How to reliably insulate a wall from the inside in a corner apartment - materials and technology

Quality insulation of the premises is not only a comfort and a way to extend the life of household utensils and personal belongings, but also a drastic reduction in heating costs( in winter) and air conditioner operation( in summer).Corner apartments are by definition the coldest in the house, since they immediately have 2 walls that have direct contact with the atmosphere. With the most effective methods of warming the walls in a corner apartment from the inside, we'll figure it out in this article.

How to proceed:

Increase the degree of heating of radiators. In a private house, this is possible, if in advance the outline of the contour is composed in such a way that the corner rooms are heated by their own "thread".But how effective and appropriate is another question. And for an apartment building this is excluded in principle.

Note! Installation of additional batteries in the corner rooms may not give the desired effect. The walls, if they become warmer, are not much. And the angle will freeze, and in the long term it will not be possible to get rid of the fungus.

Reduce heat loss. This is the most reasonable solution, not only due to the high-quality sealing of window openings and blocks, but also with the additional finishing of the walls themselves.

Overview of insulation for walls

To consider the installation technology does not make sense, since the reader will be interested in the specificity of the work with only the material that he chooses, and for each material on the site there is an article. But with the features of use should be understood.


  • minvata_ The material is elastic, therefore it is necessary to equip a rigid covering. And it can not be mounted without installing the battens.
  • Gradually accumulates moisture. Therefore, it is necessary to periodically remove the lining and dry( or replace) the mats( plates).
  • Limited choice of finishing materials. Neither the wallpaper, nor the plaster on cotton wool will "lie down".It is necessary or to sheathe frame by panels, or to fix GKL( FC) in order to finish the decoration of the walls already on them. This design will significantly reduce the useful volume of the room.
Conclusion - for residential premises, mineral wool for internal insulation should not be used.


Foam plastic

In this case it is necessary to use only its extruded variety - foam foam. Such plates are fixed on the wall by gluing. If necessary, in addition - dowels. The installation is simpler than the minvats, but there are also certain difficulties:

  • It is necessary to level the walls qualitatively, since the plates of the penoplex are rigid, besides they are distinguished by strict geometry.
  • Surface insulation will be minimized. For wooden structures such a material is certainly not suitable, since the condensate formed on the basis will lead to its intensive decay. Such risks can be reduced only by ensuring a good ventilation of the wall, and this requires accurate calculations and additional costs.
The general drawback - on the walls finished with these materials, something can not be fixed any more. For example, hang a shelf, a massive lamp, a picture and the like.

insulation-wall-polyurethane foam_

Polyurethane foam

The material granulated for the insulation of walls from the inside is not used - only in liquid form. It has good insulating properties - hydro, noise and heat.

  • Completely seals the substrate, so you can forget about the vapor barrier.
  • Mounted by spraying. Special equipment and means of protection will be needed. Without services, professionals can not do. And although for this warming will have to pay from 65 rubles / m²( which, in principle, inexpensive), but repair of the thermal insulation layer, if necessary, independently do not work.


plaster-heat-insulating-Knauf_ Naturally, not any, but heat insulation. Ready-mixes of various modifications and manufacturers are on sale. The average price for 1 kg is about 15 rubles. Pluses a lot - a thin layer, the possibility of self-application, high vapor permeability, good maintainability.

Less - you need a high-quality waterproofing of the wall, as any of the compounds( in varying degrees) absorbs moisture. So, in the end, the coating will soften and crawl off the wall. This limits the scope of application of such plasters.

Conclusion - for rooms with excessive humidity it is not practical to use.

"Liquid" insulation

Mascoat_ If financial possibilities permit, you should pay attention to the products of the American company "Mascoat".This material is not without reason called hyperfine insulation, or heat. According to experts, its 1 mm layer is equivalent in efficiency to 0.5 mm thick mineral wool. It is applied as an ordinary paint, and besides the warming of the wall, it provides a good waterproofing of the substrate.

Here are just some general characteristics of the product, as it is available in several modifications.

  • Recommended layer( mm) - 0,5.
  • Flow rate( l / m²) - 0,5 - 0,7.
  • Temperature range, in which the insulation does not deteriorate its properties( ºС) - from -65 to +265.
  • Adhesion( %) - 100 in relation to any material. Such a composition can paint the walls of the building regardless of what materials it is built of - wood, concrete products, bricks, cellular concrete.
  • Apply on surfaces if their temperature is at least +7.Hence, from the inside it is possible to process rooms in heated buildings all year round.
  • No toxic components.
  • Insulation is not lit.
  • Excellent maintainability of the heater, which does not require a large-scale repair of the premises.
  • Guaranteed service life( years) - 15.
Consequently, the use of such a liquid thermal insulation is not only expedient, but also extremely convenient. The only drawback is the high price. Evrovedra( about 20 liters) costs about 14,690 rubles. But if you take into account the meager expenditure of the means, then for one room there will be enough and 5 - 8 liters.

In addition, you do not have to install the crate and spend money on other materials - waterproofing, adhesive( which also costs a lot of money), and so on. If you calculate all the attendant costs associated with installing traditional heaters, the cost of such special paint will not seem too high.


Useful tips for

There are several ways that you can additionally raise the temperature in the corner rooms. What to do?

  • Rinse the batteries. The need for this is determined by the difference in heating of the outer sections. If it is significant, then, most likely, on the inner walls of excess deposits.
  • Check the position of the three-way crane( in old houses built on a riser).Perhaps, it is he who limits the heat-carrier current through the radiator. Rotate to the desired position is not difficult. If the movable part is attached, it is possible to restore its mobility by means of the WD-40( liquid key).
  • Reinstall the radiators. They should be placed as close as possible to the corner of the room, as this is the most problematic part of the room.
  • Check if the battery matches the room parameters. Sometimes the reason for the low temperature in the room is the insufficient number of sections. Unfortunately, not all builders are very experienced and conscientious people. Could put and what is at hand, not particularly "zamorachivayas" engineering calculations. The criterion is - for 2 m² rooms - 1 section. For corner rooms, the correction factor is 1.3.

For example, if the area of ​​the room is 10 "squares", then there must be a minimum of 5 sections, for a corner 5 x 1.3 = 6.5.Therefore, at least 7 pieces.

  • Stick on the glass energy-saving film( or install energy-saving windows).The natural illumination it will reduce by no more than 2%, and heat loss through the windows - all 40%.Consequently, the temperature in the room will rise, which means that the walls will also become warmer.

The article considers only the most suitable options for warming the corner room from the inside, although the insulation materials are much larger. But not all of them are suitable for interior decoration of walls, so the choice is somewhat limited.

What to take into account

The main method of insulation of walls is the outer one. If there is such a possibility, then first of all you should do thermal insulation of the facade. And the arrangement of the inner layer is only an additional way to reduce heat loss.

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