Whether it is possible to glue wallpaper on old wallpaper: how to glue, gluing new ones over old ones

Paper wallpaper - the budget, the most common type of wallpaper, can be either single-layer( simplex) or double-layer( duplex) Paper wallpaper - the budget, the most common type of wallpaper, can be either single-layered( simplex) or double-layered( duplex) Beginning the renovation, many first of all think about selecting new wallpapers. In fact, to choose the right wallpaper - this is half the case, but it's much harder to glue them. Repair is a headache for many modern people, and wallpapering is also a very important aspect of repair. In general, nowadays many people prefer wallpaper, not panels or paint for walls. The fact is that the wallpaper is much more convenient, they can be easily pasted and they will serve for a long time.

    • When the question arises about wallpapering the old walls
    • How to glue wallpaper on an old wallpaper: useful information
    • What you need to take into account
    • Is it possible to glue new wallpapers to old ones and how to make the work
    • Bonding walls with wallpaper( video)

When a question arises about wallpapering on old walls

Very often, apartment owners are faced with the fact that the walls already have wallpaper, and maybe they have been glued still very much and PtsA long time ago, because of what it is problematic to strip them. Therefore, many ask themselves the question: "Is it possible to paste new wallpaper on old ones?".Some people hire professionals for this, and someone prefers to solve problems on their own.

During or after the wallpapering process, certain incidents may occur that are associated with old wallpaper.

For example, if the past wallpaper was bright and colorful, with a clearly marked pattern, and the new wallpaper has a gentle color, then in that case it may well be that the color of the past wallpaper will interrupt the color of the new wallpaper. In this case, the new wallpaper will look very ugly. Also, the outcome is quite possible, when the old wallpaper will be peeled off with new ones after they have been glued on them.

The basis of vinyl wallpaper - foamed vinyl. They can be in the style of silk screen printing, smooth and embossed The basis of vinyl wallpaper - foamed vinyl. They can be in the style of silk screen printing, smooth and embossed

The main disadvantages of gluing new wallpaper on old

  • There may be no possibility of wall alignment;
  • It is quite possible the outcome, when the old wallpaper can not properly dock with the new ones;
  • Wallpapers that have been pasted on top of others, most often hold much less;
  • You may need to re-paste the wallpaper.

From the strengths of sticking some wallpapers on top of others, you can only note the economy of money and the lack of work on leveling the surface of the walls.

So, in this case, everything will be decided only by the personal choice of the person who is going to make repairs, because this way of gluing wallpapers is not an easy thing.

A qualitative covering of walls with wall-paper is possible only at observance of technologies and recommendations to performance of works High-quality wall covering with wallpapers is possible only with observance of technologies and recommendations for the work of

How to glue wallpaper on an old wallpaper: useful information

To begin with, you need, of course, to buy new wallpaper, That they will not shine through the old. Then, prepare all the necessary materials for gluing.

If it was decided to glue the new wallpaper on top of the old one, then first you need to make sure about the look of the previous wallpaper. Each of the species should be considered separately.

The most common types of wallpaper

  • Paper;
  • Vinyl;
  • Non-woven.

The modern wallpaper market offers materials, both in structure and color The modern wallpaper market offers materials that are different in both structure and color.

After the owners of the house have made sure that the old wallpaper does not have defects or breaks, you can immediately start stickingNew wallpapers. If you still found pieces of old wallpaper that do not stick well, you need to moisten them and gently tear them away.

To begin with, it is necessary to glue only one strip of wallpaper to make sure that the subsequent gluing will be successful. If after drying with this strip everything is fine, you can continue to repair.

If small bubbles appear during the gluing process, you can either smooth them with a warm iron, or use a special repair spatula for smoothing. If you do not want to bother much, then you just have to wait a few days until the unevenness in the form of bubbles dissolves themselves.

Also, all windows and doors must be closed during operation. Airing the room is possible only after the wallpaper is completely dry and will not be peeled off.

What you need to take into account

When working with paper wallpaper, it is worth considering that because of the glue they can paint a new layer in their own color. So, as mentioned above, it is better to carefully choose colors. It is very important to pay attention to the amount of glue. If the glue is too much, then the canvas can begin to peel off.

But when it comes to vinyl wallpapers, things get much more complicated. Everything is connected with the fact that vinyl wallpaper has good water resistance and a relief surface, because of what the new layer will be very bad to hold. Non-woven wallpaper have the same composition with vinyl, so the recommendations remain the same. In general, it is better to tear off these types of wallpaper at once and not try to paste anything on them.

When pasting new wallpapers, the oldest one is best to remove

Before applying new wallpaper to the old one, it would be nice to first wet the previous coating and see if the coloring matter is being extracted from it. If it was noticed that the paint is selected, then the layer of new wallpaper should not be glued categorically.

Is it possible to glue new wallpapers on old ones and how to make the work of

Directly before gluing it is necessary to make sure whether it is possible to glue a new layer of wallpaper to the old one.

To begin with, you need to make sure that the old layer is thin and very well adhered to the wall. There should not be any cracks or spots, since subsequently they can adversely affect the gluing process. As mentioned before, the best option would be if the old wallpaper was paper. They are strong enough and thin, so the new layer will hold very well.

The main thing when working with this case is to choose the right glue. It must be very resistant, and before painting it is necessary to soak the wallpaper very carefully with glue so that the new layer adheres well to the old one.

If the old wallpaper was not paper, but some other, it's better to remove them and not try to paste new wallpapers on them.

As for the prohibitions, there are a lot of them, some of them are listed below.

Prohibitions when wallpapering the old layer

  1. You can not glue a new layer over wallpaper that has a convex pattern and is not paper. In this case, the surface of the new layer will be uneven, and it will not hold well enough either.
  2. Vinyl and non-woven wallpaper are not the best material for re-gluing. A new layer will permanently shake and will have irregularities, and maybe even bubbles.
  3. It should also be noted that if the new wallpaper does not pass air, then the glue underneath it will stagnate, which will lead to the peeling off of the new layer.

During the gluing, many surprises can occur, as, for example, too many bubbles. If they could not be eliminated, you will need to remove the fresh layer, and also necessarily remove the primary old layer.

Even though there are a number of ways with which you can paste new wallpapers on top of old ones, it's worthwhile to refrain from this lesson.

Bonding walls with wallpaper( video)

It's better to spend a little more time and money on removing the previous layer, but after gluing you will get a perfect result, without unevenness and other problems. If the old wallpaper is very strongly glued to the wall, you can use a special solvent. It does not cost too much, and it is easy for them to use. To repair and paste the wallpaper must be treated responsibly and wisely, because the result will last for many years.

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