Ventilated facades from porcelain tiles

Ventilated facades from porcelain tiles

The wide popularity of ventilated facades made of ceramic granite began to be acquired due to reliability and simplicity.

The whole construction consists of three components: wind and heat insulation, fastening system( guides, clamps) and lining material.

As the latter, natural stone, porcelain stoneware or other composite materials can be used.

When choosing from the offered options, first of all pay attention to their cost. Porcelain - has the most favorable position of all.


It is easier to operate and less fond of care. However, the installation technology and design features of the systems are the same in all cases.


  • Device and mounting technology
  • Getting started
  • Where to buy and how much is it?

Device and mounting technology

It is possible to divide the ventilated facade of ceramic granite into four parts:

  • Wind protection;
  • Insulation layer;
  • Fastening system;
  • Facing.

Wind protection is made from membrane fabrics.

The material selected will depend on the expected result:

  • Waterproofing film;
  • Steam insulation film.

To prevent moisture build-up in the walls, it is necessary to use vapor-insulating materials.

They can be applied independently of the insulation, protecting the surface of the walls from dampness.


To protect the insulation directly, it is necessary to apply a waterproofing film. An alternative is the second layer of vapor barrier, mounted on the other side.

Both options are slightly different, but they will perform one common task - the windproof surface, protecting it from the adverse effects of the atmosphere.

Also the technology of ventilated facades from porcelain tiles implies reliable insulation of the wall surface in the cavity.

Not always the shell design will allow to put a heat insulator, but if it is possible - it is not necessary to neglect.

As a heat-insulating layer, any modern material intended for these purposes and sold on the market is used.

The most widely used are:

  1. Expanded polystyrene extruded;
  2. Mineral wool.

Equally important, setting up a hinged ventilated facade from porcelain stoneware, has a fastening system.

It consists of a set of brackets and guides that are mounted to the wall by anchors and allow you to adjust the space between the facade and the lining under the heater.

Ceramic granite can be installed in two different ways:

  • With open seam;
  • With closed seam.

There is no significant difference between them, in addition to the Kleimers for open or concealed attachment and mounting method.

In the first case, the seams will protrude outward and are visible to the unaided eye.


The second way is more time-consuming, as in the porcelain tile the grooves in the ends, in which the fastenings are hidden, must be thought out.

Completely dismantling the structure of the system, you can think about how easy it is to install a ventilated facade from porcelain stoneware.

In one or two-story houses all the work can be organized by their own efforts.

Getting Started

First of all you need to prepare all the necessary tools:

  • Power tools( drill, drill, bolgar and screwdriver);
  • Stationery knife and screwdriver;
  • Kiynka( rubber or wooden) and a hammer;
  • Levels of different lengths( including the angular type model).

When calculating the ventilated facade from porcelain stoneware, it is necessary to accurately determine the required number of all components.

The cladding material itself should be purchased at a time, since in different batches it can have insignificant but noticeable differences.

Yes, and very inconvenient to continue to run around the shops and buy a few small things, wasting precious time.

Since the weight of the ventilated facade from granite depends largely on the choice of one of the three materials, this must be taken into account when purchasing fastening anchors.

For example, composite materials are much lighter than porcelain stoneware, so the second case requires a more powerful system design.

The hardest way to face the facade with natural stone.

When mounting brackets, care should be taken to ensure that the ventilated façade units from the porcelain stoneware are as reliable as possible.

Their fastening is carried out with the help of special stainless anchors, under the hats of which the washers are laid.


An adjustable system of ventilated facade from porcelain stoneware plays not only a decorative function, decorating the walls.

It also protects them from moisture and prevents unwanted heat transfer.

Having finished assembling the frame, it is necessary to start laying the heat-insulating layer.

It should be precisely adjusted to the dimensions and fastened to the wall with poppet nails.

Any thermal insulation materials can be used, but I advise professionals to apply those that are positioned for façade systems.

Then apply a windproof film. It can be fastened in any position, connecting joints with a special tape.

The most important thing is not to spoil the parties. On the external surface of the material, the manufacturer's trademark is affixed.

The inside should be as close as possible to the heat insulator.

At this ventilated facades of houses made of porcelain stoneware are almost assembled. It remains to attach the material itself.


If you adhere to the level of the very first guide, there should not be any distortions.

Where to buy and how much is it?

Today, construction markets are full of a wide variety of materials, so buying a ventilated façade from porcelain stoneware will not be difficult.

It is recommended that you pay attention to time-tested manufacturers.

Today, the cost of a ventilated facade from porcelain stoneware is not so great that they should be saved.

In addition, the service life is from 25 years. Modern market offers the following rates( per square meter):

  • Porcelain standard - from 170 rubles;
  • Facade porcelain stoneware - from 360 rubles.

Together with the heater and accessories( fasteners, screws, guides), the price of a ventilated facade from porcelain stoneware, not including specialist services, will be about 1500-3000 rubles.

Approximately the same amount will be the price of installation of a ventilated facade from porcelain stoneware. Specialist services will cost 1400-1500 rubles.

Before starting to work, it is necessary to calculate the total cost of all components of the estimate, and then decide whether it is worth spending your own nerves and time.

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