How to choose the right material for stretch ceilings - all the pros and cons of fabric and PVC

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Decorating the ceiling of the room with special fasteners( located around the perimeter) and canvases is perhaps the most popular option in the private sector. Features of technology - a separate and rather voluminous topic. We will deal with another question - what material to choose for a tension type ceiling?


The base is polyurethane yarns that are woven into a single web, which is additionally impregnated with special substances that improve the individual properties of the substrate. Therefore, the usual tissue is not talking.

the cloth


  • "Porosity" of the material. The technology of web weaving for a stretch ceiling promotes the formation of micro-voids between threads. Consequently, the tissue is able to "breathe".As a result, evaporation does not condense on the ceiling, the quality of natural ventilation rises.
  • Increased reliability and durability. This is provided mainly by the type of the impregnating agent.
  • "Ecological cleanliness" of the material. Unlike PVC canvas, there are no toxic components in its composition.
  • Ability to decorate fabrics. It is easy to apply additional drawings, patterns and the like;such ceilings can be whitened or painted.
  • Large dimensions of canvases. Even with the design of sizeable rooms it is possible to equip the ceiling with a seamless one. This same advantage of fabrics reduces the time for the production of work.
  • Material inertness to low temperatures. The optimal version of the stretch ceiling in the rooms, which can not be heated at any time. For example, in the cottage.
  • Easy to install. First, all operations can be performed independently, in a relatively short time. Probably, this is one of the main advantages of such a material, although it does not require a heat gun for its installation. Secondly, the accuracy of cutting the fabric for the stretch ceiling is desirable, but not necessary - the excess can easily be cut with household scissors.
  • Service life( subject to installation and maintenance) is at least 22 years.


  • A fairly modest color palette of fabrics, which limits the choice of ceiling decoration options.
  • The need for periodic maintenance of the material. If there are pores, then they will be hammered. The difficulty of care is that it is unlikely to clean the fabric stretch ceiling alone, in addition, qualitatively. You will have to apply to a specialized organization and pay for this work.
  • Gradual absorption( and "retention") of odors, some constriction with excessive heating. Therefore, stretch ceilings fabric have a restriction on the installation - in the kitchen or dining room to produce decorating with this material is inexpedient.
  • Irreversible material damage when wet. If for ceiling ceilings from other polymers the flood from above is not terrible, then for fabric - it is fatal. As a rule, after such situations, the entire canvas is replaced.
Price stretch ceiling on a fabric basis( per 1 m ²) - from 820 rubles.


Stretch ceiling PVC


  • Many options for creating a stretch ceiling. First, a huge selection of material by color( shade).Secondly, the creation of any imitation, volumetric drawings( images).The possibilities are limited only by the imagination of the design specialist.
  • Easy maintenance of stretch ceiling from PVC.It is enough to wipe the film with a soft brush or cloth, so that it has a pristine appearance.
  • In contact with water, the material does not change its characteristics. Even repeated flooding of neighbors with a floor above does not cause a replacement of the canvas.
  • Inertness to external factors. Smells do not absorb, is not afraid of ultraviolet and does not burn out.
  • Acceptable cost. Installation of PVC ceiling will cost less than from woven material.


  • Polyvinyl chloride is sensitive to low temperatures. Therefore, the installation of a stretch ceiling from this material is carried out only in a heated room or during the warm season.
  • Limited width of the film. At maximum - 2,5 m. Therefore, one way or another, on the ceiling 2 - 3 the seam will be sure. For a small room, this is not so unimportant, but for a small room it can make a difference. But this is not all: another disadvantage of the "suture" of the canvas is a decrease in its strength, as in any connection of individual fragments.
  • Necessity for heating the material during installation. Since a heat gun is used, the PVC stretch ceiling itself is not installed - it will be necessary to invite professionals( it is unlikely that anyone will buy special equipment, and quite expensive, for one-time work).And this is not always convenient, since before their arrival it is necessary to completely empty the room of furniture, household appliances and other things. And what about the new floor covering? For example, such material as piece parquet or its board. Proceeding from this, it is advisable to install tension ceilings from this material before the beginning of the main repair measures in the room. That is, there is some restriction in the application.
  • The complexity of the cutting. It's not the difficulty of cutting, but the accuracy of the process. Small deviations can make the canvas unfit for installation in a particular room.
  • Slight sag of the material. For large rooms - a significant nuance.
  • Limited in lighting. Since the material is easily deformed by thermal exposure, it is necessary to carefully select the lighting devices for their installation on such a tension ceiling - both in quantity and in power.
  • Toxicity of dyes. Here much depends on the manufacturer - what formulations are used to process the material, and from what raw materials it is produced. That's why experts recommend signing contracts for the installation of stretch ceilings only with proven, reputable firms. The desire to save will lead to the fact that you can trivially "run into" cheap "chemistry" with a large percentage of harmful components.
  • The service life is less than that of fabric cloth - about 15 years.

Recommendation - before installation it is necessary not to bend and sniff the material. A sharp smell is a clear sign of low-grade products.

Price stretch ceiling PVC( rubles / m², with installation) - from 390( Russian production) and 485( imported).

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