What are good polyethylene water pipes

What are good polyethylene water pipes? The scope of their application

And this water pipe is good from many sides. First, unlike metal pipes, it is able to withstand short-term freezing of the substance inside, while the formed ice does not damage the product.

Secondly, polymer water pipes are capable of withstanding significant external pressure( eg ground pressure).

Thirdly, they are prone to plastic stretching.

In addition to all this, the inner surface of the polyethylene pipeline has a minimal roughness. This means that the coefficient of fluid resistance is very low and the formation of deposits is minimal. Pipes are resistant to corrosion and have low thermal conductivity. This reduces the loss of thermal energy in hot water and heating systems.

What is good about polyethylene water pipes

This product is produced in the form of long bays, which positively affects the laying of lines with a considerable length, because the number of connections is significantly reduced.

Such pipes meet all sanitary standards, do not require regular maintenance, reduce the load on the ecosystem, and the cost is quite acceptable. They are used for the installation of technological highways, for water supply, for laying gas mains, for transportation of fuel. Polyethylene water pipes are also used in hydraulic systems with high power.

What is good about polyethylene water pipes

As for the diversity of this type of water supply, the choice is more than enough. For a pressure of no higher than 20 atmospheres, low pressure pipes( suitable for outdoor and domestic sewage systems) are suitable. Their diameter reaches from 1,6 to 120 centimeters. The color of the water pipe is black, with a special marking, with a blue stripe. At gas models this strip is yellow and slightly different characteristics( pay attention to this when buying).

Installation and connection of polyethylene water pipes

And here there are advantages. The polyethylene pipeline is connected by welded and compression welded couplings. The material structure is not violated and the product properties are preserved.

We list the main methods of connection.

  1. Compression fittings are the simplest way. Crimp rings and seals guarantee a reliable sealing of the joint, so this connection is most often used for the water supply. Fittings can be used several times, and the replacement of seals is all repair.
  2. Welded couplings are the most reliable method. Due to the heating of the welded surfaces, a qualitative connection is obtained, therefore this method is used, most often, for gas lines.
  3. Butt welding is the most time consuming method. A special device heats the ends of pipes, and the connection itself requires the fulfillment of a number of conditions. One of which says that such welding is carried out only in the horizontal position of the pipe, and misalignment is unacceptable. Especially it is necessary to comply with the temperature regime of welding, as practice shows, because of non-observance of this condition, the greatest number of defective joints is obtained.
  4. Flange connection - demountable. Suitable for temporary communications.

What is good about polyethylene water pipes

There are two types of joints:

  • with the use of additional flange elements, which are welded to the pipe;
  • with the help of ring metal flanges.

What is good about polyethylene water pipes

As you can already see, the polyethylene pipeline is versatile and has various connection variations. This allows you to make the laying of the line in different climatic conditions, and with different mounting qualities. Low cost and a rarity of service only pleases. Therefore, this pipeline can be considered the most acceptable.

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