Automation for greenhouses: automation and automaton on a microcontroller, Arduino greenhouse, window installation by own hands

Automation for greenhouses is a complex system that regulates temperature, humidity level and degree of illumination Automation for greenhouses is a complex system that regulates temperature, humidity level and light intensity. Cultivation of crops in protected ground conditions implies the organization of a certain microclimate inside the premises. Otherwise, the greenhouse becomes not only of little use, but can also cause irreparable damage to seedlings. Provide the necessary conditions for plants and on their own. But, more convenient and effective will be the automation of processes that affect the climate inside the greenhouse. How you can automate the greenhouse with ready-made and self-made devices - read in the article.

    • Modern Galicia: Process Automation
    • Automation for greenhouses microcontroller
    • system shading greenhouses
    • Homemade automatic greenhouse
    • Installing the machine in a greenhouse: Thermovent for airing
    • equipment: equipment for greenhouses( Video)

Modern greenhouse: process automation

Modern devices for the automation of greenhouses and greenhouses allow you to work autonomouslySystems of irrigation, heating and ventilation. For today, there are several ways to automate the processes on which the microclimate in the greenhouse depends. Each of them has its advantages and disadvantages.

Modern devices for the automation of greenhouses and greenhouses allow independent operation of irrigation, heating and ventilation systems Modern automation devices for greenhouses and hotbeds allow autonomous operation of irrigation, heating and venting systems.

Automation in greenhouses differs according to the principle of operation( the method of actuating) on:

  1. Electrical .This automation is easy to install, the ability to fine-tune. The disadvantages of electrical systems include their high cost, compared with other types of automated systems, and dependence on the source of electricity.
  2. Hydraulic .Such technologies are reliable and absolutely safe: they are based on the principle of expanding liquids in case of overheating. Disadvantages of designs - a slow response to lower temperatures.
  3. Bimetallic .At the heart of bimetallic devices is the ability of various metals to expand. Such systems are ideal for automation of the ventilation system. The downside of bimetallic automation is that it is not capable of driving heavy equipment.

The above mentioned automatic systems can be installed on any equipment that needs autonomous operation. The choice of automated structures depends on the budget of the horticulturist, the presence near the site of the power grid, the dimensions of the greenhouse.

Automation for the greenhouse on the

The automation of the greenhouse is possible thanks to precise sensors that read the temperature, humidity and lighting inside and outside the greenhouse, timers that transmit information to a special controller. After that, the control system, based on the algorithms built into the program, evaluates the readings from the sensors and makes decisions on switching on or off the actuators of the greenhouse.

It is the program controller that activates the irrigation system pump, fan and door closer, lighting and heating devices. For today, there are many controllers, the main task of which is to regulate the microclimate in the greenhouse. The price of the controller depends on the number of analog inputs and memory device. The most accessible is the Atmega controller on the Arduino platform.

The automation for the greenhouse on the microcontroller is oriented to important processes that take place inside the greenhouse The automation for the greenhouse on the microcontroller is oriented to the important processes inside the

The automation program for the greenhouse on the microcontroller is focused primarily on processes such as:

  1. Setting the set temperature and humidity.
  2. Switching lights on and off depending on the time of day and year.
  3. Control of the aeration system( opening and closing of ventilation pans, start of fans in case of overheating of air in the greenhouse).
  4. Control of the irrigation system depending on the stages of plant development.

Such automation allows to achieve maximum results when growing even the most fanciful crops, but it is distinguished by high cost, therefore it can be profitable only for large and industrial agricultural objects.

Greening system for greenhouses

In large industrial greenhouses for the normalization of the microclimate, and apply the system of curtain walls. In domestic economy, such systems show no less than high productivity.

Shading system provides shading of the greenhouse, reducing the probability of overheating of the greenhouse due to solar radiation in the summer.

There are side and top screens of the shading systems. At the same time, there are several types of cloths that perform different functions: full or partial darkening, saving thermal energy, keeping artificial light inside the greenhouse.

The greening system reduces the likelihood of overheating the greenhouse Greenhouse hood system reduces the probability of overheating of the

Often, centralized control is used to control the curtain system from a single system of automatic climate control in the greenhouse.

If necessary, the screen activates the switch on the automation cabinet. In addition, the system can be included in the program of the general controller for climate control inside the greenhouse.

Homemade automatic greenhouse

To avoid financial costs, automated systems can be fully or partially made by hand. Of course, in order to create automation on the controller you need thermostats, cyclic and diurnal timers, the circuit of the finished board, the communication channels with the equipment. It will be much easier to organize automation for each individual process.

Most often, they separately automate the irrigation system in the greenhouse. The organization of the system depends on the size of the panic. So, for small domestic greenhouses, often, a self-made drip irrigation system is used.

Self-made automatic greenhouse can be made by own hands Self-made automatic greenhouse can be made with own hands

The organization of drip irrigation has the following stages:

  1. Development of the scheme of irrigation taking into account the individual dimensions of the greenhouse.
  2. Preparation of materials( drip hoses, water tank, filters, taps, couplings, main pipe).
  3. Installation of the tank at a height of 0.1-0.2 cm, installation of filters for water purification.
  4. The layout of the main water supply and branch lines.
  5. Installation of overhead cranes per branch.
  6. Connection of all components of the water pipe with the help of connecting nipples.
  7. Installation of droppers.
  8. Filling the tank with water.

The semi-automatic irrigation system includes solar distillation irrigation, in which water evaporates from the reservoir, condenses on the hood, and drains down to the plants through special gutters.

Installation of the automaton in the greenhouse: termovent for ventilation

The easiest way to control the temperature in the greenhouse from polycarbonate - the installation of automatic ventilation pans for ventilation. More often than not, the automatic ventilation pane is equipped with a thermal drive, which drives the device when the temperature inside the hotbed changes.

The easiest way to control the temperature in the greenhouse is to install automatic air vents for ventilation The easiest way to control the temperature in the greenhouse is to install automatic air vents for ventilation.

The principle of the thermal engine operation is based on the ability to expand the oils when heated. In addition, on the thermal drive, you can set the desired temperature for automatic ventilation of the greenhouse.

The automatic mechanism is mounted on a window or a transom without large sails. The opener is installed inside the greenhouse, at the top of the opening structure. For its installation it is necessary to have only a screwdriver and self-tapping screws. The thermal drive can also be mounted on the doors of the greenhouse.

Equipment: automation for greenhouses( video)

Automation of a greenhouse is a modern, convenient way of increasing yields in a greenhouse. All processes in automated greenhouses occur without human participation, which is an indisputable advantage for gardeners, whose garden plot is far from the permanent place of residence. Having equipped the hothouse with automation, you will cease to care about how not to forget to open the window, to turn on lighting and heating devices in the greenhouse: the "smart" system will do everything for you, creating the most optimal conditions for growth and fruiting of culture!

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