The apple tree is a traditional fruit tree, without which the garden can hardly be called real. Of the pome seeds, this culture is the most unpretentious, growing everywhere in our country - in the Far East and in the north-western region, in Siberia and the Urals. Well, in the Black Earth and Volga regions ideal conditions have been created for the summer apple tree - there are all sorts and varieties of this fruit form. The apple tree does not need excess light, moisture is taken by powerful roots from the very bowels of the earth, and this culture does not need heat and sun in excess - this is not a peach. But still, in order to get a decent summer harvest every year, the apple tree needs proper care. The right choice of variety is an important factor affecting successful gardening.
The very first dessert from the home garden: early, sweet, ruddy apples
- Video: apple tree - which variety is the most delicious
- Video: how to choose the apple variety for your garden
Early-growing apple trees for the south, middle lane and Siberia: names and descriptions
- Kuban ruddy
- Video: apple variety Elena
- Arcadik
What apples ripen in mid-summer
- Grushovka Moscow
- Melba (Melba)
- Papier
- Chinese Golden Early (Ranet)
- Video: apple tree variety Medunitsa
- Video: apple variety Candy
- Mantet
Altai ruddy
- Video: apple variety Altai ruddy
White filling
- Video: apple variety White filling
- Summer striped
Apple saved
- Video: apple variety Apple saved
- Table: varieties of summer apples for different climatic zones
- Photo gallery: apple varieties presented in the table
- Video: apple varieties Grushovka Moscow, Kitayka, Summer striped, Mantet, Papiroka, Melba
Good late summer varieties
- August
- Coveted
- Video: a selection of early varieties of apple trees
The very first dessert from the home garden: early, sweet, ruddy apples
Apple tree is a frost-resistant tree, grows flawlessly in the temperate climate of the Northern Hemisphere, easily tolerates drought and wet weather. The culture is responsive to feeding and periodic abundant irrigation, ready to bear fruit up to 50 years with proper care. Proper pruning and prevention of scab and other fungal and bacterial diseases common on these trees will allow you, your children and grandchildren to enjoy the apple trees in your garden.
The apple-tree is the ancestor of the group of varietal apple trees under the general name "house apple" - the parent of most known varieties of apple trees (and there are about 10,000), which are found on agricultural market.
All types of apple trees are excellent honey plants that produce a lot of nectar and perga.
Experts say that apple trees can decorate the garden for up to 70, and even up to 100 years. Wild species live up to 300 years. The crown of this tree usually reaches a height of no more than 5–8 m - all thanks to pruning and shaping, and it is much more convenient for the gardener to work with 4–5-meter apple trees. The game in the forests is never high - no more than 3-4 m, but the limiting height of some varieties, according to the pomology (variety studies), reaches 10 m. The average yield of the apple tree, subject to agricultural technology, from the 2nd to 3rd year of fruiting is 50–70 kg per tree.
Apple tree - a traditional pome crop in domestic gardens, rarely without a crop
The apple tree is a “long-playing” culture; as a rule, you can taste the first crop only at least for the 3rd year of growth, but in the future you can get a stable crop for decades. Moreover, if you plant varieties with different ripening dates on your plot, you can indulge yourself with fragrant juicy apples from the end of June (for example, White filling) until spring - some winter varieties, for example, winter Mekintosh, become tasty when they lie down - just after the New Year you can eat.
Nobody argues about the taste of apples - they are sour, with bitterness, sweet and just sugary, scarlet, pink, yellow, green, with a blush - but there are no
It’s easy to get a decent apple crop if you know the biological characteristics of the crop, neglect agricultural technology - in time the harvest will taste really the way it is promised authors of varieties.
The apple trees are photophilous, undemanding to soils, but cannot tolerate waterlogged with close standing groundwater and excessively dry. They prefer well-drained, fresh loamy and nutritious sandy loam soils. Easy to cut and trim.
Video: apple tree - which variety is the most delicious
To make the right choice for your garden, you need to get acquainted with the varietal specifics of the culture.
