![Point and linear storm sewerage in a private house](/f/2a/bc/2abc48d1d56fdd0d228feffd77acbf77.jpg)
The installation of storm sewage in a private house can be done independently.
You should not hurry to contact the masters, you can do everything with your own hands in just a couple of days.
Installation of such a system will help to save the foundation and the site as a whole from flooding, and thus prolong their life.
When doing such work, it is necessary to study the normative documents beforehand, for example, SNiP 2.04.03-85.
It indicates all the necessary data for calculations and includes answers to common questions arising from the self-installation of a storm shower.
First it is necessary to decide which system is necessary for your site.
Point and linear rainwater
Point type sewer is created to collect rainwater from the roof of the house inseveral places.
In this case, the water along the downspouts arrives in the orderly located water receivers, which feed it into the common highway.
The device for storm water drainage of a linear type differs from a point one in that the surface protected from erosion is larger.
The linear system is a network of trays or troughs, the layout of which allows you to cover a large area.
This is a suitable choice for a country house or villa with concrete or asphalted paths and other areas.
In order for the water drain to pass without failures, it is necessary to make a slope. This is provided for in SNiP 2.04.03-85.
The storm sewer is a collection of different elements. The first in this list are water receivers.
These elements are installed under the drainpipes for local water collection.
To protect the entire system from debris, installation of gratings for each of them is required. In this case, storm sewer cleaning will be less frequent.
The next important element is the door pallets. They perform the function of water receivers, but install them in front of the doors and gates.
Trays and gutters are also important components located in ditches to simplify the diversion of water from the site.
For sewage of closed type use not trays, but pipes, the depth of which depends on the specific terrain.
To clean the storm sewage system in a private house was not too time consuming, a sand catcher should be provided, this is also mentioned in the SNiP.
In this case, all garbage and sand will be filtered, preventing clogging of the water disposal system.
Initial calculations of storm sewer
The main function of storm sewage is to divert water from a site in a private house or cottage, and in order for the system to work without complaints, preliminary calculations are necessary.
This will take some data. It is necessary to know the average value of precipitation in a particular area.
This information can be obtained from the local meteorological service or look into the above SNiP.You also need to find out the total stock area.
For a point system, this will be the area of the projection of the roof on the plane, and for the linear system - the total area of all areas intended for water disposal.
In addition, you need information about the soils located on the site, and a layout of underground utilities.
The design of storm sewage begins with the calculation of the volume of discharged water.
Correction factor for the areas covered with crushed stone - 0.4, concrete - 0.85, asphalt - 0.95, for roofs - 1.
For more accurate calculations it is necessary to resort to formulas in the above SNiP.
The diameter of the pipes required for the sewerage system is chosen according to the respective values of the volume of water withdrawn. Necessary tables are also located in the current SNiP.
Depth of laying the underground part of the
The storm-water drainage system of the closed type assumes excavation. The depth of the pipes is determined by practical experience.
This may be due to the desire to conduct a minimum number of works, also influenced by the depth to which the earth freezes in winter.
In order not to suffer from assumptions and calculations, you can find out this information from construction organizations or ask neighbors who have already installed livnevku.
As a rule, for pipes with a diameter of up to 50 centimeters, the minimum depth of embedment is 30 centimeters. The larger diameter of the pipes requires a minimum of 70 centimeters of penetration.
Slope of the underground part of the sewage system
According to SNiP, in order for the water not to stagnate, it is necessary to make the slope of the system towards the common collector.
To determine the slope of pipes, it is necessary to take into account the surface coating, the type of drainage and the diameter of the pipes. For different diameters, it will be slightly different.
For example, pipes with a diameter of 15 centimeters should be stacked so that the slope is 8 millimeters per meter of pipe.
For pipes with a diameter of 20 centimeters, the slope should be at least 7 millimeters per meter of pipe. These figures may vary slightly depending on the parameters of a particular site.
The most significant bias is in the places of connection of water receivers and drainage channels, since it is here that the greatest speed of water diversion is required, and it is 2 centimeters.
When the channel approaches the sand catcher, the speed must be reduced and the slope reduced accordingly, so that the suspended particles can settle on the bottom of the tray or the pipe.
Installation of the sewerage system
The storm sewer system can be performed by yourself if desired, in a few days.
Any owner of a country house or villa can do it on his own, as there are no special difficulties in this, the process resembles the laying of an ordinary external pipeline.
Installation of storm sewage starts with excavating a trench. However, before the excavation work begins, it is necessary to outline the plan for laying gutters and pipes for future sewerage.
It's also worth remembering about the necessary bias, and the depth of the trench must match the diameter of the pipes.
If the pipes are to be insulated, the thickness of the insulation layer should also be taken into account.
The order of work is as follows: the trench is dug to the required depth, stones and other large objects are removed, and the pits formed are covered with earth.
Next, you need to compact the bottom of the trench and sand it with a layer of 20 centimeters. At the same stage, a pit is pulled out under the collector.
This can be a purchased plastic tank or you can make it yourself, filling the concrete with pre-prepared formwork.
When trenches are ready, pipes are laid in them, all connections are made by fittings. Sightwells are installed on straight sections in case the length of the pipeline exceeds 10 meters.
Also these wells are installed in the places of branching of the network. Sand scrapers are mounted on the junction of gutters and a storm pipe.
Before the final filling of the pipes, the system needs to be tested, if nothing is leaking, and no stagnant water is formed, earthworks can be finished.
The final touch is the installation of gratings on the drainage gutters.
Cleaning the storm water drain
In order to delay the first storm sewer repair as far as possible, periodic cleaning of all sections of the structure should be carried out.
If the system ceases to cope with the removal of rainwater, then start cleaning is from the roof, since it contains a large number of elements that are clogged the fastest: trays, funnels, pipes.
To do this, just remove all the accumulated garbage. If the problem is in the underground part, then work needs to be done a little more.
If you need to clean the sewage system of open type, then the procedure is quite simple. First remove the lattice, and remove all visible debris.
Then, with water, wash trays and gutters. If the blockage is eliminated, the grilles are put in place.
When the sewage system is closed, cleaning is more difficult.
If you have the right equipment, then you can do it yourself, but sometimes you have to invite specialists to carry out these works.
The closed-type canal is cleaned by a hydrodynamic method. The essence of the method is to supply water under high pressure to the place of the alleged blockage.
A jet of pressurized water is able to wash up accumulated contaminants, returning the system to operation.
To increase the speed of work, it is better to supply water alternately to the direction of the natural current of water, then to the reverse one.
However, the application of this method depends on the diameter of the pipes, for pipes from 20 centimeters in diameter you will have to resort to professional equipment.