Living room yellow walls: colors and photos, black and violet, white decoration for interior, green-gray with piano

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Create a cozy room with a homely atmosphere will help finish the walls with yellow wallpaper A cozy room with a homely atmosphere will be helped by wall decoration with yellow wallpaper The living room, whose yellow walls radiate warmth and comfort, is the perfect solution for a cozy family room. In order for the color to look as harmonious as possible, you need to choose the right shade and complement it with the appropriate elements of the interior. There is no doubt that in the end everything will turn out very stylish!However, this design requires that you work on it. And painstakingly and thoughtfully!

      • Yellow-colored room: not every shade is suitable
      • Yellow living room: advantages and disadvantages
      • Black and yellow living room: public call
      • Yellow-violet living room: altruists choice
      • Glamorous yellow-White living room
      • Best hall decoration in yellow
      • Light living room with yellow walls( video)
      • Design of the hall of yellow color( interior photo)
  • Hall in yellow color: not every shade of color

    Living room and yellow shades - this is a very demanding combination, which must be properly beaten. The thing is that an excessively bright color can quickly get bored and cause feelings of fatigue and irritation. Faded and completely undefined shades and does not cause any emotion. Is it necessary for those who want to renew their house, make it cozy and hospitable?

    In the interior of the living room yellow color is perfectly combined with pastel shades In the interior of the living room, the yellow color fits perfectly with pastel shades

    This is why, when planning to paint walls in yellow, it is important to focus on the following rules:

    • It is better to use not one, but several shades at onceFrom light to dark;
    • Yellow fits well with pastel shades;
    • The wallpaper should not be monochrome, but textured, for example, with drawings or interspersions;
    • In the interior there should be other, suitable for the type of shades.

    The design options for the living room are quite diverse. What is noteworthy, you can do it yourself or, as a worthy alternative, to use the services of professionals. In both cases, the result will be quite decent.

    Yellow living room: advantages and disadvantages

    The hall in yellow color suggests a scrupulous approach to the case, which excludes even minor errors. And, nevertheless, doubts about the desire to realize such a color gamut still exist. And making a choice will be much easier if you highlight the advantages and disadvantages of color.

    The advantage of the yellow color is that it is suitable for decorating almost any interior

    The latter can not be found here, but the strengths of the colors are quite eloquent:

    • Yellow is suitable for any homeDepending on its size;
    • It's easy to choose a companion shade;
    • You can combine different shapes, textures, shades;
    • Do not get bored with time.

    It is absolutely necessary to take into account such factor as individual susceptibility to this or that shade. It happens that the yellow design is perfect, but it is simply not perceived by the landlord. So, and try to love him is not worth it!It remains only to look for a worthy alternative.

    Black-and-yellow drawing room: a challenge to the public

    The combination of a black-and-yellow alliance is quite contradictory and is rarely chosen by average homeowners. The reason for this is the excessive saturation of both shades, which, when merged, gives a very strong mixture. And, nevertheless, even such an interior solution has the right to exist, if you choose not a bright yellow, but a slightly muted color.

    The combination of yellow with gray or black shades will make the guest room modern and stylish The combination of yellow with gray or black shades will make the guest room modern and stylish

    Everything will look very decent, and the customers will receive:

    • Modern interior;
    • Fashionable design trend;
    • The ability to enter a new color at any time.

    Long gone are the times when decorating the house with black color was considered bad form. The current fashion is fairly democratic and involves an abundance of colors and shades used. Do not be afraid of even the most aggressive colors from them, which can become profitable accents. With a competent approach, they can become the most unforgettable decoration of the interior.

    Yellow-violet living room: the choice of altruists

    At first glance, it seems that the violet with yellow living room is a real absurdity, which has no place in everyday life and, especially, the average apartments of the post-Soviet space. Such solutions in the interior are certainly suitable for the home of stars, but ordinary people need something less progressive. This is partly true, however, any design can be transformed.

    In addition, you can decorate the yellow guest room with stylish furniture or interesting violet decor objects You can also decorate the yellow guest room with stylish furniture or interesting violet decor objects.

    In order for the living room to look good, you just need:

    • Select muted colors;
    • Pick up furniture and decoration of neutral shades;
    • Try to make soft transitions, without contrasts.

    Following these simple rules, even the living room in "aggressive" yellow-purple tones will look very gentle and cozy.

    Similarly, you can beat the green color, which is also not too suitable for a tandem with yellow. But, as practice shows, in modern interior design there is nothing impossible.

    Glamorous yellow and white living room

    The white living room with a splash of yellow is one of the most common combinations that fit perfectly into any home. However, there is nothing permanent!These shades can also be slightly modified to make the living room more stylish and modern.

    Excellent in the interior of the living room will look yellow in combination with white shades Excellent in the interior of the living room will look yellow in combination with white shades

    Thus, instead of white, the combination can be used:

    • Gray-anthracite;
    • Beige scale;
    • Red and brown palette.

    Do not be afraid of bold experiments that will bring into the house elements of novelty and holiday. The most important thing is not to choose too radical solutions that have the property of quickly boring. Neutrality in terms of fashionable accents is the best solution that will not allow the interior to quickly get bored.

    The best decoration of the hall in yellow

    The choice of decorations for the decoration of the hall is one of the most difficult questions to find the answer to anyway. Everything should match the color, stylistics and even shade. And, that is especially important, the purchased things should be useful to the owner.

    Pictures and beautiful statuettes perfectly complement the interior of the living room of yellow color Pictures and beautiful figurines perfectly complement the interior of the yellow living room

    The following are some interesting finds in this matter:

    • Pianos;
    • Candlesticks;
    • Decorative panel;
    • Pictures;
    • Photo-wallpaper.

    Light living room with yellow walls( video)

    When planning to decorate a living room in a light yellow style, do not be afraid of experiments and various combinations. Some of them will surely be the most successful and will settle firmly in the house. Without experimenting to change, it simply will not work.

    Design yellow room( interior photos)

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