Rosar potato variety, description, characteristics and reviews, as well as features of cultivation

Potato Rosar appeared in Russia in the last century, but today does not lose popularity, on the contrary, interest in this variety is growing. Red-skinned and smooth tubers with yellow flesh cannot but like. Despite the fact that during cooking this potato does not crumble, as many people like, even professional tasters evaluate its taste as excellent.


  • The story of the appearance of Rosar potatoes
  • Grade description
    • Video: Rosara's harvest
  • Landing and care
    • Video: growing potatoes from seed preparation to harvest
  • Reviews gardeners

The story of the appearance of Rosar potatoes

Potatoes Rosara brought to Russia from Germany. The variety was created by breeders Saka Pflanzenzucht. The company is engaged in the cultivation of potatoes, part of the international group Solana. The organization supplies potatoes and seed to 40 countries.

For varietal testing in Russia, Rosara entered in 1994. In 1996, it was included in the State Register of selection achievements with access to cultivation in almost all Russian regions, including the Central Black Earth Region, the Northwest, the southern regions, the Urals, Siberia and the Far East.

Grade description

Rosara belongs to the early varieties. Young potatoes can be dug already on the 45th day, full ripening of tubers occurs 70–75 days after mass seedlings. In the southern regions, gardeners manage to harvest two crops per season. Rosary bush of medium height, compact, semi-spreading, blooms with bright red-violet corollas. Tubers in the ground are compact, do not spread far from the bush, therefore, when digging, cuts are found to be small.

Rosara's potatoes are all aligned in size, as if calibrated, no ugly. The marketability of the variety is 91–99%. The tubers have an elongated oval shape, many at the base, where they are attached to the stolon, are pointed. Eyes are small and superficial. Such potatoes are nice to hold in the palm of your hand and easy to peel. The skin is red with a lilac hue, and the flesh is yellow.

Rosar potato tubers

Many Rosara tubers are pointed spear-shaped

Usually early varieties are poorly stored. Rosara is an exception to this rule. It is distinguished not only by its excellent stubbornness, but also perfectly transfers transportation over long distances, and is resistant to mechanical damage. In addition, among the positive qualities are high resistance to nematodes and cancer. The variety is slightly affected by late blight and scab.

The average weight of one tuber is 85–115 g, 11–13 pcs in the bush grow, but there are also extremes: from 3-4 in the hole to 25. Many gardeners managed to grow potatoes weighing 600–800 g. No matter how large Rosara is, she is never hollow. Productivity in industrial plantings is 202–310 kg / ha; about 300 kg can be harvested from one hundred square meters, and on fertile land not infected with diseases, it grows up to 500 kg with watering.

Rosara tubers in a section

Rosara tubers are not hollow

The purpose of the variety is table. Rosara's thick tubers are well-suited for frying, preparing salads and vinaigrette. This potato will not dissolve in the soup, and mashed potato from it turns out an appetizing golden color.

Video: Rosara's harvest

Landing and care

To get an early harvest, seed tubers a month before the expected planting date, transfer from storage to a warm room (+ 18... +20 ° C). Rinse them for the prevention of fungal diseases with a raster of copper sulfate - 10 g per 10 liters of water and arrange for germination.

Plant tubers in open ground when the earth warms up to + 10... 12 ° C. In central Russia, the potato planting season begins on May 15, earlier in the south and later in the north. Landing pattern for Rosara: 60–70 cm between rows and 25–30 cm between holes in a row. To protect the Colorado potato beetle and wireworm, treat the tubers and holes with insecticides: Tabu, Aktara, etc.

