How to repair aerogrill at home?

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If at some point you find that your aerogrill has broken down: does not heat up or does not turn on at all, do not immediately take the equipment to the workshop, especially if it is not under warranty. Sometimes the reasons for the breakdown are fairly simple and you can repair them yourself in minutes. Next, we'll tell you what to do in order to properly repair the aerogrip by yourself, providing the most frequent types of malfunctions.
  • Does not react to the inclusion of
  • Weakly warms
  • Does not rotate the fan
  • The

control unit has failed. It does not react to the activation of the

. The first malfunction encountered most often is that the technology does not turn on. To panic it is not necessary, after all sometimes the reason of breakage can be following banal situations:

  1. The electric plug is not connected to the socket or the contact is bad. However strange it may seem, the lack of food is often the so-called cause of breakage of aerogrill. Pay attention not only to the contact with the outlet, but also to the connection of the cord to the equipment itself( behind, as shown in the photo).Very often the last connection point causes problems. In addition, check the integrity of the cord, which you may have interrupted. If necessary, replace or repair the damaged area on your own. About how to replace the plug, we told in the relevant article!
    Protective button and the place of connection of the cord
  2. The socket has failed. Check the connection point itself for voltage. Maybe the aerogrill does not turn on, because the socket does not work. All you need to repair is to check the voltage in the socket with the indicator screwdriver as shown in the photo. Using the indicator screwdriver
  3. The correct mode is not set. If the display is lit, but nothing happens when the Start button is pressed, you most likely set the operating mode incorrectly. This will be indicated by a timer on which the 00:00 digits will be displayed. Photo of the touch screen
  4. Handle not fully lowered. In many models, a button is installed under the handle, which protects the technician from accidental activation. If the handle does not fit snugly, you can not turn on cooking.

If all of the above points do not work for your case, you will have to make a more complicated repair of the aerogrile on your own - dismantle the case and take turns checking each element of the chain. Using a multimeter

For "continuity" of parts, you need to use a special tester - a multimeter. With this unit, check the resistance of the fuse, which burns out during power surges. If the aerogrill does not work because of the failure of the thermal fuse, replace it with a new one, with the same parameters( worth a penny).Replacement instructions are provided in the video lesson:

How to replace the airgel fuse with your own hands

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To prevent this from troubling you again, we recommend installing a surge protector!

If the fuse is OK, call all other components of the circuit - heater, control unit, and visually inspect all wire connections. Probably, somewhere there was a break of contact, which will need to be soldered. How this technique works, you can see on this video:

Review of existing models of
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Weakly warms

If the aerogrill does not heat up or weakly heats the bottom, we can say with certainty that the heater does not work. The cause of the malfunction may be the wear of the heating element after the end of its service life or an open circuit. In the latter case, you can try to repair the damaged area, but according to many reviews on the Internet, it is easier to buy a new part than to spend more than one hour to repair. Photo heating element

By the way, immediately it should be noted that the heating element in the form of a halogen lamp is more often out of order, the lifetime of which is so 2 years in comparison with 10 years of metal TEN.If the lamp does not heat under the lid, do not replace it with the same one. It is much more correct to replace the heater with a metal one. In this case, you need to dismantle the protective grate, remove the clamps, unscrew the heater and disconnect the wires. After replacement, the parts are assembled in the reverse order. As you can see, the repair of aerogrill with your own hands, which does not gain temperature, can be carried out without any knowledge in the electrician!

Do not turn the fan

Also you may encounter a situation when the aerogrill does not roast the bottom of the dish or does not heat at all because the fan does not turn. In this case, the repair of the equipment is reduced to the fact that it is necessary to disassemble the case and visually inspect the contacts connected to the fan. If a wire break occurs somewhere, solder it. In the event that the fan does not work completely, it is better to replace it with a new one with the same parameters and dimensions. Fan on the lid

So that you understand the importance of good fan performance, now we will briefly describe its operation principle. When the heater is heated to a certain temperature, the fan starts to spin and blows hot air to the food. If the fan is not working properly, a situation may occur when the aerogrill bites poorly or does not fully prepare food from the bottom.


control unit is out of order. Well, the last, the most difficult malfunction is when the control unit does not work - timer, thermostat, power button or mode switch. In this case, even a reverse moment may occur, when the aerogrill does not turn off. Most often, this situation occurs in the touch screen, although they are comfortable but more prone to breakdowns and expensive repairs. Control block

The only thing you can do is check the integrity of the contacts and call the touch panel tester. If it really does not work, the repair will not be able to the electrician-beginner, so you will have to hand over the equipment to a service center. Do not be scared, because the situation when the aerogrill does not work due to a malfunction of the control unit is very rare and arises only if you bought a cheap Chinese model of the device.

Here we have listed all the most popular faults of this type of home appliances. As you can see, repairing the aerogrill with your own hands is quite feasible, so if the device does not work, now you know what to do in order to repair it yourself!

Also read:

  • How to choose the electric grill for the house
  • How to determine the short circuit
  • The fan heater does not heat - how to fix it yourself

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