Dome greenhouse: own drawings of round and dome, polycarbonate calculations, greenhouse half-sphere

Draw a drawing for a future greenhouse is quite possible with your own hands It is possible to draw a drawing for a future greenhouse with your own hands

For proper erection of a greenhouse, you should contact a specialist for creating a drawing. He will be able to take into account all the features of the site and materials.

First you need to make a calculation of the materials. To do this, use special formulas or online calculators. The formula is created based on the height of the hemisphere and the number of PI.

Optimal dimensions for the greenhouse in the form of a dome:

  • Height of the greenhouse - 2 m;
  • Diameter of the hemisphere - 4 m;
  • For the greenhouse framework, the necessary 35 equilateral triangles;
  • The size of the side of the triangle is 123 cm;
  • You can also take 30 parts, the size of 109 cm

Frame can be bought ready from the manufacturer. So the installation of the design with their own hands will be simplified. For ventilation in the greenhouse, a window must be installed. The window can be block, have a gear mechanism or special handles.

Construction of the domed greenhouse with your own hands

To begin with, you should perform the preparatory work. It is necessary to choose the right place and soil. The place should be well lit so that buildings or tall trees do not fall shadow on the greenhouse. Soil, if necessary, should be leveled. The top layer of the soil needs to be removed.

The greenhouse-dome, made by own hands, should be located in an open, sunny place The greenhouse dome, made by hand, should be located in an open, sunny location.

The construction sequence of the dome greenhouse:

  1. It is necessary to prepare pipes from asbestos-cement 165 cm long. Enough 10 such blanks.
  2. In the ground it is necessary to dig pits with a depth of 1 m.
  3. Pipes should be placed in pits.
  4. Next you need to start creating the foundation. The material of manufacture is a wooden beam. In the construction of the base, it is necessary to draw on the drawing.
  5. Wood elements need to be treated with antiseptics so that the wood does not succumb to rotting, insects or fire.
  6. To join the bars and to strengthen the base you need to prepare "heels".Bars prevent the movement of the frame.
  7. "Piglets" with bars should be inserted into the buried pipes. They should be mounted on the frame. All joints are important to properly seal. When all this is achieved, you can dig in the pipes with "heels."
  8. From the tree, you must create the framework elements. On the sides of the bars you need to make cuts for the connectors. They hide metal parts inside the greenhouse. Connectors can be bought from the store or made independently.
  9. It is necessary not to forget to process wooden elements.
  10. On the base it is necessary to mount the connectors in the joints. To fix them, use metal bolts.
  11. You can proceed with the installation of the frame. All work should be done as accurately and correctly as possible. It is necessary to provide a place for doors and windows. At first the design may seem quite unstable, but when all the elements are joined the frame will be strong enough.
  12. The plinth must be plastered with boards and additionally insulated.
  13. Next, make windows and doors and fasten them to the frame.
  14. Final works - greenhouse polycarbonate.

This is where the greenhouse installation is ready. Further work will be related to the internal arrangement of the greenhouse. You need to properly form the beds and plant the plants.

The beds in the greenhouse can be equipped with bricks, wood, stone or slate.

You can install hanging beds in a polycarbonate dome. Shelves for such placement can be purchased in special shops or manufactured independently. For watering in the greenhouse, you can organize a drip system.

Collecting a dome greenhouse( video)

The round shape of a greenhouse has many advantages. It is a warm and reliable design for plants. But the installation of such a greenhouse may have some difficulties. Sometimes it is difficult to work with the work yourself, because you need to correctly calculate the materials and draw the drawings.

Examples of a dome greenhouse( photo)

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