Yeast for cucumber greenhouses: fertilizer soil mineral tablets, greenhouse and reviews, iodine and fresh manure

As many professional florists know - yeast is rich in minerals, vitamins, proteins and carbohydrates As many professional florists - yeast is rich in minerals, vitamins, proteins and carbohydrates Any farmer once realizes that most short cucumbers, as they say, life age. Even a sudden rain, which set off in the middle of a hot day, could damage his tender tops. In order to prolong the life of cucumbers, people decided to grow them in greenhouses. It turned out, and now zealous truck farmers, it happens, collect several dozen kilograms of cucumbers from a bush.

    • fertilized soil in the greenhouse polycarbonate: preparing the ground in advance
    • Fresh manure in the greenhouse: a method of heating the greenhouse
    • Mineral fertilizers for greenhouses: how to care for cucumbers in the greenhouse
    • Growing in the greenhouse cucumbers:iodine and other components
    • How to make homemade greenhouse: reviews, tablets and snails
    • Using yeast for greenhouse cucumbers( video)

fertilized soil in the greenhouse polycarbonate: preparing the soil ofAranee

The way you treat the preparation of the soil for planting seeds, or already prepared cucumber seedlings, will affect the entire process of growth of this crop. In the land, you can make almost fifty percent of the pledge of this case.

One good greenhouse for successful cultivation of garden crops is not enough - it is equally important to carefully and correctly prepare the soil, providing it with a sufficient number of nutrients One good greenhouse for the successful cultivation of vegetable crops is not enough - not less important to carefully and properly prepare the soil, providing it with enough nutrients

fertilizer soil greenhouse - the process time-consuming and very tedious. But you need to fertilize the land. In the ground you need to lay all the necessary components that will promote a good growth and maturation of the fruit.

It is necessary to make sure that the soil in the greenhouse is soft and regular. Cucumbers even better to fertilize, if the soil is weakly acidic, and also neutral. It is good, if the soil is friable sandy loam or loamy. The stage of soil preparation should begin in the autumn. Then you will have the opportunity to process the earth with a solution of chloride lime, as well as not a steep solution of potassium permanganate and make the whole complex of useful substances.

basic soil preparation stages:

  • autumn in a greenhouse, where the cucumbers will be located, you need to remove the layer of soil, about 40-50 centimeters deep;
  • Any organic material should be added to the liberated area: old horse manure, peat, dried leaves, grass, humus, organic from the kitchen, mix it all with sand;
  • A layer of organic raw material is covered with a layer of sawdust. This layer should be equal to that layer of manure that will be introduced in the spring.
  • The next step is the introduction of sawdust, which is treated with a small amount of lime;
  • Already before planting itself, it is necessary to add manure to the greenhouse and mix it with the previously prepared layers;
  • At the end of the preparation, a layer of earth is added, which is mixed with peat or ash. You can cover the soil with a mineral wool.

To destroy pests, you need to use a hot solution of manganese( potassium permanganate) in the greenhouse.

Fresh manure in the greenhouse: a way to warm up the greenhouse

Any of the planting materials, whether seeds, seedlings or seedlings, requires its necessary soil temperature at which it will begin to grow. For cucumbers, this is somewhere around 19-21 degrees Celsius. To achieve such a soil temperature in the greenhouse, you need to warm it up.

Especially good as a biofuel combination of fresh manure, straw and sawdust Especially good as biofuel combination of fresh manure, straw and sawdust

Fresh manure in a greenhouse cucumbers for making spring, in order to warm up the soil before planting the plants. If you did everything right from the autumn, then in the spring you only need to make soil, manure, and warm the soil to the desired temperature.

To achieve soil heating, all methods are suitable. The main thing is that the applied hormonal or not components, do not affect the soil composition negatively. You can apply a proven "grandfather" method of self-heating soil, and the latest technology. The main thing is to understand that the soil fertilized with humus is a regulated gas medium that can heat itself up.

What are the ways of heating the soil in a greenhouse:

  • Add organic fertilizer to those his "burning" warmed up the soil;
  • Abundant watering of the bed with a lot of hot water;
  • Start the artificial heating of the greenhouse, and wait until the soil warms up to the desired temperature;
  • Let in a lot of sunlight.

You should not plant cucumbers in cold soil. It's in wasted time and seeds.

