Do-it-yourself pallets beds: step-by-step photos of manufacturing

Not a single home can do without a bed, and creative people know that sleeping on a bed made by yourself is much more pleasant. Recently, more and more environmentally friendly, minimalistic and quick to manufacture furniture from wooden pallets is gaining popularity. We have compiled for you a selection of inspirational ideas and photos with tips on step-by-step assembly of “craft” beds, which you can beat in almost any interior except Rococo.

A variety of designs and shapes of beds: from simplicity and functionality to beauty and style

corner pallets bedbed of pallets with drawersbed of pallets with a step2 in 1 pallets bedoak beda bed of pallets with a headboard and backlightJapanese style pallets bedsolid bed of palletswide headboard bedbed of pallets on wheelsbed of pallets with headboard-shelfbed of pallets loftbed of pallets without gapsa bed of pallets on a pedestalstained bed made of palletsbacklit pallets bedchildren's bed with palletshigh color bedwhite bed of palletsbed of pallets with a foot

The step-by-step process of making beds from pallets with your own hands in the photo

It’s easy to make a bed of pallets yourself, and you’ll see this now.

grinding the palletpainting palletspallet connectionjoining palletspallet bed assemblypallet bed with headboard

You can see the thorough construction algorithm here:

assembly of children's beds from pallets

First you need to think through the dimensions of the structure, then the pallets are thoroughly cleaned, sanded, processed and varnished or stained. After that, they should assemble the structure and fasten together. If desired, the bed can be painted, and if you do not want to do this, then just put it in the right place and place the mattress on top.

bed of 4 palletsa bed of pallets with tables on the sidesbed of pallets with drawersthe bed of pallets is darkbed of pallets with drawers below

As you can see, almost everyone can assemble a bed from pallets with their own hands, and you can decorate it so differently that it fits perfectly into any interior.

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