With the rational use of garden plots, each piece of land can be intensively cultivated. Planting Lyubava potatoes is advantageous in that an early harvest of pink fragrant tubers is collected, and the earth dug during harvesting is ready for planting greens, lettuce or zucchini.
Description of potatoes Lyubava
- Video: siberian potato varieties
- Distinctive characteristics of the variety
Growing Features
- Preplant treatment
- Video: planting potatoes in the furrows
- Potato care
- Watering
- Harvesting
- Reviews gardeners
Description of potatoes Lyubava
Lyubava - a potato variety of the XXI century, the fruit of the joint efforts of employees of the Institute. A.G. Lorch and the Siberian Center for Agrobiotechnology RAS. He was included in the State Register in 2003 in the West Siberian region. The access zone also includes the Ural, East Siberian and Far Eastern regions.
Lubava potato bushes of medium height, intermediate type, semi-erect. Leaves are compact, open. The flowers are medium sized, red-violet.
Potato Lyubava gives flowers of noble coloring
The tubers are oval-round, even, smooth, with rare shallow eyes. The peel is dense, red, and the flesh is white. The mass of tubers is from 109 to 210 g, their marketability varies from 80 to 98%.
Video: siberian potato varieties
Distinctive characteristics of the variety
Lyubava - an early ripe variety: the first digging is carried out on the 45th day after the emergence of seedlings. Its productivity is from 28 to 40 kg per 1 hundredth. Tubers contain 11 to 17% starch and do not boil during cooking. Thanks to the rough peel, this potato safely tolerates transportation and is stored for a long time. And also Lyubava is characterized by the friendly formation of root crops.
Potato Lyubava is well kept
Lyubava is a variety resistant to potato cancer, but affected by a golden cyst-forming nematode. It is characterized by susceptibility to late blight on tops, while it is moderately resistant to late blight on tubers.
If at the first signs of late blight on the leaves mow and destroy the tops, the disease will not be transferred along the stems to the root crops, and the crop will remain healthy.
Growing Features
To obtain a rich harvest of potatoes, experienced gardeners recommend:
- apply crop rotation principles;
- periodically update seed material;
- plant on the site several varieties that differ in maturity.
Crop rotation allows you to rationally use the soil and not deplete it. In addition, prolonged cultivation of monocultures leads to the spread of diseases and pests characteristic of them. Moreover, this process is observed when cultivating even representatives of the same family. For example, late blight and the Colorado potato beetle affect not only potatoes, but also other nightshade crops: tomatoes, eggplants, peppers.
The best precursors for potatoes are legumes: beans, peas, beans. These plants ennoble the soil, introducing nitrogenous compounds. You can plant potatoes after pumpkin crops.
Growing legumes also scares away moles.
Plant potatoes well after legumes
Updating the seed material is necessary, since with constant reseeding of its own seeds, the variety gradually degenerates, because the vegetative method of propagation is mainly used. Depending on the characteristics of the first tubers used during planting, degeneration may occur in the third or fifth year of reseeding.
To improve the quality of the seed material, far-sighted gardeners use planting from mini-tubers, or they themselves get elite tubers from seeds. In this case, the genetic material is updated due to the generative propagation of potatoes. The difficulty lies in the laboriousness of obtaining mini-tubers from seeds, but at the same time, you don’t have to worry about the quality of the crop for the next 5-6 years.
Preplant treatment
A month and a half before planting, the seed material is sorted, processed and germinated. For this, healthy tubers are selected, without mechanical damage and rotting sites, and dipped in a urea solution (19 g of urea per 1 liter of water) for 40-60 minutes. At the same time, healthy ones remain at the bottom, and tubers with hidden diseases float. After that, healthy potatoes are dried and germinated in the light at a temperature of up to 17 in the afternoonaboutC, and at night - no lower than 4–6aboutWith within 30 days. The length of the seedlings should not exceed 2 cm, which will avoid breaking off when planting.
Some gardeners planted tubers with seedlings down to get a spreading bush. At the same time, there will be more yield, since the stems bend around the mother tuber during growth, which improves the illumination of the bush.
To prevent late blight, pre-planting treatment with Fitosporin solution is also used.
When the soil warms up so that the temperature at a depth of 10 cm is 6–7aboutC, you can start landing. Another criterion for land readiness is arable suitability. Mature soil crumbles easily, it is less dense, so that the roots of plants receive the oxygen necessary for growth. Potato variety Lyubava is considered unpretentious among gardeners, but it is better to choose the most favorable conditions:
- sunny areas protected from strong winds;
- light soils, without the risk of stagnation of water or away from the occurrence of groundwater;
- fertile land.