- Depending on the ripening time, summer apple trees are divided into:
- early summer - they sing already in mid-July;
- mid-season - the ripening period begins in the last decade of July - in early August;
- Late summer - crops can be harvested no earlier than mid-late August.
- Winter-hardy and slightly winter-hardy. In this regard, the regional distribution of varieties varies: for example, mid-season summer varieties are used popular in Siberia and the Urals, and early riders were fond of gardeners from regions with a mild climate (Krasnodar Territory, Crimea, Caucasus).
- Skoroplodny - the ovary appears already in the 3rd year and varieties with usual fruiting (the first crop is only in the 5-6th year).
- Partially self-fertile - without pollination, it is possible to obtain a crop, and self-fertile - without pollinating trees on the site, such cultivars do not bear fruit. And also completely self-fertile are found - bear fruit without additional pollination.
- Trees with different types of crowns, height can vary from 3.5 to 12 m, and there are dwarf and columnar apple trees.
- Immunity among many cultivars is also different: some need regular disease prevention, while others only get sick in bad weather and inappropriate climate.
But also we must not forget that the yield and technical purpose of summer apples can be completely different.
Summer varieties of apples are not intended for storage, but they are the most frost-resistant - spring return frosts are not afraid of them. Both winter hardiness and stress resistance are higher than that of other varieties, since the tree that has thawed in the summer period is gaining strength and is ready for winter cold.
Video: how to choose the apple variety for your garden
Early-growing apple trees for the south, middle lane and Siberia: names and descriptions
Early apples are a find for lovers to enjoy juicy, sour fruits. Indeed, many early-ripening varieties often break down and are eaten without ripening - the first fruits are so desired, especially grown by hand.
Kuban ruddy
The heat-loving precocious Kuban ruddy with a powerful crown of medium height (up to 4–5 m) is widespread in the Caucasus and Crimea, fruiting begins already in the 4th year. The fruits of this apple tree are round-sided, yellowish, with a raspberry blush on both sides, the middle is dense, juicy, with a pleasant acidity. Kuban ruddy apples weigh no more than 80–100 g. The variety is partially self-fertile, without additional pollination, the potential of the cultivar is not fully revealed, it is suitable as a pollinator Melba, Grushovka Moskovskaya. The main advantages of the Kuban - stubbornness and transportability.
Kuban ruddy appeared in nurseries not so long ago (in 2013), so the varietal specificity has not yet been fully studied
This cultivar is traditionally grown in central Russia: the Belarusian variety ripens earlier than the White Bulk, and in terms of juiciness and aroma it is not inferior to any early apple tree at all. Fruits of Helena are pale pink, with a bright scarlet blush when fully ripened and light subcutaneous dots - grainy, sweet, fragrant, with a cinnamon note apples weigh up to 150 g. They love this variety for early ripening, early maturity (at the 3rd year) and persistent immunity to scab. Elena has only 2 minuses: the fruits often crumble, they quickly deteriorate during storage.
Grade Features:
- the crown is rare, pyramidal;
- stunted tree - not more than 3 m;
- productivity - up to 21–25 kg per tree;
- self-fertile variety;
- winter hardy;
- annual fruiting;
- the variety is resistant to powdery mildew.
The most abundant fruiting time of the variety Elena is from the fifth year of life
In my opinion, the variety Elena has 2 difficulties: 1) in his youth, he strives to form a narrow, raised, "broom" crown. It is necessary to form carefully. But at the same time it is formed easily. For example, branches bent from the weight of the fruits are fixed horizontally. 2) It is difficult to catch the optimum moment of picking the fruit, it is easy to over-ripen on the tree, then juiciness decreases and taste is simplified. Filmed a little immature, they are stored in the cellar for 2-3 weeks and gain better taste than those ripened on a tree, oddly enough. This, of course, is subjective.
