Tax on wells: registration for water, license for artesian, documents in a private house, registration and permission

Before drilling the well, it is necessary to find out what documents need to be issued Before drilling the well, it is necessary to find out what documents need to be issued In a private house there are often problems with water supply, and central water supply is quite rare. What to do in this situation and how to ensure a constant supply of water?It is worthwhile to install and zatamponirovat water well. This building, for the operation of which you need documents, registration and permission, and only in this case the well at the dacha will be installed on quite legitimate grounds and according to the rules. It is worth noting that, having installed a well even on its own site, it is necessary to inform the relevant authorities, since it is the same real estate object as the house, which means that it is necessary not only to notify the state, but also pay the corresponding tax for operation and ownership. Just like a house, a plot of land and similar objects, it will be necessary to register a well in the UFSF.There are some exceptions, which are described in detail in this article.

        • What is needed to complete a well for water
        • Do you need a license for an artesian well
        • Mandatory tax and other documents for a well in a private house
        • Which wells for water are required to register
        • WhoDrill wells and where to get a permit
        • A number of documents for
        • well WHY pay well tax( video)

What is needed to complete a well for water

To a physicalPenalties may be imposed for individuals who may vary in size from 3 to 5 thousand rubles if they use an unauthorized well without registration, as evidenced by the law in the administrative code of para. If there are violations in technical projects, an additional fine of 2-3 thousand may also be imposed. In other words, this information indicates that the production of water, or more precisely, the location of the well, begins only after agreement has been made with the special services, and a place has been chosen, with the observance of the sanitary zone.

For a well to be made by law, it is worth consulting with a lawyer For a well to be made by law, it is worthwhile consulting

. The sanitary zone refers to a place 30 meters in the center of the perimeter where the source of water is located and where no trees are planted, no small architectural structures.

The license for a well costs almost as much as drilling itself, and therefore the owners prefer to install not such objects as an artesian well, but wells, due to which the water is supplied from sandy soil or the top of the horizon. It is worth noting that this water layer can not be found on every territory.

The artesian well has many advantages over these water sources:

  • It is possible to obtain high quality water;
  • Not required or required, but in the minimum amount, preparation of equipment;
  • The resource of the source is 70-100 years.

If you drill such a well in a garden area, you can provide yourself with a water intake for many years, but when installing a dry well, only in 50% of cases a geological survey may be required, which significantly saves the customer's money, but the water itself must be regularly cleaned and undesirableConsume immediately after extraction.

Do you need a license for an artesian well

To get artesian water, you will need to create a project for the well, which is initially submitted for the passage of the geological expertise. After the builders have finished drilling the well, it is necessary to organize a sanitary protection zone, which is required by the organization in which the design of the object is carried out.

To equip this zone, you will need:

  1. Plan the plot in the garden, where surface water will be diverted.
  2. Fence a zone near the well, which will eliminate direct and open access to the structure for water abstraction.
  3. Around the well there should be a landscaped area, namely - a lawn is planted, tracks are made on which a solid coating is made.

Having a license for an artesian well, it is possible to extract any volumes of water Having a license for an artesian well, it is possible to extract any volumes of water

The document is composed of enterprises that have the right to dig and build a water intake facility. Further it is required to go through the process of obtaining permission from an organization such as the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights and Social Security

. It draws a conclusion on the quality of groundwater and whether it is suitable for use for domestic and drinking needs.

In conclusion, you need to put the well on the register, and assign a state cadastral number. All received documents should be available for inspection services that can conduct an unscheduled inspection of papers for compliance with the requirements of the law of Russia on such facilities.

Mandatory tax and other documents for a well in a private house

The law of the Russian Federation requires paying a tax for any kind of property, even if it is a well. It is worth noting that not every source of water can be subject to the registration procedure and, even more so, the payment of tax. More details about this can be found in the accounting department of Rosprirodnadzor.

To draw water from a natural source, you need:

  • Make the project;
  • Correctly arrange the object;
  • Regularly pay tax.

If the well is in the village, then it is also recommended to issue the documents If the well is in the village, then it is also recommended to issue the documents

The wells with tubular or shaft type, as well as artesian sources, should be licensed. Also, they are taxed, the amount of which varies depending on the region and other similar factors. All other sources do not even need registration.

Which wells are required for water registration

All wells are divided into 2 types, each of which has a different depth and then, how many meters is the water intake. Under the law of the Russian Federation, for drilling the first type of wells, permits and the legal clearance process will not be required.

There are 2 main types:

  1. Sand wells are drilled until the first aquifer is found - sandy, located at an average depth of 30 m. They have a short service life and low productivity, but the costDrilling is quite attractive, and the process of arrangement does not require much effort and time. Such installations are built in cottages and small farms, where the minimum water requirement.
  2. The artesian well is considered deeper, since drilling is carried out to an aquifer layer located between the waterproof layers. As a rule, it is 50 m from the surface of the earth. Difference of wells in high productivity and excellent water quality. Unlike the previous type, a special installation and considerable investments are required for drilling.

Documents for the well should be completed before the construction of the well Documents for a well should be completed before construction

Unfortunately, artesian sources not only can be used after registration, but also not just get a permit. Looking for information, geological research and many other processes. You also need to make an object in the state register.

Who drills wells and where to obtain the permit

What types of wells can be installed and completed on site?Who can help in this situation?Naturally, independent drilling of the source of water is impossible, and it will be necessary to hire specialists. Choose only those companies that have extensive experience, have a lot of positive feedback, can offer quality services, provide customers with assistance in preparing documentation.

The choice of the firm should be carried out according to certain and very important criteria:

  1. Drilling method. Earlier, the method of shock-cable, but it is already outdated and complemented by rotary. In addition, backwashing or purging methods are also used.
  2. Price.
  3. Possibility to use logging works, since without carrying out geological surveys, it is absolutely impossible to select the filter to be installed on the fence.
  4. Availability of a drilling permit.

There are many companies that provide services for drilling wells There are many companies that provide well drilling services

It is very important to check the company for whether it is a fraudulent organization, since basically those who offer too low prices not only conduct illiterate drilling, butAnd the customer will then face a lot of fines and with re-drilling, which will come out in a round sum of money. In addition, firms that respect their customers, undertake to drill from and to to do the design and bring the case to the paperwork without problems.

A number of documents for the well

Those wells that are allowed are subject to such processes as buying and selling, which will necessarily have to be done at the acquisition or sale of the site. The license for the well is obtained even before the drilling is started and this will require a number of documents.


  1. Paper that indicates the agreement of calculations in water consumption, in accordance with the regulations of the water resources department in the region.
  2. The conclusion on designing, gives out an organ of the territorial center of the state monitoring, tracing a condition of bowels of the earth.
  3. Conclusion that the site is suitable for drilling, and a favorable sanitary zone has been created.
  4. Documents confirming ownership of the site or, in other words, ownership. If the site is leased, then, respectively, the paper on the lease and preferably the presence of the owner of the territory.

All this is submitted to the local department for the use of nature's bowels, they are tested and a decision is made. If it is positive, a license will be issued.

Why pay well tax( video)

Both the drilling process and the receipt of all necessary documents require a special individual and, most importantly, the right approach. To collect all the references, papers and issue a license, the process is not only not simple, but also too expensive, and therefore it is necessary to take care of hiring a specialist who can help in this situation. It is important to remember that violation of any laws entails a fine, and possibly a forced dismantling of the structure, and therefore, it is better to prepare everything in advance in order to exclude these moments. Having done everything according to the rules, you can use the source for your own pleasure for many years.

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