Growing in sunny areas does not allow the tops to stretch very much, while a stable compact bush is formed. To provide better illumination, the beds are oriented from north to south.
It is desirable to orient potato beds from north to south
If the mechanical composition of the soil does not correspond to the preferences of the potato, then when planting in a hole, sand is poured along with the dug up soil.
Excess moisture can lead to rotting of tubers and damage to late blight. To avoid this, landing on ridges is used in lowland areas. To do this, ridges are formed on a plot 15–20 cm high, leaving a distance of 60–70 cm between them. As a result, the soil warms up well, and excess moisture evaporates.
Planting potatoes in the crests is indispensable in lowlands and in humid climates.
In areas without the threat of stagnation of water, a smooth method of planting potatoes is used. To do this, the directions of the beds and the spaces between them are indicated in advance. Or plant potatoes in the holes. In this case, it is better to work together: one digs, and the other lays tubers, or draw a furrow and lay seed tubers at the bottom, on which the soil is then raked.
The main thing is to maintain a distance between landings of 25-30 cm. The tubers are not deeply embedded, as this will make germination difficult. The optimal embedment depth for loamy soil is 4–6 cm. And on light sandy soils, potatoes are planted deeper so that the tubers get enough moisture - by 14–16 cm. The size of tubers also affects the planting depth: small ones are planted closer to the surface, large ones are deeper.
Video: planting potatoes in the furrows
Potato care
On the 5-6th day after planting potatoes you need to loosen the soil. This destroys the delicate weak roots of weeds, and the earth is saturated with oxygen. Repeated loosening follows a week after the first, since weeds have different germination periods. After the first sprouts of potatoes appear, a third loosening is carried out. All work is carried out during the day in bright sunny weather, so that the delicate potato sprouts break less. After the stems grow to 10 cm, they begin to inter-row processing and hilling. Surface loosening of the soil is recommended, as deep digging can damage the root system of plants.
Before the first shoots, potatoes are not watered. There are 3 important periods for watering plantings:
- when the sprouts reach a height of 10-15 cm;
- flowering time;
- tuber formation (usually in early August).
Sometimes watering is combined with top dressing: make slurry in a ratio of 1: 7 or watered with pre-prepared infusion of weed herbs.
Fill the container with weathered 3/4 of its volume and fill it with water to the same level so that there is room for fermentation, otherwise the liquid will overflow over the edge during fermentation. Cover with a film and tie so that nitrogen does not escape from the tank and oxygen does not get into it, because it is noted that the best result is obtained with methane fermentation, that is, without oxygen. After about two weeks, the fermentation will end and the smell of the stable will appear - the infusion is ready. Dilute it with water 1: 2 for top dressing under the root and 1: 5 for foliar top dressing. At the same time, feeding the infusion of weeds disorient the pests with their smell, and they do not touch their breadwinner plants, flying around the beds of the beds treated with the infused fermented weeds. Top dressing with weed infusion should be combined with watering ...
... Putting in infusion can be wheat grass along with the roots, flowers of coltsfoot, dandelion, as well as all other weeds. You should not put sick plants in the infusion, it is better to burn them.
To preserve the crop of Lyubava potatoes, it is recommended to cut and remove all the tops a week before harvesting. Thanks to this technique, the soil dries quickly, the maturation of tubers is accelerated, their quality improves. Early removal of the tops also protects the tubers from late blight.
Reviews gardeners
Lyubava is a pink potato with a rough peel. Productivity is like productivity. Nothing phenomenal. As for the taste, I really like it.
The peculiarity of the Lyubava variety is that it has a very heaped formation of tubers in the early stages of vegetation and their number reaches 20 pieces. That under favorable conditions gives a very good yield ...
... Tubers are often more than average in size, but they ripen early enough. They recommend harvesting potatoes 45 days after planting. Which in some cases is also a plus, because potatoes digging in dry, warm weather, in late August.
Last season I used three types of seeds, Lubava, Rosara and another variety. I don’t remember the name, but also red, slightly rough tubers. I cannot select one of them. Smooth, quite acceptable result. The only difference between Lyubava is that the tubers are slightly flattened. I didn’t see the sense of chasing after a particular variety.
Good day! I have clay, heavy soil. Well-managed Lyubava, Kolobok. Zhukovsky did not go very well, but there were so many hopes for him. In general, I decided to plant only varietal potatoes.
No matter how sophisticated the housewives, without a potato, it will not be possible to balance the diet. Therefore, agronomists are working to create new improved varieties. Lyubava in this sense is a godsend for the gardener.
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