Video: apple variety Elena
On the powerful lush tree of the apple tree Arkadik grow oblong in shape more reminiscent of an egg, light-colored with a pink apple, inside with a dense oily center. Apples weigh from 200 to 310 g, and returns from one tree sometimes exceed 30–40 kg. The variety became famous due to early maturity, high tasting evaluation of fruits and transportability, but lies in the fruit storage for no more than 3 weeks. It is worth noting that this is a giant tree - the height of Arkadik at the age of 7–8 years exceeds 10 m, and also self-fertile - when growing a cultivar in a monoculture, at least 50% of the ovaries can be expected. The problem of the variety is the crumbling of fruits. Arkadik is photophilous - he will give sweet fragrant apples in case he grows in the sun, tolerates frosts very well, average resistance to scab.
Arkadik - a variety popular in Central Russia
Varieties of Kichina V.V. finally proclaimed. And the taste in our conditions is excellent. This is a Gift to the Count, Legend, Arkadik and others. Children really like: delicious, fragrant, fragrant. You bring it into the room, and the aroma does not resist.
What apples ripen in mid-summer
Mid-season apple trees orient gardeners to work - these are the most productive varieties intended for conservation - and the taste is excellent, and can lie down for a week or two, juicy. The only minus in most cultivars is lightning-fast recoil, a tree can spawn in a week - this is the difference with the autumn and winter varieties that can be eaten from August to November.
Grushovka Moscow
Classical gardening - Moscow Grushovka - grows in any climate zone, is famous for its high recoil, but for abundant fruiting, the tree must be correctly trimmed and regularly processed from scabs. In addition, Grushevka is afraid of drought and sensitive to weather - because the yield of the variety is sharply periodic.
Grade Features:
- middle layer;
- winter hardy;
- the fruits are round, browned, with a colorful tint, the skin is thin, the flesh is juicy, light, with ripening it becomes loose, dry and sugary-sweet, weight 80 g;
- the return of one adult Grushovka tree is 60–70 kg;
- the crop does not ripen at the same time;
- without additional pollination, yield decreases;
- early maturity - the first fruits appear on the 5th year;
- the variety is affected by the moth and scab.
Grushovka Moscow - relatively frost-resistant, productive grade
Grushovka Moscow is a taste of childhood. I planted myself a tree, despite the availability of new varieties. There is also an early Grushovka variety - the same Grushovka of Moscow, but without its flaws (one can say improved). The biggest disadvantage of this variety is the scab infestation.
Melba (Melba)
This Canadian cultivar is the same age as Papirovki and the White Bulk, the Mackintosh seedling, and therefore the Melba apples are red, fragrant, juicy. The fruits ripen in mid-August, stored for up to two months, are universal in consumption. Melba's yield is no less excellent than the taste of the fruit - up to 80 kg per tree during the period of active fruiting.
Variety characteristic:
- medium;
- partially self-fertile (pollinator Antonovka, Papiroka);
- relatively frost resistant;
- greatly affected by scab;
- bears fruit in the 4th – 5th year;
- the fruits are orange-red, of the correct round shape, the skin is dense, the pulp is white, juicy, sugar on the break, with a spicy candy note, the weight of the fruit is 130–220 g, some gain more than 300 g;
- distributed everywhere in temperate climates (North-West, Moscow Region, middle lane, Urals, Siberia, Far East).
Melba is a medium-sized variety, the height of the tree does not exceed 4 meters
Melba is considered the standard of taste for summer apples (not the best, but very good and compared with it). For me, so sour. Personally, I think. But Melba is even at least edible, most is still sour... Unfortunately, in central Russia, there are very few tasty apples without terrifying amounts of acids.
Early summer cultivar Papirovka - an old Baltic variety, distributed in the Black Earth region and the Volga region, very similar to the White Bulk - juicy whitish fruits ripen within 2 weeks, but when overripe, they crumble and become loose, mealy in the middle (weigh 80-100 d). They get wonderful jam from them, you can’t store the crop.
Feature Folders:
- tall - 4–9 m;
- recoil no more than 30 kg per tree;
- winter hardiness is average;
- partially self-fertile - pollinated by Grushovka, Antonovka, Robin;
- moderately resistant to scab;
- the crop is stored for 10-14 days.
