Among the many summer cottages, one should not forget about the treatment of plants from insect pests. After all, they can destroy annual plantings and perennial bushes and trees in a short time. The choice of funds is very wide, it is important to choose the most effective and the safest. After all, I want to get rid of pests and get a crop without “chemistry”. These requirements are met by the modern insecticaricide Fitoverm - with timely use according to the instructions, it will save the garden and garden from various insects without damaging the environment.
Fitoverm: general description of the drug
- Photo gallery: pests against which Fitoverm is effective
Analogs of Fitoverm
- Photo gallery: preparations against pests - analogues of Fitoverm
- Advantages and disadvantages of Fitoverm
- Gardeners reviews
Instructions for use Fitoverm and its analogues
- Table: the correct use of Fitoverm and its analogues
- Video: how to prepare a fitover solution
Fitoverm: general description of the drug
Fitoverm is an insectoacaricide (a drug used against insects and ticks) of biological origin. The substance that has a detrimental effect on insects is Aversectin C, the form of production is emulsion concentrate. It was created in the Russian company Farmbiomedservice and is available in several varieties:
- 0.2% - is used in open ground and greenhouses for processing the garden, as well as planting potatoes, garden and indoor flowers, if the number of insects is small;
- 1% - contains 10 g of active substance per 1 liter of emulsion, usually used over large areas;
- 5% - contains the highest concentration of the active substance and therefore the consumption of the drug is minimal without reducing the processing efficiency;
- Fitoverm M - for greenhouses and hotbeds, contains in its composition a special substance that can reduce the consumption of the drug.
Fitoverm is available as an emulsion concentrate
Fitoverm is used if such pests appeared in the garden:
- ticks (including spider mites);
- aphids, including green rose;
- whitefly butterflies and their caterpillars;
- sawfly larvae;
- sea buckthorn fly and its larvae;
- Colorado beetles;
- butterfly cabbage scoop and its larvae;
- caterpillar tracks;
- apple codling moth;
- thrips.
Photo gallery: pests against which Fitoverm is effective
- Whitefly most often affects plants in greenhouses and greenhouses, as well as indoor plants.
- Leafworm caterpillars feed on plant leaves, folding them in various ways
- Colorado beetles and their larvae eat leaves and stalks of solanaceous crops
- Larvae and adult thrips suck plant juice
- If a web is visible on a plant that has stuck around leaves and stems, then the spider mite has worked
The mechanism of action of Fitoverm is intestinal contact. This means that the toxic substance penetrates the body of the insect during nutrition and through the chitinous shell, which acts as the skin.
Since the drug is one of the biological ones, its effect on pests is delayed. Individuals treated with Fitoverm die only after one to three days and during this time continue to eat leaves and fruits of plants. Therefore, the drug can not be used if the plantings were attacked by locusts or similar gluttonous insects, as well as in the case of a very large number of pests.
Fitoverm does not kill insects immediately, but only after 3 days, therefore, with a very large number of pests, it is better to use a fast-acting drug
But Fitoverm disintegrates in the soil and plant tissues quickly enough: a day in the ground and three days in vegetables, flowers, leaves and fruits of shrubs and trees. The lower the air temperature, the faster the release of the drug. Harvest can be harvested three days after processing the plantings with the drug.
Fitoverm is practically not dangerous for humans and bees: the hazard class is the third. However, this does not mean that it does not harm beneficial insects at all. Some safety rules must still be observed:
- spray plantings early in the morning or after sunset, when pollinators are no longer flying;
- if there are bees in your or the nearest areas, you should not let them out of the hive during the day after processing;
Bees can be released from the hive a day after spraying the plantings with Fitoverm
- do not carry out processing in moderate and strong winds (more than 5 m per second).
Analogs of Fitoverm
In addition to Fitoverm, there are other biological preparations for controlling insect pests:
- Akarin (active ingredient - Avertin N) - an emulsion or powder, also has an intestinal-contact effect, it is used mainly against ticks. It acts faster than Fitoverm - in 4-16 hours, depending on the type of pest, but is more dangerous for beneficial insects (1st class);
- Actofit (the active substance is the same as that of Fitoverm) is used both in open ground and in greenhouses against Colorado beetles, ticks, thrips, aphids and other pests. If you use Actofit according to the instructions, then the beneficial inhabitants of the soil will not suffer: ground beetles and earthworms. No more than 2 treatments are required. Harvest can be harvested in two days, let out bees - in a day;
- Bitoxibacillin is a bacterial-based powder that has intestinal effects and helps fight spider mites, Colorado potato beetles and other insects. For bees, fish, beneficial inhabitants of the soil and humans it is not dangerous (3rd class). The waiting period is longer than that of Fitoverm - the crop can be used after 5 days.