Planting potatoes

To protect against pests with insecticide, both tubers and the soil are treated in furrows or holes

Pre-sprouted potatoes emerge in 5-7 days. If return frosts are still observed in your region, then the sprouts that have appeared need to be picked up with loose earth, falling asleep with the tops. On a personal site where potatoes occupy a small area, this crop can provide decent care and harvest a crop that cannot be obtained in the field:

  • Water the bushes once a week, but plentifully. The ground should get wet 30 cm deep. Average water consumption - 3 buckets per 1 m².
  • When the bushes rise to a height of 15–20 cm, do two preventative sprayings: the first from the Colorado potato beetle with an insecticide, the second from diseases with a fungicide.
  • 2 weeks after mass seedlings, to increase productivity, feed Rosara with nitrogen-containing fertilizers: urea, ammonium nitrate, infusion of mullein, droppings or weeds.
  • During budding and flowering, give one top dressing with a complex mixture for vegetables or special for potatoes. They are produced under the brands: BioMaster, BioGumus, Fertika, Agricola, etc.
  • After each watering and rain, loosen the soil in the aisles, before closing the rows, cover it with mulch.

Video: growing potatoes from seed preparation to harvest

As for hilling, there is an opinion that it only harms the early grades. The growing season lengthens, the crop will be ready for harvest later, because the potato stops its growth in order to lay new roots and tubers. When harvesting on occult bushes, medium-sized potatoes are found that could grow larger, and a lot of small ones, laid down later, that took away the juices from existing ones, but never had time grow up.

Start digging potatoes when the tubers ripen. To understand whether they are ready for collection, scoop up the earth under the bush, remove one tuber and rub its skin with a small pillow of a finger. If it lags easily, then digging is too early. Potatoes with an unripe skin will easily be damaged by digging and poorly stored in the winter.

To maintain Rosara’s productivity for years to come:

  • select root vegetables from the most productive bushes for seeds;
  • every 5-6 years, update planting material, growing it from mini-tubers;
  • Do not plant potatoes every year on the same site, alternate its plantings with cabbage, pumpkin, legumes, and cereals;
  • in the autumn fill the earth with manure, and in the spring - humus and wood ash;
  • To improve the soil in spring, before potatoes, and in autumn, after harvesting, grow plants with phytosanitary properties: mustard, calendula, marigold, fatselia.

Reviews gardeners

This year I have Rosar 2-3 tubers on a bush! Tasty but so little! I wanted to stop planting anymore, but then I left a bucket of seeds. Generally a strange variety. In the spring I didn’t germinate in any way and I planted it firm with tiny


Especially, in other matters, as well as last year, Rosara was pleased, all as a large and even selection, she was very worried about her, the tops were low and did not bloom at all, the only minus - the beetles really love her, we need more velvet and marigolds on it plant.


I live in Ukraine. I use several varieties of potatoes. I buy seeds at the market, most often I take Nevskaya, Rosara, Slavyanka. These are drought tolerant varieties, they have large, strong roots and a powerful, dense bush. It obscures the ground and prevents the evaporation of moisture. I plant them in early spring, which makes it possible to take two crops of young potatoes ..


For planting early potatoes should be purchased varieties Rosara, Sprint, Arosa, Fellox. This potato ripens in 60–70 days and if you plant it in the twentieth of April, then in late June - early July you will get an early harvest ..


Digging Rosaru. It’s also good, the tubers are elongated, red, even, but smallish. She grew up near raspberries, in a shade. On the vine 12-14 pieces.

Milena t = 4014

If you don’t like Nevskaya and Zhukovsky, then you won’t like Rosara. Starch in these varieties is not enough.

vasilevna topic = 201.1260

Rosara! Wonderful potato! It combines unpretentiousness to different conditions, good yield of smooth and beautiful tubers, the highest content of carotene and vitamin C, and another feature of this potato is that with a relatively high starch content, it absolutely does not boil. That is why someone may not like it. The only drawback is that in the raw years it always slightly rotts the stolon mounting place. Now I do not have this variety, but when I was, if all varieties were cooked together, then Rosaru was immediately chosen like hot cakes, especially children, but you can’t deceive them.

Aleksan9ra topic = 201.1260

Rosara attracts both private traders and farmers with their ability to produce an abundant early harvest that is well transported and stored. This potato is not demanding on agricultural technology, so it is of commercial interest and grown on an industrial scale. On a personal plot with top dressing and watering, you can get results that significantly exceed the declared productivity.

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