They often say about Papiroka - White filling, but this is not so. They ripen at one time, similar in taste and externally, but in Naliv, the fruits are slightly finer, not as acidic, the skin is slightly lighter and does not have a thin seam through the entire fruit, like Papirovka.
Papalitsa Papirovki or beaten apples lie no more than 5 days
By the way, in the literature Bulk is more often referred to as Bulk White. Papirovka has, etc. name Pouring white Baltic. Both varieties are of folk origin. But if the White filling “walked” through the central part of Russia, the Volga region, then Papirovka “walked” around the Baltic states. Very similar in appearance and taste. The main difference in winter hardiness. If Bulk is characterized as highly winter-resistant (its frost resistance is noted), then Papiroka has winter hardiness is only above average (the consequences of a long stay in a mild climate), but also departs quickly.
Chinese Golden Early (Ranet)
A very early variety of Michurinsky Chitaika gold is valued for strong immunity and frost resistance. Amazing golden-lemon elongated apples of the Chinese woman hang in bunches (weight 40-50 g) and smell so that it is felt at a distance. In addition, it is a drought-tolerant variety, early-growing - bears fruit already in the 3rd year.
Variety Description:
- medium-sized - up to 5–7 m;
- partially self-fertile (pollinators Antonovka, Melba, Medunitsa);
- the fruits are not stored and crumble when overripe;
- poor resistance to scab and other fungal diseases;
- The variety is distributed in the North-West and in the Volga-Vyatka region of our country.
Golden apples Golden Chinese women ripen early, in the middle of July - sweet, fragrant, with juicy pulp, they are often used for whole-canning
We picked up a whole bucket from a small tree. The fruits are juicy, sour, with dense pulp. One big minus is that they do not lie for a long time, they require urgent processing. That jam and had to boil. From whole apples! They are something to the taste of wild game and look like, tart and sour. But very tasty!
The winter-hardy and disease-resistant variety Medunitsa is the brainchild of amateur breeding, you will not find it in official sources, but the love for it does not decrease from this. Gardeners appreciate Medunitsa for its early maturity, yield - up to 40 kg and great taste of fruits.
Grade Features:
- medium-sized - up to 6–7 m;
- fast-growing (for 4–5th year);
- partially self-fertile (pollinators Cinnamon striped, Melba, Victory);
- yellow-green fruits with orangeish stripes, weigh up to 140 g, the pulp is very fragrant, sweet, crisp;
- the crop can be transported and stored for up to 2-3 weeks;
- rarely sick with scab and other fungal diseases.
Lungwort is recognized by gardeners as one of the best summer sweet apple trees of early ripening for the middle lane
Pay attention to Medunichka and Candy - very tasty and sweet varieties. Medunichka is an earlier variety, and Candy is ripe by the end of August.
Video: apple tree variety Medunitsa
WITH. AND. Isaeva presented the Candy variety to amateur gardening - excellent taste, high yield of apple trees growing in the unstable and harsh climate of Siberia. The cultivar is appreciated for the annual stable yield - up to 55 kg per tree, and the excellent taste of the fruits, which, by the way, are perfectly stored - up to 1.5 months and without any problems transfer transportation to long-distance distance.
Varietal characteristics of the variety Candy:
- medium-sized - up to 6 m;
- partially self-fertile (pollinators Melba, Papirovka, White filling);
- early;
- suitable for making juices and marmalades;
- cold resistant;
- resistant to scab;
- fruits are yellowish, ruddy, sweet, with a pleasant aroma, weight 120 g.
Candy ripens in August and delights with its fruits up to 45 days due to prolonged fruiting
Candy is very tasty, sweet, not even a bit sour. This year was the first crop - 8 kg, we still have a small one - 1.5 m, and planted about 3 years ago.
Video: apple variety Candy
The Canadian variety Mantet is quick-growing (seedling of Moscow Grushovka), decent in taste. But in rainy years, it is affected by scab in 90% of cases - experienced gardeners say so.
