Repair of the well: cleaning the concrete with your own hands, restoring or replacing the frame, dismantling the ring

If you decide to repair the well yourself, then still you should not do it alone, it is better to find an assistant If you decide to repair the well yourself, then do not do it alone, it is better to find an assistant . In rural areas and private sectors, sometimes the only source of water is a well. During operation, the water supply system may become contaminated, which will affect the quality of the water. Preventative procedures and repair of the well is an integral part of the comfort conditions.

      • When it is necessary to repair a well from concrete rings
      • Steps: how to clean a well of concrete rings
      • Types of defects: cleaning and repair of wells
      • Plastic pipes as an alternative to joint sealing:Hands
      • Repair of the well with tools( video)
  • When it is necessary to repair a well of concrete rings

    Preventive and repair work in wells are conductedPlanned, at regular intervals, to maintain water quality and eliminate minor structural defects.

    The well is a wonderful structure capable of supplying its owner with spring water almost indefinitely if it is cleaned and repaired in time The well is a remarkable structure capable of supplying its owner with spring water almost indefinitely if it is cleaned and repaired in time.

    The work consists of cleaning the bottom and walls from build-ups, Sealing of small cracks and disinfection.

    Unplanned work is carried out in the case of turbidity of water, the acquisition of foreign smells, the displacement of concrete rings, clogging of the filter, a sharp reduction in the liquid level.

    Turbidity, unpleasant taste and smell of water, indicates the presence of foreign impurities and elements. Such liquid is dangerous for health. Applying it in household needs can spoil the technique and clog the filters of devices. With these deviations, the analysis of drinking water is carried out.

    Causes of contamination of the well:

    1. Natural sludge. In the case of unicellular algae, bacteria multiply and then decompose, which causes an unpleasant odor.
    2. The dirt, leaves, grass, as well as accidentally fallen animal.
    3. Bacteria that enter the bucket when taking water.
    4. In the event of a violation of the integrity of the walls or the displacement of the rings, the soil and organic material seep through the fractures, changing the quality of the water.
    5. Oil contamination from the pump and contamination of the filter lead to a change in the properties of the drinking source.

    Usually the cleaning of the well is carried out together with the repair work. When cleaning, cracks and flaws between concrete rings are identified.

    Stages of work: how to clean a well of concrete rings

    For the repair of concrete structures you will need a ladder and a drain pump. Staircase design can be rope or attached type, made of metal or wood. The drainage pump is selected depending on the degree of contamination. When pumping a liquid with a low level of contamination, a surface structure can be used. For deep wells with large particles up to 5 cm, it is better to use a submersible type model.

    To prevent water contamination in the well, it is necessary to clean at least once in 2-3 years for preventive purposes To prevent water contamination in the well, it is necessary to perform at least 2-3 years of cleaning for preventive purposes

    Shaft cleaning, work stages:

    1. It is necessary to pump out the water as it is filledThe operation is performed several times.
    2. The walls of the well are cleaned of silt with a brush, gradually descending.
    3. Cleaned walls are inspected for cracks and displacements.
    4. Go to the cleaning of the bottom. Gravel and silt are collected in buckets and dragged to the surface with a rope. Further on, a new layer of gravel, sand and gravel is covered.
    5. Disinfect the well.

    Obligatory disinfection is performed when rodent and animal bodies are found. The simplest method is filling the well with water with the addition of chlorine.

    Water should stand with disinfectant for at least 24 hours. Then the liquid is pumped out, the walls are washed with a clean stream and the source is filled.

    Repeated evacuation of water will prevent chlorine from entering the body with further use.

    Types of defects: cleaning and repair of wells

    Detection of defects in the cleaning of the building requires additional repair work that you can do yourself.

    Many organizations offer maintenance of water facilities, but their services are worth a lot of money and not everyone can afford

    All works are distributed according to the type of defects:

    • Sealing of seams;
    • Strengthening of concrete rings, with shear;
    • Increased water level;
    • Reinstall the filter.

    During the thawing of snow, the seams between the concrete rings can expand. This is due to poor quality concrete and the penetration of groundwater. As a result, soil and organic matter enter the well, forming contamination in stagnant water. During the work, small cracks are sealed with a special agent, and cement mortar is applied to large cracks.

    If there is a displacement of the rings, the restoration work is carried out. It is necessary to release the well from the ground in places of displacement for external works. Then connect the shifted elements. To strengthen the construction with metal clips. Seams to cover and seal. The stability of the construction is fixed by a clay lock. Further restoration of the blind is done.

    When the water level drops, the well needs to be deepened. With the help of a repair ring of smaller diameter, deepening work is carried out at the bottom of the well, where the concrete elements descend to the lower level under their weight.

    The filter is arranged so that the source is not cloudy. For this purpose, the crushed stone is spread over the bottom of the structure with a layer of more than 10 cm. For the moving soil, the height of the material should reach 50 cm. A pump is installed on the gravel. This cushion prevents sand and small particles from getting into the unit.

    Plastic pipes as an alternative to sealing joints: repair the well yourself

    If you find problems with the tunnel, you can use plastic pipes. They will help to restore the proper operation of the well. If the integrity of the concrete is broken, but there are no significant shifts, an internal plastic tunnel can be installed.

    In the process of exploitation, various deposits( mechanical particles, organic matter, bacteria) accumulate on the bottom and walls of the structure - this is a natural process and there is nothing to be done about it In the process of exploitation, various deposits( mechanical particles, organic matter, bacteria) accumulate on the bottom and walls of the structure - this is a natural process and nothing can be done about it

    Work stages:

    • Dismantling of the blinds;
    • Pumping water from the well;
    • Cleaning the bottom of silt and dirt;
    • Connection of plastic rings into the pipe and their descent into the shaft;
    • Sand backfilling between the walls of new and old pipes;
    • Install the filter from the rubble.

    After all operations, the well itself is filled with water. Further, restore the blind area, and the frame is replaced.

    The self-repair of the well must be carried out in compliance with the safety measures. Carrying out cleaning and repair work alone is extremely dangerous. The best option is to have at the facility 3 people.

    The presence of a safety rope is an indispensable element of safety, which will save from unexpected falls, bruises and fractures.

    Repair of the well with tools( video)

    Self-repair and cleaning of the well tunnel requires a competent approach. It is necessary to identify the cause of the problem and find the correct way to solve it. As a result, the life-giving source will be pleased with clean water for a long time.

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