Fertilizing tomato seedlings, when and how to do it right, including after germination

Since early spring, the windowsills of our apartments have been firmly occupied by boxes with seedlings, and tomatoes occupy a significant place among them. All spring we are anxiously caring for them, waiting for the first leaves and controlling growth. But often, tomato seedlings stretch, wither, or turn yellow. So what to do? Regularly feed babies.


  • Why you need to feed tomato seedlings
    • Without which substances will tomatoes grow poorly
  • Feeding properly
    • In what terms and how many times to fertilize seedlings for the entire growing period
    • What fertilizers to use to water the plant
      • First feeding
      • Second feeding
      • The third and subsequent feeding - if the seedlings are pale
    • Some folk recipes for fertilizing tomato seedlings
  • Video: what tomato seedlings need

Why you need to feed tomato seedlings

Do not forget - all modern varieties of tomatoes are the result of deep selection. And this means that together with an improved quality of the fruit, they become more demanding on the growing conditions. To some extent, the soil enriched with minerals and trace elements can provide them with the necessary substances. But more often than not, we use land brought from personal plots.

She simply lacks nutrients in a small box. Of course, this problem is partially solved by diving, but even it cannot fully provide the plant with the necessary elements. However, if the plant is pleasing you with bright green leaves and fluffy thick stems with a purple tint, then everything is in order with them. But this does not always happen. Typically, tomato seedlings need three basic nutrients.

Without which substances will tomatoes grow poorly

  • Nitrogen. Responsible for the growth and development of green mass. Yellowed lower leaves speak of the lack of this substance. But when feeding, you need to be careful - if you overdo it, then all the strength will go to the greens, and the yield will be much less.
  • Potassium. Helps the plant absorb essential substances. Especially important is the supply of this element for subsequent flowering and ovary of tomatoes. Its lack can be suspected if the leaves begin to wrinkle.
  • Phosphorus. Responsible for the development of roots and future ovaries. In addition, it transports trace elements to the place where they are required. The disadvantage is manifested in a purple tint of leaves.

It is in order to provide seedlings with these substances that top dressing is required.

Seedlings on the windowsill

In spring, seedlings often need additional nutrients.

Feeding properly

Typically, the number of fertilizers determines the quality of the land used for sowing. If this is a substrate specially adapted for tomatoes, then you can limit yourself to just a couple of top dressings (14 days after the dive and 10-14 days before transplanting into the ground). But most often we use ordinary garden land, and in this case, experts recommend fertilizing seedlings at least 4 times.

In what terms and how many times to fertilize seedlings for the entire growing period

  1. The first feeding is carried out after the appearance of 2 or 3 of this leaf in the seedling. Optionally, add nutrients two weeks before a dive.
  2. The second is done 14 days after the dive seedlings.
  3. The third - 10 days after the second feeding.
  4. The fourth is carried out a week before planting tomatoes in the garden.

If necessary, the number of dressings is increased. For example, if the weather does not allow you to plant young tomatoes in the ground as planned, you can additionally apply fertilizers, leaving an interval of 10-14 days between them.

What fertilizers to use to water the plant

What we still need to feed, we have already figured out. The point is small - to figure out how to please her.

First feeding

For it, you can use both ready-made fertilizers and make a cocktail of them yourself. Of organic preparations, Agricola No. 3 or Agricola-Forward show excellent results. Bred them according to the instructions. You can prepare a complex fertilizer for root dressing and yourself. To do this, you will need:

  • urea - 1 g;
  • superphosphate - 8 g;
  • potassium sulfate - 3 g;
  • water - 2 l.

Another feeding option can be made from the following ingredients:

  • ammonium nitrate - 0.6 g;
  • superphosphate - 4 g;
  • potassium sulfate - 1.5 g;
  • water - 1 l.

Fertilizers are applied under the root, trying not to fall on the leaves. To protect the seedlings in 30 minutes before fertilizing the earth is watered.

Fertilizer Agricola

Agricola complex organic fertilizers show excellent results

Second feeding

Carrying out the second and subsequent feeding, you need to focus on the state of seedlings. If it does not cause concern, then we can limit ourselves to organic complex fertilizers, for example, Effekton O. If the seedlings are extended, then superphosphate can come to the rescue here. For this, 1 tbsp. l the drug is dissolved in 3 l of hot (80 ° C) water.

In order to strengthen the roots, you can use the tool "Athlete". It will help, and if the seedlings are greatly extended. This drug slows the growth of the aerial parts of the plant and strengthens the root system. For use, the ampoule is diluted with a liter of water. Please note that you must use Athlete at least 3 times at weekly intervals. A single application will only increase the growth of seedlings.

To give the plant strength for the development of green mass, urea is often used after a dive. For the preparation of fertilizer 1 tbsp. l urea is dissolved in 10 l of water. If you see that plants are deficient in nitrogen, then urea for feeding can be used in the future. But this must be done with caution. If you overfeed the seedlings, then instead of a plentiful harvest you will receive lush green bushes.

Growth Regulator "Athlete"

The tool "Athlete" will strengthen the roots of seedlings and will not let it stretch out

The third and subsequent feeding - if the seedlings are pale

For grown tomatoes, you can use a solution of ammofoski. To prepare the fertilizer, 3 g of dry matter is diluted in 1 liter of water.

The following top dressing, if there are no obvious signs of a deficiency of an element, can be carried out with complex organic fertilizers. An alternative to them can be compost, which is simply poured into boxes with seedlings.

Foliar top dressing also shows good results. For spraying tomatoes 1 tbsp. l superphosphate is dissolved in 1 liter of hot water and insisted day. After that, trying not to agitate the sediment, the light part is drained and diluted with water to 10 l.

Some folk recipes for fertilizing tomato seedlings

Especially for fans of subsistence farming several folk options for feeding. These funds can be used at all stages of seedling development.

feed tomato seedlings

To feed seedlings, you can use not only industrial fertilizers, but also prepare them yourself

  • If you are not enthusiastic about chemistry, for the first feeding you can prepare an alternative remedy from yeast. To do this, 5 g of yeast is dissolved in 5 l of warm water and insisted for a day. Use it immediately when ready.
  • Bird droppings are an excellent source of nitrogen, which actively stimulates the growth of seedlings. To prepare the fertilizer, a concentrate is prepared by pouring 2 parts of the litter with 1 part of water. Insist 2 days and dilute with water at the rate of 1: 10. Use only for root top dressing, avoiding watering on the stem and leaves of seedlings.
  • Fertilizer from ash is perfect for seedlings after a dive. For its preparation, 1 tbsp. l ash is diluted in 2 liters of warm water and insisted day. The finished solution is filtered.
  • Iodine will not only help strengthen plants and stimulate their growth, but will also serve as the prevention of many diseases. To prepare the fertilizer, 1 drop of iodine is dissolved in 3 l of water and the seedlings are watered.

Video: what tomato seedlings need

Like adult plants, tomato seedlings need additional nutrition. This is especially important if it does not grow in specially prepared soil for this, but in ordinary garden soil. Fertilizers will help to fill the deficit of the necessary substances. The main thing is not to overdo it, because excessive fertilizer application can also damage the future crop.

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