Variety Description:
- medium-sized - up to 5 m;
- partially self-fertile - pollinators Grushovka, Melba, Antonovka;
- the fruits are round, rosy, pinkish, juicy, ripened, become loose inside, but sweet and fragrant, weight 120-160 g;
- productivity 70–100 kg per tree;
- poor winter hardiness;
- weakly resistant to scab;
- early maturity - bearing fruit in the 5th year.
Mantets are successfully grown in the middle lane; the conditions of Siberia and the Urals are not very suitable for the variety
My Manteta tree is over 25 years old. More parents planted. Strong rootstock stock. The characteristics (in fact) are more similar to the description of T.E. Kondratenko. Productivity is annual (and after frosts -32 degrees). The fruit ripening is extended - from mid-July to the 20th of August. For this period of ripening - the most delicious in the collection (then the "baton" picks up the Amulet). When normalizing the ovary, the weight of the fruit is up to 200 g (on a dwarf rootstock D-1071 - up to 250 g). Defeat scab - much less than Geneva Earley, powdery mildew resistance is high. On a dwarf stock D-1071, Manteta trees bear fruit in the 2nd – 3rd year.
Altai ruddy
Resistant to many diseases, undemanding to care and poorly responsive to temperature changes apple variety Altai ruddy gardeners appreciated half a century ago. Now Altai is considered an obsolete variety, they are often abandoned in favor of modern cultivars, although there are few reasons for this - the variety is zoned in the Far East, Siberia and the Urals, the crop is stored up to 60 days.
Other varietal characteristics of the variety:
- medium;
- partially self-fertile (pollinated with Grushovka, Antonovka, etc.);
- the fruits are browned, variegated, they are round and flattened, with yellowish friable flesh - sweet, with cinnamon notes, when overripe it becomes tasteless; fruit weight 80–90 g;
- winter hardy;
- resistant to scab.
Altai rosy has no fruiting frequency - the tree bears fruit annually
The harvest was on the Altai ruddy: a large strong tree, with large foliage, the bark is light, like in semi-crops, the apples are large. Moth is affected medium, sometimes not at all. Apples in September overripe - poured. It is stored very poorly - no more than 5 days (even taken on time). The taste is very mediocre, only for processing. I'll try to make a "family tree" out of it.
Video: apple variety Altai ruddy
White filling
The old Russian variety White filling with light green apples saturated with juice appeared back in 1947. It spread not only throughout the central part of Russia, as was expected when creating the variety, but also in Siberia, the Urals, and the northwestern part of our country. There is nothing unusual in these apples: very early, very juicy, good for jam and toppings for pies. But in comparison with modern, more advanced cultivars, the variety loses a little - it often gets sick with scab, early maturity - in the 4th – 5th year the first apples appear, the crop often crumbles and is not stored at all - the fruits become "Potato".
Variety specifics:
- medium;
- the fruits are round, light green, the flesh is the same color, juicy, sour, when ripe it becomes loose and sweet, weight 100-150 g;
- transportable;
- very hardy;
- fruit ripening occurs simultaneously and ends within 1.5–2 weeks;
- productivity reaches 35–40 kg per tree.
In our garden grew and Pouring white, and about seven pieces of Papirovka trees. I've been watching Papiroka for more than half a century. The variability of the shape and size of the fruits is large on the area of the plot near the trees. I think that this was one of the reasons for the dispute in history. About White filling I can say that planting this summer variety is possible only out of a sense of nostalgia. Apples are not very tasty, especially since summer. But they are ideal for processing.
Apple-tree White filling incidentally is called Papirovka, although these are completely different varieties
I have very nostalgic memories connected with White Bulk: even if it is an apple with sourness and it smells only overripe, but it is one of the first to sing, in ripe compote and pies the ripened Naliv is just a dream. Unfortunately, this is an old Ukrainian variety, it has weak immunity, average drought tolerance and crumbles immediately, it only ripens a little. And the return is quite acceptable - 3 buckets from a tree (that is, more than 30 kg) is quite a worthy result.
