Knowledge of the construction of the plumbing fixture will make it possible to repair it without waiting for the arrival of a professional master. For those who are still "you" with technology, but want to eliminate the problem with their own hands, it is worth noting that regardless of the material of the manufacture, the specific installation, the form and a number of other differences, the principle of operation of all the toilet bowls is almost the same.
The drain tank with the button and the bottom water supply is the most common device on modern toilet models. This article is devoted to their features and functioning.
The number of buttons - 1 or 2 - does not play a big role. This type of performance only affects the usability in terms of water saving. Figures show various float mechanisms for tanks with a button of models of toilet bowls "FOMINAYA", "Warehouse AB", "INKOER".
The common thing is that the float moves strictly vertically. It is rigidly connected to both a button, which is triggered by the draining of water, and with a valve( by means of traction) that closes its supply when it reaches a certain level.
How the tank works with the button and the bottom
- The water supply is regulated by the diaphragm. For changing its position, "meets" the ball valve, which is controlled by a button located on the top of the tank, on the lid.
- The siphon, through which the discharge is made, is located in the center of the lower part of the hull. It is fixed on the discharge pipe with the help of the so-called "saddle", which is a special gasket.
Recommendations for maintenance and troubleshooting
Although this issue does not directly apply to the topic of the article, it is worthwhile to consider some aspects. After all, if the device of the tank with the button has interested the respected reader, then there were some problems with the toilet. We'll figure out how to deal with them on the simplest, and most common examples of problems.
Before beginning repair, shut off the water supply to the toilet bowl. This is understandable, as it will be necessary to dismantle the valves. All technological operations are so simple that they usually do not cause any complications. The main problem in the other is that not everyone knows how the desired looks and where it is located in the drain tank. So we'll figure it out, and help us in this photo and some explanations.
Removing the cover
If you try to just unscrew the button, it will not work. It rotates freely, that's all. In order to remove the cover, you need to press the button, and only then, turning the rim( as is customary in such cases, counter-clockwise), you can unscrew it.
Cleaning the
membrane Its contamination leads to deterioration of the drainage, since the water flow from the toilet bowl is significantly reduced. The main difficulty that most home craftsmen face when servicing or replacing it is to correctly determine where the membrane is located. It is a constructive part of the toilet bowl siphon.
To get access to the membrane, it is necessary to unscrew the nut located in the lower part of the tank, which fixes the siphon to the drain pipe. Further - to remove it, to clear from layers and to wash out under running water.
Perhaps some of the readers will be helped by these schemes and recommendations:
More complex toilet bowl defects, as a rule, are not eliminated by themselves, but the reinforcement is dismantled and a new one is installed. And there is no point in this, given that the approximate price of the product is from 325 to 1,200 rubles( for some imported models of toilet bowls).If you buy a removable membrane separately, it will cost about 220 - 335 rubles.
By the way, initially the cisterns with the button and with the bottom supply of water were designed and constructed - with the expectation that it would be possible to produce a modular repair of the product, rather than wasting time for disassembly, troubleshooting and replacement of the defective part.
From the above pictures and photos it is clear that the options for the design of the reinforcement for different models of tanks with a button a few, and with the lower end. Therefore, the replacement is made on a "one-on-one" basis.