following techniques can be applied: planting and growing perennials, growing plants with a short growing season, planting early ripening varieties.
Correct harvesting in a greenhouse
In polycarbonate greenhouses, plants grow a fairly long period, and throughout the entire period you can harvest. There is a general approach to determining the timing of harvesting.
When buying seeds, always pay attention to the description of the onset of the technical and biological maturity of the plant variety.
The biological maturity of a plant is when it passes into the stage of its reproduction, for example, seeds have already grown and ripened. In some plants, technical and biological maturity coincide, for example, watermelon, melon, etc.
Technical maturity of the cropIs divided into:
- Removable;
- Harvesting;
- Consumer;
- Economic.
When selecting and buying seeds, always pay attention to the description of the variety of the variety, the conformity of the variety to the greenhouse cultivation methods, the timing of planting seedlings and landings and the maturity of the harvest.
Harvesting greenhouse( video)
Observance of the above tips will help to get a rich harvest in the greenhouse, which will certainly please its owner, moreover, will experience a sense of pride for not wasting time and labor. Examples