Video: apple variety White filling
Summer striped
Following the White bulk and Papirovka Summer Striped ripens - the creators made sure that the variety was not sick and could tolerate frosts without problems. The variety is common in the Urals, In the Siberian district, in the middle strip of the Striped, also often found.
Grade Features:
- medium;
- early maturity (bearing fruit on the 4th – 5th year);
- drought tolerant;
- pollinating trees can increase yield (suitable Melba, Antonovka, Papirovka);
- fruits are round-conical, with a crimson blush, juicy, sweet-sour, aromatic when ripe, weigh 60–90 g;
- the return of one tree sometimes exceeds 60 kg.
Summer striped by modern gardeners has become one of the favorite summer varieties
Summer striped, in my opinion, a really good variety. In my crown of Terentyevka. The neighbor has a whole tree. Among the shortcomings are early fall, sometimes earlier than the apples ripen. Can be stored.
Apple saved
Variety Apple Spas is intended for cultivation in the temperate continental climate of the middle strip. The tree actually surprises with its abilities: it is early, does not suffer from frost and heat, the crop does not has periodicity - each year from a tree from 4–5 years old it is possible to remove up to 50 kg, adult trees are able to give up to 70–80 kg.
Varietal characteristics of apple trees:
- tall;
- partially self-fertile, pollinators - Papiroka, Melba, Antonovka and others;
- early;
- easily acclimatized;
- has immunity to scab and powdery mildew;
- fruits are round, red, with a mottled blush, weigh 100-180 g, the pulp is juicy, sweet, fragrant.
Apple tree Apple saved, created in 2004, the pride of modern breeding
This year I was pleased with Apple saved, but they are green, though in Siberia the smallest one grew 170 grams, the rest are still growing. We ate one that fell itself - it was straight soft, grains and sweet. And the second one I plucked with difficulty, not quite ripe, but I liked it more.
Video: apple variety Apple saved
Table: varieties of summer apples for different climatic zones
Grade name | Fruit bearing date | Description of the fetus | Other characteristics of the apple tree | Distribution Region |
Joy of Hope | — | Flat-round, red, weight 150 g, flesh green, hard, juicy. |
Central Black Earth Region, Moscow Region |
Minusinsk summer | early | Fruits are small, flattened, yellowish, with raspberry blush, sweet, weight 40-50 g. |
Eastern Siberia |
Barnaul early | — | The fruits are orangeish, flattened, sweet, weight 40 g. |
Western Siberia |
Shushenskoe | — | Fruits are rounded, browned, with pink stripes, light green, with dense pulp, sweet and sour, slightly aromatic, weight 80 g. |
Western Siberia |
Pink fill | early | The fruits are round-conical, light green, with a dark blush, weight 120-150 g, the pulp is dense, aromatic. |
Nizhny Novgorod, Leningrad Region, Kostroma, Pskov |
Early scarlet | early | Fruits are flat-round, obtuse, creamy with pronounced scarlet strokes and subcutaneous dots, weight 110 g, middle juicy, pleasant to the taste. |
Central Black Earth |
Alyonushka | early | The fruits are small, round, straw-yellow with a pronounced raspberry blush, weight 20–40 g, flesh loose, fragrant. |
Siberia |
Altai Amber | fruiting on the 5-6th year | Fruits are ovoid, yellow, with creamy soft pulp, weight 75 g. |
Western Siberia |
Fortune | — | The fruits are round, maroon, weight 170 g, the middle is creamy white, sweet and sour. |
North Caucasus region |
Smuglyanochka | — | Fruits are round, light yellow, matte, with a blush, inside is light, dense, juicy, sweet and sour, weight 32 g |
Siberia |
July Chernenko | early | Fruits are round-conical, pink-raspberry, weight 180-200 g, the middle is snow-white, dense, slightly aromatic, sweetish. |
Central Russia, Moscow Region, Volga Region |
Red hill | early | The fruits are round, greenish, later with a cherry blush, the flesh is light, with pink streaks, sweet, weight 60-100 g |
Siberia |
White summer | — | Fruits are flat-round, greenish, with a blush, the flesh is coarse-grained, with a weak aroma. |
Ural |
