Water resources drilling of wells: manually, auger, for the ground, cut through by oneself, tools

The well can perfectly provide any suburban area Well will be able to perfectly provide any suburban area Each private house should have water resources, drilling wells is a common and cheap way of an autonomous water source. Owners of country houses can independently carry out the extraction of moisture. There are a number of ways to arrange shallow wells.

    • Methods of drilling wells manually
    • Application of auger for drilling of ground
    • We perform manual drilling of water wells
    • Required tools for drilling wells
    • Search for a site with water resources for drilling wells( video)

Methods of drilling wells by hand

An in-house source of water is necessary for domestic needs and for satisfying business needs. Drilling and arrangement of the well will allow providing a water supply for a country house for several decades.

Independent water extraction can be carried out in several ways:

  1. Arrangement of a well. Preferably arrange with a good spring. The well is located at a depth of 10-15 meters, fed by precipitation and near lying ponds. It is a column of pipes from 50 to 80 cm in diameter. Such a structure is immersed in the ground by impact drilling.
  2. In loose areas you can make a well on sand. The construction consists of a pipe, placed with a screw to a depth of 30-40 meters. A filter is placed on the recessed end.
  3. Artesian well. Water is located in the rock and limestone layers at a depth of 40 to 100 meters. Drilling such a well without the use of special equipment is not possible. It is able to provide several analyzes of water in the private sector, so it is better to do drilling work together with neighbors. Will serve as a source for up to 50 years.

The process of drilling a well manually The process of drilling a well manually

It is very difficult to determine at what depth the life-giving moisture is extremely difficult. It is worth paying attention to similar sources located nearby.

Application of auger for ground drilling

The most common drilling using auger. This is a simple way to do not deep holes.

The auger looks like an ice pick, and there are 2 types: blades located at right angles and designs with an angle of 30 - 60 degrees. Due to this arrangement, the ground soil does not fall inside the well, but is discharged outward.

The tool can be rotated by hand or by using mechanisms. In the second case, you can use an electric motor.

Stages of work on the well:

  • In the proposed site we dig a shallow pit;
  • Installing a self-made tripod over the pit;
  • Screw deep into the pit and start the rotation;
  • If necessary, the length of the equipment is increased by means of additional pipes;
  • Burim until damp soil emerges;
  • Install the casing when the auger found water;
  • We are equipping the well.

The easiest way to drill a well with a screw The easiest way to drill a well with a screw

Rotary drilling has several advantages: increasing the depth of penetration, mechanical lifting of the soil, no additional washing.

The use of auger is advisable when drilling wells from 20 m. Smaller sources can be equipped with a hand drill.

We perform manual drilling of water wells

Self-drilling of the well is limited to a depth of 20 m.

For basic work you need:

  • Drill;
  • Tower;
  • Winch;
  • Pipes.

The rig is needed to lift the drill out of the ground. If necessary, it can be made from improvised tools with their own hands.

Drill bits are made of high-strength steel. Before starting work, install a tower or tripod. The center is digging a small pit and drilling begins. The method of drilling is similar to working with a screw. Work is done clockwise. Every half a meter the equipment is pulled out and the blades are cleaned from the ground. After passing through the aquifer, the drill must bury itself in the waterproof layer. Then the work is stopped. This passage will give the maximum filling of the well.

Manual drilling of water wells Manual drilling of water wells

A submersible pump is used to pump a dirty water layer. After 30-40 liters of water should be clean. If this does not happen, the well is buried another 1-2 meters.

Manual drilling in this way is labor-intensive, requiring considerable effort.

An alternative to manual drilling can be the impact-cable method, which has a number of advantages. The essence of the method is to slaughter a steel pipe in the ground, which breaks and seizes the rock. The drilling rig requires the construction of a tripod made of wood or pipes. One side of the glass is attached to the cable. On the other is equipped with sharp edges. The tool is lowered into the well and lifted above the ground by means of a winch and a cable.

Necessary tool for drilling well

Depending on the condition of the soil, various tools are used to drill wells.

Clay rocks are easier to penetrate with a spiral drill, which consists of a rod with special helical-shaped blades. The ground fills the blade of the screw and rises upward.

In the free flowing earth is ideally included drill spoon. The design is a cylinder with a longitudinal section. One edge of which is sharpened, and the other is bent inside. For sand use a tool with a narrow slot, larger rocks require a longer cut distance. The bottom of the spoon is pointed.

Clay rocks will take a bit made of steel with a sharp angle of 90 degrees.

Depending on the condition of the soil, various drilling tools are used Depending on the condition of the ground, various drilling tools are used.

The hopper is required for lifting to the surface of the soil and is a piece of steel pipe with a cutting ring and a valve. The type of the bailer is a driving glass, which is used for the impact-cable method of drilling.

Augers are a kind of coil, they are used for the passage of loam.

Drilling can be carried out:

  • Manually;
  • Puncher.

The impact method allows to reduce the time of work and their labor intensity.

Search for a site with water resources for drilling wells( video)

Autonomous water resources will not depend on utilities and will ensure uninterrupted water supply for a long time.

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