Country Houses

The order of work on the device of drainage around a private house, types of drainage systems
The order of work on the device of drainage around a private house, types of drainage systems
Mar 05, 2018

Many homeowners believe that the presence of waterproofing completely closes the issue of protecting the basement and the foundation from th...

We collect forged gates for the house from the finished parts with our own hands
We collect forged gates for the house from the finished parts with our own hands
Mar 10, 2018

Any home owner wants his own house to look individual and beautiful. I think I will not be mistaken if I say that the gate of any house is a...

Septic Tapas - a description of the principle of operation, maintenance and performance
Septic Tapas - a description of the principle of operation, maintenance and performance
Mar 17, 2018

More recently, wastewater treatment by biological method was perceived as something unreal. But it became quite feasible after the appearanc...

Lightning protection of the cottage and its variants for various types of roofs
Lightning protection of the cottage and its variants for various types of roofs
Mar 12, 2018

If you ask friends who have cottages, if they have any means of protection against lightning in their houses, then most of them will certainly an...

How to install a lightning rod-tower for a country house - the device and the order of work
How to install a lightning rod-tower for a country house - the device and the order of work
Mar 04, 2018

In recent years, natural anomalies and cataclysms have become increasingly frequent and intense. Lightning among them occupy a rather signif...

Characteristics and operating principle of the septic tank Topol, which does not require pumping out drains
Characteristics and operating principle of the septic tank Topol, which does not require pumping out drains
Mar 23, 2018

The "Topol" septic tank developed according to modern technologies is an inexpensive variant of a sewage treatment plant that provides the n...

Complete instructions for insulating the attic from the inside with your own hands
Complete instructions for insulating the attic from the inside with your own hands
Feb 18, 2018

To begin let me remind you that the attic - it is attic space, which is equipped for human habitation or some household needs( office, greenhouse...

We make a sandbox for children with our own hands - complete instructions
We make a sandbox for children with our own hands - complete instructions
Mar 08, 2018

The main entertainment for children in a country house is the sandbox, which is usually located in the children's corner. Therefore, when ...

The main methods of water purification from the well are osmosis, chlorination, aeration
The main methods of water purification from the well are osmosis, chlorination, aeration
Mar 11, 2018

Many owners of suburban real estate, and most often, summer residents, for their needs, water is taken from the well. However, the water u...

Rules for connecting a gas boiler to a home heating system, diagram and video
Rules for connecting a gas boiler to a home heating system, diagram and video
Mar 06, 2018

Before you start connecting a gas boiler, you need to understand a few basic requirements. They concern all gas boilers, regardless of modif...