Mineral fertilizers for greenhouses: how to care for cucumbers in the greenhouse

For those who want to get a good crop of cucumbers in spring acute one task-regularly prepared the soil for planting the plants. This of itself will give excellent results for the cultivation of cucumbers in the greenhouse. However, in order to get a 100% guaranteed success, it is also necessary to take care of this vegetable culture competently during the growth period.

Potassium sulphate is one of the best fertilizers potassium sulphate - is one of the best fertilizers

greenhouses Mineral fertilizers - employment required. In the process of growth, plants take away all useful substances from the soil, and your task is to timely replenish it with nutrients.

Mixtures for top dressing of cucumbers in a greenhouse can be purchased ready in any specialized store, and you can make additional fertilizer yourself. To do this, you need to take mineral fertilizers in packages and properly dilute the solution, which then need to water the plants.

From minerals cucumbers in greenhouses needed:

  • Iodine;
  • Potassium;
  • Boron;
  • Copper;
  • Zinc;
  • Sulfur;
  • Nitrogen;
  • Manganese.

There are many popular recipes that are used to dress cucumbers during growth. These include yeast. Proteins, and other useful components that are part of the yeast well affect the growth of plants. To prepare the solution, take 1 gram of yeast for 1 bucket, dilute and let stand for a while. After that, pour abundantly all the plants under the bush. The harvest will be much better than before.

Cucumber cultivation in the greenhouse: iodine and other components

Recently, cultivated plants have become very sick. This leads to the loss of a large number of already fastened fruits and a good, strong tops. Usually, chemicals are used to fight diseases, which does not have a very favorable effect on the quality of the fruit. They lose their useful properties and include the decay products of chemical components.

Iodine for cucumbers is an effective tool for processing horticultural crops against pests and diseases Iodine for cucumber is effective for treating vegetable cultures against pests and diseases

Iodine in the greenhouse cucumbers help fight plant diseases without chemicals. A properly prepared solution of iodine will become a more expensive and no less qualitative alternative to harmful chemical preparations.

In addition to fighting pests, iodine provides even more useful actions for plants in the greenhouse and not only. A solution of iodine is, you might say, a universal remedy.

iodine Advantage:

  • increases the time period of fruiting and plant life;
  • Stimulates the plant functions of many crops, including cucumbers;
  • Promotes increased yield;
  • Increases the level of vitamin C in plants;
  • Rejuvenates the tops;
  • Beneficial effect on the formation of ovaries and flowers;
  • Destroys fungal diseases of soil and plants;
  • Activates the growth of seedlings.

Treatment of cucumbers with iodine solution becomes a preventive measure for the root system from diseases that cause tissue decay.

How to make a home greenhouse: reviews, tablets and snails

Growing plants in a greenhouse is accepted in many regions of the country. But not all climatic conditions are the same, and sometimes the greenhouse does not justify itself so much so as not to wonder about how to improve the technology of growing plants. Recently, new methods of sprouting seedlings have begun to be used: a tablet and a snail.

All the technology of making a greenhouse with their own hands can be described in the form of the following actions: site selection, soil preparation and erection of the frame All the technology of making a greenhouse with their own hands can be described in the form of the following actions: site selection, soil preparation and erection

Hotbed tablets, which can be read here, enjoy a good reputation. Having made such a greenhouse at home, you can grow good seedlings on your own window sill.

A snail is a new folk technology of planting seeds in a homemade mini-greenhouse. That also gives the opportunity to grow seedlings on the windowsill in the apartment.

Advantages of the greenhouse tablets:

  1. The capsule substance is made up of many useful components. This contributes to the excellent growth of seedlings.
  2. A proper environment is created to form a healthy root system.
  3. Preventing the occurrence of diseases.
  4. The porous soil structure of the briquette contributes to the correct formation of the root system of plants.
  5. Plant transplantation from a mini-greenhouse to outdoor or greenhouse conditions is easy and painless.

With minimal dimensions, the "Tablet" product itself has a high productivity. In it everything is thought out: from watering to ventilation, feeding and lighting.

Using yeast for greenhouse cucumbers( video)

If you are a novice land user, it is better to start cultivating the land not from the greenhouse, but from growing vegetables and on the windowsill. Small hothouses in your apartment will help you to understand plants faster and better, and already then you can plant them in a greenhouse or open ground, and give proper care and heating.

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