Sewerage in a private house: installation of an internal system, proper scheme, installation and installation by one's own hands, design

Properly planned project for the removal of a private house - a pledge of reliable and durable work of the entire system Properly planned project for water removal of a private house is the guarantee of reliable and durable operation of the entire system. Living in a private house, it is very important to create maximum comfort in it, ensuring a fairly high standard of living. The installation of sewerage is considered an important process in the arrangement of a private house. Without it it is impossible to use: a bathroom, a washbasin, a shower and a washing machine. The option of sewage disposal by one's own hands is selected depending on several different conditions, in particular, such as: a house with temporary or permanent residence;How many people live in the house;Water flow;Level of passage of groundwater;The size of the site for the purification system;Type of soil on the site;Climatic conditions.

    • Assembling the sewerage for the private house
    • Internal sewerage features
    • Sewerage system in a private house:
    • scheme Internal sewerage for a private house: how to properly perform
    • Designing a sewer in a private house
    • Device(Video)

Sewerage installation for a private house

Conditionally, all sewer systems in a private house are divided into cumulativeE and sewage treatment facilities. The sewage system consists of a sealed container for drains and a cesspool without a bottom. The sewage treatment plant consists of a simple septic tank with cleaning. If you want, you can order the sewerage to a qualified specialist who can perform everything as quickly and easily as possible. Arrangement of sewer systems is a very important and time-consuming process, that is why, it is necessary to approach this issue responsibly. Before you design and install a sewer system, you need to decide on their types.

Only having studied all types and subtleties, it is possible to create a project and carry out the installation of a sewage system Only after having studied all types and subtleties, it is possible to create a project and carry out the installation of the sewage system

In particular, it is necessary to distinguish such as :

  • Sump pits;
  • Collective hermetic tanks;
  • Septic tanks;
  • Systems with forced air supply.

The simplest version can be cesspools that do not have a bottom. Such a sewerage system is relevant only if the house is on 5-6 days a month, without spending a lot of water. The level of passage of groundwater must be below the cesspool about a meter, otherwise there will be significant water pollution.

Collective hermetic tanks allow to solve the problem with a high level of groundwater flow. Soil in this case will be protected from pollution. However, the disadvantage of this system is that it will often be necessary to call a machine for pumping waste.

The system with forced air supply is considered to be the most high-quality and reliable. Such devices are quite expensive, however, the functionality and ease of use of such a system fully justifies the invested funds. They have absolutely no restrictions on the installation, however, initially it is necessary to think carefully and draw up a project, and they require permanent residence of people and the availability of electricity.

Internal sewerage features

Internal sewerage connects all the plumbing fixtures and pipes inside the building. To ensure that it has served for a long time, you need to properly install the water supply and sewerage. More convenient is the location of all rooms with running water next to each other, as this will allow to install a sewer system of much smaller length. To eliminate the unpleasant odor, plumbing fixtures are equipped with a siphon.

A properly installed sewerage network is a guarantee of reliable operation Properly installed sewerage network is a guarantee of reliable operation.

The internal structure system consists of such elements as :

  • Plumbing fixtures;
  • Sewer standpipes;
  • Ventilation pipes;
  • Flowlines;
  • Non-return valve device.

To drain sewage from sanitary ware and household appliances, pipes with a diameter of 50 mm are used, and for the discharge of water in the toilet it is necessary to use pipes with a diameter of 110 mm. Proper installation of the water supply and drainage system is a guarantee of a long and reliable operation. In order to properly install a sewer network, everything must be done according to a pre-planned plan. When drafting a project, it is very important to think and calculate everything, that is why, it is desirable to entrust this task to a real professional.

Sewerage system in a private house:

scheme A special approach requires the laying of sewerage in your own home, as many different aspects and basic rules for performing this process need to be taken into account.

A small slope sewer pipes - an important condition for the arrangement of a private house system of water management A small slope of the sewer pipes is an important condition for the development of a private house by the

depends on how accurately the required conditions and basic rules are complied with:
  • Comfort level;
  • Easy operation of basic communications;
  • No blockages, unpleasant odor in the room.

Sewage scheme is compiled at the stage of the design of the house. All rooms that assume the discharge of water must be located in one sector to significantly reduce the length of the pipes. This allows you to purchase much fewer pipes. In addition, the short extension and the minimum number of connections greatly simplify the circuit and significantly reduce the likelihood of breakdowns.

The first stage of preparation and drawing up of the scheme is the drawing of the main drain points on the plan. When erecting more than one floor, the scheme with the arrangement of all required sanitary devices is made in stages. After this, a common riser is applied to the circuit being drawn up. The diameter of the toilet bowl is 110 mm, and the riser has exactly the same parameters. The scheme also needs to be applied to the length of the collector pipeline and the main points of its removal from the house.

Important!The sewerage system performed in a private house must necessarily be carried out with a slight bias.

Similarly, an external drainage system is applied to the scheme, taking into account the location of all major buildings and trees. In addition, at the stage of planning the construction of the house, it is taken into account where the wiring should be located.

Internal sewerage for a private house: how to properly perform

When building a private house it is very important to know how to properly install the sewer. The scheme of the sewage system must necessarily correspond to the layout of the house. When planning it, it is necessary to compactly dispose of all the premises to which water supply and drainage will be carried out.

The arrangement of rooms in a private house affects the process of assembling the sewage system The arrangement of rooms in a private house affects the process of assembling the sewer system

These premises include :

  • Bathroom;
  • Kitchen;
  • Bathroom;
  • Laundry.

The compact arrangement of these rooms will make it much easier to assemble the sewerage system. After the scheme on arrangement of the internal water drain is prepared, it is necessary to carry out calculation of the required materials and equipment.

The work must necessarily begin with the assembly of the riser and it is most practical to install it in the toilet. For greater strength and reliability, the riser to the wall can be attached using special mounting clamps. Places for connecting the pipeline must be coated with a special sealant. In places where pipes pass through the wall, special sleeves should be used. Important!On each riser, it is necessary to install a device tee, which, if necessary, will allow cleaning of the clog.

Designing a sewer in a private house

Designing a modern sewer system for the construction of a private house is a very important stage and in the process of this, many different nuances need to be considered.

Thanks to a number of positive characteristics, when the house is equipped with a sewage system, plastic pipes are most often used Due to a number of positive characteristics, when installing a house with a sewage system, the most common are the plastic pipes

When designing the sewer, it is necessary to consider such aspects as :

  • Slope level;
  • Length of various pipe sections;
  • Pipe diameter and material of manufacture.

Selecting the material for equipping the sewer system, it is advisable to choose the light and durable plastic products. They have many pluses, since they weigh a little, are durable and have good performance characteristics.

When mounting pipes, avoid too sharp angles. The turn should be no more than 45 degrees. This will significantly reduce the likelihood of clogging on each section of the pipe.

Sewerage in a private house( video)

Sewerage in a private house is not a very labor-consuming task and it can be done without much effort. Self-constructed sewerage, subject to all rules, will work no worse than the construction erected by professionals.

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