Cross-stitch embroidery bookmarks for book charts: embroidered cross-bookmarks and seconds, mars are free to make

For true admirers of paper literature, we suggest embroidering beautiful bookmarks For true lovers of literature paper offer cross embroider beautiful bookmarks unusual cross-stitch: bookmarks for books in the schemes - the opportunity to acquire a stylish thing or make a memorable gift. Portraits, landscapes and still lifes are just a small part of the compositions, which can be realized on a piece of cloth( canvas).The main thing is to objectively assess your own possibilities, choosing the feasible composition. The work itself will take 2-3 hours depending on the skills.

    • Features cross stitch bookmarks for
    • Book Recommendations: how to make a bookmark of cross stitch
    • Step stitch: bookmarks scheme for
    • books correctly bookmark cross
    • original cross-stitch: bookmarks forbooks with diagrams( video)
    • Examples of cross stitch bookmarks for books: the scheme( photo)

Features cross stitch bookmarks for books

In order to better understand what the IMEWe must do it carefully, we must carefully consider the choice of the creative concept. It's about the specificity of this kind of bookmarks, or as they are also called bookmark, because they differ from traditional counterparts in size and structure. To start, you need to know that most attention is paid to the lateral seams. It is there that there is an insignificant thickening.

Readers know that reading real, not e-books, is much more convenient with the use of bookmarks reading enthusiasts know that reading the real thing, do not e-books are much more convenient to use a Bookmark

In addition, there are a few important points, a preliminary inventory which will reduce the likelihood of unpleasant surprises:

  • WhenChoosing a complex composition must be ready, that the resulting bookmarks for books will come out "pot-bellied";
  • When selecting a thematic picture, it is necessary to find out exactly which canvas is suitable for it( density, height and width).

Self stitch bookmarks for books involves compulsory registration of height, width and density of the canvas. The more accurately all the cells on the canvas are counted, the more natural it will look like the finished version of the bookmark. It is also recommended to look at the density of the material.

Recommendations: how to make a bookmark of cross stitch

beginners and masters with the experience does not always choose the basis for the work. Even the possession of information about the preferences of the addressee, it can be difficult to find the central part and small design elements. In such a situation, it's better to focus on neutral compositions, for example, landscapes, or make a choice in favor of more abstract, but not too grotesque compositions.

Embroidered with a cross bookmark - this is a perfect gift for those who can not imagine their lives without books The embroidered bookmark is a perfect gift for those who can not imagine their lives without books.

The designers have developed several recommendations to quickly choose one of the following options:

  • Present or fictitious representatives of flora andFauna will please those who like to take care of animals;
  • A businessman who is not used to sitting around for a long time will like the red embroidered bookmark on which Mars is adorned - one of the most active participants in mythological stories;
  • Focus on home comfort and warm colors will help;
  • Music fans will appreciate the bookmark in the style of "30 seconds that mars" or another musical ensemble;
  • Fans of distant wanderings will appreciate landscapes of overseas countries or exotic plants.

To correctly choose the creative concept for implementation will help to take into account the interests of the person to whom the bookmark is to be delivered. In addition, it is recommended to abandon too voluminous compositions. More appropriate is the minimalism, allowing to leave more room for the flight of the imagination of the one who will look at this bookmark.

Step by step embroidery: bookmarks for books

The work begins with a marker for the fabric, with which the canvas is to be marked. It is strictly forbidden to use a pen or a simple pencil to create a diagram.

The marker serves to mark out the canvas: it is not recommended to use a pen or pencil Marker serves for marking out canvas: it is not recommended to use a pen or pencil

In the first case, the material remains creepy indelible marks, and in the second - the lines will be poorly visible. During the marking it is worth remembering the need to leave space for seams and side bookmarks.

After that on the fabric you need to make the side contours of the planned bookmark. It is recommended to place the drawing horizontally on the plane.

The following procedure is as follows:

  • Divide the width of the future bookmark by 2;
  • The resulting value must be deposited on both sides of the craft;
  • All measurements are made at points;
  • If it is an odd number that can not be completely divided into 2, then in this case the rounded value is postponed in 0.5 increments;
  • Delay the gap for the seams from both ends of the back;
  • If a looser canvas is used, then another 1 cell is added to the postponed value.

In order for the cross-stitched bookmarks to please the eye, you should measure everything in advance. The dimensions on the fabric are fixed with a special marker. After this, each step is carried out with great care.

Correctly make bookmarks as a cross

Depending on the features of the embroideries used, you must apply a folding line. After that, a beacon, a landscape or another pre-selected and marked drawing is embroidered. At the next stage, the canvas is bent in the corner along the bend line. Carefully need to bend the canvas back to get the basis for the "airplane".

For your favorite book, you can make a bookmark using cross-stitch For your favorite book, you can make a bookmark using the cross-stitch

The following procedure is as follows:

  • Holding the nail in a fold, fix it;
  • Fold the workpiece in half;
  • Counter by a hidden seam;
  • The rear kantik is formed by turning the previously placed sides of the canvas into the interior;
  • Screw in the pre-defined gaps for joints along the line.

The production process is completed by the secondary fastening of all folding lines. Use for this you can nail. The main thing is not to push hard enough not to tear the fabric. Both halves need to be sewn with a hidden seam and then remove traces of the marker. In most cases, this requires no more than 5-7 minutes. At the final stage, the bookmark is decorated.

Original cross-stitching: bookmarks with diagrams( video)

In any case, correct preparation is necessary - knowledge, tools and material for work. Inspiration will help to quickly and interestingly issue the work, and a good result always charges with a positive.

Examples of cross stitch bookmarks for books circuit( photo)

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