Photo gallery: preparations against pests - analogues of Fitoverm
- Akarin, like Fitoverm, has an intestinal contact effect
- Actofit has a shorter waiting period - only two days
- Bitoxibacillin, unlike Fitoverm, is practically not dangerous for fish
Advantages and disadvantages of Fitoverm
Like any drug, Fitoverm has the pros and cons of use. Cons, according to the manufacturer, is much smaller.
- it is possible to carry out processing on already ripened fruits - they are allowed to eat 3 days after spraying;
- protective effect lasts up to three weeks;
- the effectiveness of the active substance increases with increasing temperature;
- low hazard for bees and other pollinating insects;
- low hazard to humans;
- can be used in greenhouses and hotbeds;
When using Fitoverm in a greenhouse, it is imperative to comply with the requirements of the instructions: wear protective clothing and a respirator
- suitable for indoor plants;
- quickly removed from the soil and plant tissues;
- it is not addictive in pests, you can process the site for 5-6 years.
- It doesn’t work right away: insects sprayed by Fitoverm continue to harm plants for another 3 days;
- ineffective with severe damage to the site;
- when air temperature decreases, efficiency decreases;
- it is necessary to repeat treatments several times per season.
Fitoverm treatment should be repeated every three weeks
It is necessary to start spraying the garden with Fitoverm, as soon as the first pests are noticed.
Gardeners reviews
Fitoverm has been sold in garden stores for the second ten years and has managed to fall in love with many gardeners for its relative safety and rather high efficiency. From user reviews of the drug, you can see its advantages and disadvantages.
Fitoverm - one of the best and most popular remedies for ticks, it also kills thrips and podur, which periodically appear in my colors. Why did I buy 3 bags? It is known (and I already know from experience) that one treatment is not enough: only adults will die, and new larvae will hatch from eggs that remain in the soil or somewhere in the crevices of the windowsill. Therefore, after 7-10 days, it will be necessary to repeat the treatment, and preferably a third time. The first 2 treatments I did with Fitoverm. This is not the first time I have been buying it; I know that it is effective and moderately dangerous.
Fitoverm is considered environmentally friendly, but I can’t name it pleasant. I always work in a respirator, especially if we irrigate diseased bushes or trees on the site.
But I want to upset you. Fitoverm DOES NOT WORK at an ambient temperature BELOW 18 degrees. So treating them now is a dead issue.
Fitoverm is not resistant, harvesting can be carried out already two days after processing. He is not a systemic, but has a contact-intestinal effect. Fitoverm has a moderate hazard (3rd hazard class) and is based on the products of some vital activity soil fungus, the name, unfortunately, I do not remember, therefore, it is rapidly destroyed in the soil and does not accumulate in her.
Eleno4ka604 said (a): In some sources, it is recommended to use Fitoverm at temperatures above +20 ° C. At a lower temperature (10-15 ° C) it is better to use Intavir, Kinmiks.
Perhaps, but I apply as I apply and the results are just super, my viburnum was just from the forest and before it was eaten clean, and now not a single hole in the leaves. Even where I do not get a sprayer (above 3 meters).
Instructions for use Fitoverm and its analogues
Even a low-toxic drug should be used according to the instructions, so that the benefit is maximum, and the harm is minimal.
Table: the correct use of Fitoverm and its analogues
Title | How to breed | Processing Rules | When can I harvest | Quantity and treatment scheme |
Fitoverm | 0.04-0.32 ml per 1 liter of water | Spraying during the growing season as needed | After 3 days | 2-3 in three weeks, from 2 to 16 liters per hundred |
Akarin | 2-10 ml per 1 liter of water | Processing during the growing season, the norm is from 2 to 10 ml per 1 liter | After 2-3 days | 2-3, from 5 to 20 liters per 1 hundredth |
Actofit | The norm is from 4 to 10 ml per 1 liter. Dissolve first in a small amount of water, then add to the desired volume | On a dry, clear day afternoon at a temperature of 18 ° C and above | After 2 days | 1–2 |
Bitoxibacillin | Dissolve the powder in water (40–100 g per 10 l of water), use immediately | Spray during the appearance of larvae | After 5 days | 2–6 in a week, 2–4 liters per 1 hundredth |
Video: how to prepare a fitover solution
Fitoverm - a modern Russian drug against garden and garden insect pests - is deservedly popular among summer residents. Despite some restrictions, it works great and practically does not pose a danger to the environment.
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