Sissy | early | Fruits are round-conical, greenish-yellow, with raspberry blush, weight 50–80 g |
Siberia, Southern Urals |
Dubrovinka | early | The fruits are small - 20 g, round, yellow, with a crimson blush, pink flesh, sweet and sour, with red droplets. |
Eastern Siberia |
Vadimovka | — | Fruits are ovoid, pointed, dark green, with a purple blush, weight 215 g, middle is dense, odorous, sweet. |
North Caucasus |
Photo gallery: apple varieties presented in the table
- Barnaul early - large-fruited technical grade
- Vadimovka is appreciated for excellent productivity
- July Chernenko grows well in the harsh climate of Siberia
- Sissy is famous for fragrant fruits with juicy fragrant flesh
- The hardships of the weather, fungal diseases, overload - nothing is scary for the Minusinsk summer
- Early scarlet at first glance is not so fruitful, but bears fruit annually
Video: apple varieties Grushovka Moscow, Kitayka, Summer striped, Mantet, Papiroka, Melba
Good late summer varieties
Summer varieties with a late ripening are often praised for their pleasant taste and fragrant juicy flesh unflavored sweets. There are not many such varieties in the State Register, but still there is plenty to choose from.
In the 80s, the Michurinians developed an unpretentious cultivar of Augustus with a powerful crown (height 4.5–5 m) and abundant fruiting. Young (from the 4th to 5th year) trees of the cultivar give up to 60 kg, apple trees older than 10 years old - up to 100 kg per season.
Variety characteristic:
- fruits are round-oval, with a blurred cherry blush, weight 160–210 g, flesh refreshing, grainy, sweet-sour;
- early;
- winter hardy;
- resistant to scab and powdery mildew, but is affected by cytosporosis;
- short shelf life of the crop.
Augusta variety has a short shelf life of fruits, but early fruiting allows you to enjoy fresh tasty fruits in the summer
I don’t know how popular it is, but I like Augustus. Fruits 165 g, fragrant. Stored until the end of September. The pulp is juicy, sweet and sour, of excellent taste. Relatively resistant to scab. High yielding.
The medium-sized tree of the Zhelannoe variety rarely suffers from scab and other fungal, and bears fruit annually without interruption. The return from one tree is up to 70 kg. The fruits of the cultivar fully justify their proud name - sweet, odorous, sugary, but over the years the tree grows up to 7-8 m - it is not so easy to harvest.
Variety Description:
- apples are round, yellowish, with a mottled pinkish-orange blush, gain about 150 g, the flesh is tender, grainy, with a harmonious taste;
- partially self-fertile (pollinator Antonovka);
- resistant to frost up to -35 C.
Variety Zhelannoe has very tasty dessert apples
In the middle zone, there is not enough heat in the summer to gain taste and severe frosts in the winter, therefore, all the masterpieces to taste are not available to us. But do not despair, there are many very good varieties. Apple-tree Zhelannaya quite suits me. Apples themselves are juicy and sweet with some acidity, but not critical.
Large - from 150 g and more green apples of the Generosity variety with bright ruddy sides are really juicy and tasty, these are the housewives who choose juice and compote, jam and jam. With productivity, Generosity will also not fail - the minimum rate of return from ha reaches 300 c.
Grade Features:
- vigorous;
- early;
- partially self-fertile (pollinator Melba, Papiroka);
- resistance to fungal diseases is average.
Variety Generosity feels good in the Crimea, Krasnodar, Rostov Region, in the Caucasus
Video: a selection of early varieties of apple trees
The State Register of the Russian Federation offers our farmers several dozen time-tested, productive, tasty varieties of summer apple trees. Modern selection for years has accumulated an assortment of everyone's favorite garden culture. This fruit tree is not difficult to cultivate; the main task of the gardener is to choose a variety suitable for the climatic zone and learn the basics of agricultural technology - the apple tree will not fail with the harvest.
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