Washing curtains: how to wash the tulle in the washing machine machine, which mode is correct, at what temperature

Washing curtains - the procedure is very responsible and complex Curtains washing - the procedure is very responsible and difficult Curtains, as you know, you need to change at least two, and preferably three times a year. In addition, the rest of the time they need to just often ventilate. Open windows will relieve the product of dampness and accumulated foreign odors. You can collect dust from them with a vacuum cleaner, or simply rub out on the street. But, despite all these, even regular actions, you need to wash the curtains. But, how many mistresses tormented by the question: "How to wash the curtains at home?".We will try to answer.

      • What are the experts advising on how to wash the curtains
      • Consider how to wash the tulle in the automatic washing machine
      • How to properly wash the tulle: advice from a professional
      • Learn how to wash the curtains properlyEyelets
      • Recommendations for washing curtains( video)

What the experts advise on how to wash the curtains

Curtains of all kinds can be put in dry clean. But today this pleasure is not affordable for every person, and therefore, most of us produce washing the curtains themselves. But, here is how to understand the correct approach to this event?After all, today there is such a wide range of materials, from which curtains are made, which sometimes you can not even figure out what they consist of.

How to wash the curtains?This question sets a lot of housewives and apartments owners who have designed their window openings in one of the modern styles.

The laundry can easily survive curtains made of artificial or mixed fabrics, as well as light curtains made of cotton. The event for washing curtains - work is very responsible, and we always want to return the products to the original purity and texture. To do this, you must adhere to some general rules when washing products. They are used for curtains made of any kind of fabric.

It is necessary to wash the curtains very carefully You need to clean the curtains very carefully

Tips for the professional care of curtains:

  • When removing curtains, be careful not to damage the product by mistake;
  • After removal, the curtain or curtain needs to be shaken out so that the bulk of the dust will fly away from it;
  • Before washing the product is usually soaked, but pay attention to the quality of the fabric, perhaps it has the property of "shedding";
  • If, after soaking, very dirty water is formed in the container, merge it and repeat the soaking procedure again;
  • After washing, the curtain must be thoroughly rinsed and gently weighed for drying.

We must iron the products carefully, not very hot with the iron, so as not to spoil the

Consider how to wash the tulle in the automatic washing machine

Even the simplest material is able to show itself in the washing process in different ways. In view of this, even before the start of the washing process, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the recommendations of the manufacturer who produced this product.

How to wash tulle in a washing machine, and is it worth doing at all?Let's try to understand this question. The fact is that during hand washing, you can not rub curtains.

This leads to rapid wear of the fabric. Manual method can only soak products for further washing in the machine automatic. If you set the washing mode correctly, the machine will do it for you.

Washing the tulle in a typewriter is necessary in a delicate mode Need to clean the tulle in a delicate mode

How to wash the curtains in the machine:

  • Set the machine on a delicate wash mode;
  • Do not overload the drum, this is not acceptable when washing the curtains;
  • Try to put in the machine a sufficient amount of a detergent;
  • Wash products at a temperature of not more than 40 degrees;
  • Before loading, check that the product has threads that are frayed and stick out and remove them;
  • Do not load into the drum of a different type, especially the color of the fabric;
  • Curtains-thread or products with eyelets, package in a bag in advance;

The products can not be pressed and dried in the machine. Lay them on a horizontal surface, let drain moisture and hang to dry. Do not wash the product at night. You can not control the process and pull the curtains out of the drum in time.

How to properly wash the tulle: professional advice

Home comfort, where there is always cleanliness and comfort - the desire of every mistress. One of the important parts that make up this comfort is white curtains, shining with their purity.

How to properly wash the tulle so that it is white?Whatever efforts we have made to ensure that our curtains always shine with snow-white purity, sometimes from time and regular washing, the tulle begins to lose its whiteness, and even its shape, and becomes gray, yellow, beige, but not white.

But, if you correctly approach this problem, you can properly clean the curtain, and restore its previous appearance. For this, it is necessary to take into account several practical advice of professionals.

To wash the tulle, you must choose the right powder To clean the tulle, it is necessary to choose the right powder

What I advise the professionals:

  1. For washing tulle, it is especially important to find the suitable powder. In addition, appropriate bleaching agents and stain removers can be used.
  2. The optimum temperature that is suitable for washing fabrics such as velvet, linen, cotton, veil, blackout, silk, flock, and viscose, organza and satin items must be washed at a temperature of approximately 30-35 degrees. But, if you use special bleaching agents, for which you need a different water temperature, you can heat it up to 40 degrees.
  3. If the fabric of your tulle is a semi-organza, or it is a polyester product, then you can raise the water temperature to 60 degrees;
  4. If you do not like the effect of the procedure, you can repeat it.
  5. For a better result, tulle must be pre-soaked and drained;
  6. When choosing a detergent, pay attention to whether it is suitable for your tulle.

Do not forget that with the curtains of tulle you can not wash other items. It can badly affect your curtains. And in case your product has a tag, take into account the information contained in it.

Learn how to properly wash curtains with eyelets

More and more popular and beautiful decorative element for the decoration of windows are elegant curtains on the eyelets. They look pretty interesting, stylish and, really modern. Eyelets here act not only in the role of fastening for curtains, but also are an excellent decoration of the curtains. However, many housewives are now beginning to be interested in the question of how to properly care for such curtains, and how to properly wash them.

It is necessary to wash curtains with eyelets like all other types of curtains. However, there are some rules that apply to the washing of such products.

Some landladies think that before the wet processing the eyelets need to be removed from the product. In no case do you need to do this. You will only ruin your curtain. Do not worry, the curtains are erased in the form in which they were on your cornice. The eyelets do not interfere with proper washing.

Curtains with eyelets need to be washed very carefully Curtains with eyelets need to be washed very carefully Curtains with eyelets need to be washed very carefully

For the correct washing of curtains with eyelets you need to know some information:

  • First of all it should be noted that it is necessary to pay attention to the eyelets even when buying curtains. These accessories must be made of quality stainless material.
  • It is best to wash the curtains on the eyelets manually.
  • Select the washing mode based on the type of fabric. In most cases, curtains are washed on a delicate program.
  • If you are not an adherent of manual washing, but prefer to wash products exclusively in the automatic machine, then pack the products first in a bag for washing.
  • Washing powder is best not to use. An excellent option for washing curtains on the eyelets is a liquid detergent, or a normal hair shampoo.
  • For drying, curtains can be hung on the cornice and smoothed by hand. So they will not lose their form.
  • After drying, gently iron the product with a slightly heated iron.

As you can see, in the care of curtains on the eyelets there is no difficulty. If you have purchased quality products and responsible companies such as Ikea, then you can consult with the master when buying or curtains, about how to properly care for them. The specialist will give you practical recommendations on the application of a particular product, because the fabrics from which your curtains can be sewn differ both in quality and texture.

Recommendations for washing curtains( video)

If your curtains have a complex cut, lambrequins, or incomprehensible to you the composition of the fabric, it is better not to wash them at home, turn in a dry clean. There, experts correctly wash your product, relieve you of such an unpleasant procedure as their ironing. You can do the same in case you have linen or velvet curtains. It is almost impossible to wash, and especially iron, products made from flax and velvet.

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