Need to use a primer for gypsum board wallpaper

Need to use a primer for gypsum board wallpaper

Do I need to ground the drywall under the wallpaper? The question that everyone asked, who at least once was engaged in repair.

Being a universal finishing material, gypsum board is impregnated with polymeric additives providing stable adhesion of gypsum mass, from the outside only cardboard.

And since the paper is very easy to damage, there is no consensus on the need for priming drywall before gluing the wallpaper, whether the drywall is primed before the putty and whether it should be primed before laying the tile.


  • Do plasterboard dry?
  • Than primed?
  • Sequence of preparation of drywall for wallpapers
    • Primary priming
    • Joint treatment
    • Leveling of surface by puttying
    • Sanding
    • Re-priming
  • Priming before painting
  • Laying of tile

Is plasterboard laid?

Opinions differ on this issue.

Some believe that a primer for gypsum board is necessary. Others offer to handle only the seams, which were plastered. Still others generally believe that this material does not need to be processed.

Nevertheless, many experts believe that a primer is necessary both before wallpapering and before puttying.

As the impregnation improves the adhesion of cardboard to other materials, gives additional strength to the gypsum board, thereby prolonging its service life, the wallpaper will be better kept.

Light wallpaper will not shine through. Also, you can easily take them off when it's time to change the wallpaper.

Therefore, to the question "Do drywall drywall?" We can definitely say "Yes".

Than primed?

Answering the question "Do plasterboard dry?" We immediately ask ourselves a new "What is primed, what primer to choose?".

At present, it is not difficult to choose a primer. It is enough to pay attention to what works the primer is used for, internal or external.

For finishing the premises, it is worth noting the primer used for outdoor works, since it can contain toxic substances.

The most common work on gypsum cardboard is using an acrylic primer, although there are other types.

Primers for plasterboard

It will be more preferable if the acrylic primer used is already ready, and not in the form of a composition, from which it is necessary to prepare the working mixture.

In the last version, you must strictly follow the instructions, so that the primer does not get too liquid, or vice versa, too thick.

Violation of the formulation of the preparation of the primer can adversely affect the surface to be treated, and, therefore, complicate the preparatory part before wallpapering, painting walls or laying tiles.

Sequence of works of preparation of drywall for wallpapers

Preparation of drywall before wallpapering includes five main components:

  • primary priming;
  • processing of joints;
  • leveling by putty;
  • grinding;
  • re-primer.

Let's stop at each stage in more detail.

Primary priming

Priming of plasterboard not only improves grip, but also protects it from fungus and mold development. Therefore, the first stage will be the complete processing of the entire surface.

The solution is applied with a brush or roller evenly over the entire surface. The applied primer coat usually dries up to 24 hours, find out how much exactly, you can by the instructions to it.

Roller and brush

Processing of joints

Very important stage in the preparation of drywall.

Joints are sealed with reinforcing paper or a fine mesh - a serpent. This will prevent cracks in the joints.

Top putty, level the surface and remove excess with sandpaper.

Mesh for joints

Aligning the surface with a putty

Any fine or fine-grained putty can work. It is ready, and as a dry mixture.

If you use a dry, do not forget to follow the basic rule when mixing the solution - add the filler to the water, and not vice versa, how much to fill the mixture depends on the brand, usually indicated in the instructions.

For application, use a wide and narrow spatula, respectively, for uniform stretching and for superimposing and removing excess.


Putty fill the entire space of drywall, evenly stretching putty. It is better to lead from the brim to the center.

Apply two layers, not forgetting grinding and removing dust from the surface between them. Not forgetting also that shpaklevka in the beginning dries, and only then it is ground.


Surface grinding is only started after the putty has dried. How long does it take? Usually dries a day.

For grinding use coarse-grained and fine-grained sandpaper. First, grind a coarse-grained nazhdachkoy, after that the surface is brought to the ideal of shallow.

Grinding of plasterboard


The entire surface of the drywall is treated.

The primer can be applied in one or two layers. Do not forget again, that before the second layer of priming, the surface must dry.

How much the primer dries can not be exactly said, depending on its type - from 5 to 24 hours.

After completing all the actions, we can glue the wallpaper, or start painting the walls.

Wall primer

Priming before painting

The priming process of gypsum board before painting is described above.

Special attention should be paid to the processing of joints, their alignment with the surface of gypsum board and on grouting the surface before re-priming.

It should be perfectly smooth, as the colored layer will convey all its flaws and errors.

Laying tiles

Plasterboard level the walls not only in living quarters.

They can decorate walls and bathrooms, however, in this case it is necessary to use a moisture-resistant plasterboard painted in green and mounted not on a wooden frame, but on a metal frame.

A rigid base is needed to avoid deformation.

Before laying the tiles on gypsum board, it must be prepared in the same way as before wallpapering or painting. To seal the seams in this case is no longer putty, but tile glue.

Priming the whole surface and waiting for it to dry.

Attention! Laying the tile can only be done when all the drywall treated with drywall is dry.

How long the primer dries: it depends on the humidity and the temperature of the bathroom.

While the surface dries, better calculate the tile starting from the top row. It is made only of whole panels.

Measure out the rows, not forgetting to take into account the thickness of the seam( it corresponds to the size of the cushioning cross), prepare the tile restraints and the tile adhesive.

The adhesive can be applied to both the tile and the surface itself.

Thanks to the smooth surface of the prepared drywall, laying the tiles is easy enough, but do not neglect the level.


In order for the wall to not turn out to be a ladder, it is necessary to control the level both on the faces and on the plane.

The width of the seam will be less noticeable if you correctly select the cross seal. More often use 3 mm.

To avoid breaking tiles, when cutting it, you can use a conventional glass cutter. After the line, the tile quickly and easily breaks.

After laying the tiles with a soft rubber spatula, grout the joints. Surplus mixtures are removed from the surface of the plates with a damp cloth until it hardens.

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