Build days

Decoration of a fireplace in the interior
Decoration of a fireplace in the interior
Feb 09, 2018

What should be the design of the fireplace? This topical question is asked by almost everyone. Because it is very useful to know what is r...

Bio-fireplace with own hands
Bio-fireplace with own hands
Feb 09, 2018

Fire - relaxes and envelops the room in an atmosphere of warmth and coziness. True, relaxing slow and quiet fire, it is unlikely that a burning h...

Kitchen Wallpapers
Kitchen Wallpapers
Feb 09, 2018

Is it advisable to use wallpaper for the kitchen? This question is asked by the person who decided to repair this room. Some people think that th...

Tiles for kitchens
Tiles for kitchens
Feb 09, 2018

The kitchen is quite a peculiar space, and therefore requires increased attention, especially during the repair phase. In addition to comp...

Tables for kitchen
Tables for kitchen
Feb 09, 2018

During the selection of a dining table for the kitchen, a number of complications can arise which are associated with a wide range, in which abso...

Repair of a small kitchen
Repair of a small kitchen
Feb 09, 2018

In the so-called "Khrushchevs" problem number one is a small kitchen. Repair of a small kitchen is not some complicated business, howeve...

Mirrors in the bedroom
Mirrors in the bedroom
Feb 09, 2018

Specialists recommend selecting a mirror in the bedroom, not only in accordance with its functional purpose. This element should participate in t...

Curtains for kitchen
Curtains for kitchen
Feb 09, 2018

The kitchen differs from other spaces of the apartment house by a more aggressive atmosphere. There it is very hot, and then a cold wind from an ...

Rug in the bedroom
Rug in the bedroom
Feb 09, 2018

Make the room more cozy, and the floor will be warmer with a bedside mat. The assortment of products on the market is quite extensive, it allows ...

Chest of drawers in the bedroom
Chest of drawers in the bedroom
Feb 09, 2018

Chest - a rather peculiar piece of furniture that combines the compactness and capacity tables cabinet making, consider installing and successful...