Interior of a drawing room in a country house: a photo of design, a project of a hall, beautiful registration

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Harmoniously arranged living room in a country house creates a pleasant and cozy atmosphere Harmoniously arranged living room in a country house creates a pleasant and cozy atmosphere Today, many who have a country house, strive to maximize it. After city bustle you want to plunge into a soft and pleasant atmosphere, which will transfer from gray everyday life to a warm and cozy space for rest and relaxation. The interior of the living room in a country house can be arranged independently, and you can apply for services to a professional designer. He will help to choose the style in which the living room will be decorated, will help to harmoniously divide the space, arrange furniture and decor items.

    • Comfortable living room in a country house
    • Finishing material for drawing up a living room
    • Design projects for living rooms in country houses
    • Designing a drawing room for a country house
    • Fashionable interior of a living room in a country house( video)
    • Interior design of the living room in the country house( photo examples)

Cozy living room in the country house

The living room in the country house is the place where the family, friends and acquaintances gather. Its arrangement should be given due attention. Harmonious atmosphere will contribute to pleasant rest and pastime.

Free space of the living room will allow you to experiment with the geometry of the room, using vivid combinations of colors, original decor items.

The living room space in the house can be distributed in different ways. It can be combined with a dining room or a lounge. This solution is especially valuable for owners of a living room with a small area.

If you have a small living room, then it can be combined with a kitchen If you have a small sized living room, then it can be combined with a kitchen

Design features

  • You need to pay attention to room lighting. In the living room should be located at least three windows, otherwise the space will be gray and dull.
  • An important element of the living room outside the city can become a fireplace. The type of fireplace each owner chooses, depending on the area of ​​the room, the structure of the house, as well as personal preferences.
  • The color finish can be very diverse, ranging from light beige to brownish-green tones.

Handmade blankets, plaids, decorative pillows, paintings, plants can serve as decor. It is important to successfully combine furniture, decoration, its color, texture, and decoration items. This will determine the appearance and arrangement of the living room.

Finishing material for living room decoration

Interior decoration of the countryside lounge plays a special role in interior design. Walls, floors and ceilings can be finished with a wide variety of modern materials, which should be chosen, given the overall style in the interior. Before choosing a type of decoration, designers recommend drawing a layout of the future living room.

It is best to equip a guest room in a country house, using only natural materials for finishing It is best to equip a guest room in a country house using only natural materials for finishing

Modern materials allow you to decorate the room so that it will appear much larger in size. To do this, use simple methods of visualizing space.

Today, the trend is the ecological decoration of the walls. Finishing materials are made of natural materials. Of course, they are more expensive, but do not pose a risk to human health.

Options for finishing

  • Wallpapers .They can be of different structure and texture. Today, the market presents a variety of wallpapers. Among them are paper, vinyl, textile, non-woven, liquid, etc.
  • Wall panel .For their production use natural wood, plastic, MDF, fiberboard.
  • Stopper .It is a natural material that has a pleasant texture and color.
  • Tile .Tiles to be the most diverse colors. Usually it is an imitation of a stone.
  • Stone .This decoration looks rich, stylish and natural.
  • Plastering .Special decorative material gives an opportunity to play with the texture of the walls.

In addition, you can decorate the room with a decorative stone, which looks stylishly on the walls You can also decorate the room with a decorative stone that looks stylish on the walls.

You can choose the type of finish if you have a general style in the interior. Wall decoration can be done by yourself. But in the event that the owners do not have experience with finishing materials, it is better to entrust the work to specialists.

Design-projects of living rooms in out-of-town houses

Modern designers can offer for consideration many projects of living rooms in country houses. However, each project will be transformed depending on the type of premises and individual preferences of the owners. In order to decide on the project of the hall, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the main styles that are used for decorating country houses.

Most designers offer to decorate houses in the countryside using natural materials.

Wood or stone is suitable for decoration. You can also decorate the house with natural handmade products. Of course, all interior items should be combined in style.

Perfectly blend in the interior of the guest room style Provence and handmade decor elements Perfectly match in the interior of the guest room style Provence and handmade decoration elements

Living room designs and designs:

  • Provence;
  • Scandinavian style;
  • Modern.

When implementing a project, it is important to remember that the most important criterion for evaluating an interior is its comfort, convenience and functionality. The choice of style depends on the personal preferences of the hosts. Therefore, in the choice of style for the living room should participate all members of the family.

Decoration of a country house in a country house

Usually country houses have several floors. This causes the presence of a staircase in the house, which is associated with some difficulties in the design of the room. However, the staircase can be beautifully inscribed in the interior.

Many owners of living rooms with stairs suffer from the fact that the staircase focuses on itself all attention. This problem is easily solved, if you know what stairs to decorate the interior.

The staircase will not distract attention from the room, if it is decorated in the style of the living room The ladder will not distract attention from the room if it is designed in the style of the living room

A beautiful staircase can become an additional decoration item. It is important to correctly determine its location and choose the right material. The material from which the ladder will be made must be in harmony with the materials of the interior decoration.

Types of ladders:

  • Screw;
  • Wooden.

The stairs can be massive or brittle, light and dark. It is important to combine the style of the stairs with the general style of the living room. However, sometimes the game of contrasts is very useful.

Fashionable interior of a living room in a country house( video)

The choice of style for a hall in a country house is an important and responsible occupation. It is the style and its embodiment that will determine the convenience and comfort of the living room. A room in a country house can be decorated with a fireplace, a beautiful staircase, original decor items. For decoration and decoration of the living room is best to use natural materials.

living room interior design in a country house( photo examples)

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