Why does the washing machine make a noise and how?

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So, one day you heard that the washing machine makes noise when squeezing, recruiting, draining the water or during the washing itself. If the equipment has served you more than 5 years, this is normal, becauseevery detail has the property of wearing out with time( the more that hard water speeds up the process).But what if you just made a purchase and the equipment did not work even a block? In this case, you need to understand the cause of the failure, a list of which we will provide you further.
  • Foreign objects
  • Do not unscrew the transport bolts
  • Incorrect installation
  • Bearing wear
  • Loose pulley
  • Weakened counterweights
  • Drain pump failure

Foreign objects

Actually a very commonplace reason that is encountered in most cases. You did not get any small change( for example, coins) from your pockets, or metal clasps on clothes beat against the drum, as a result of which the washing machine is very noisy when washing. To determine this cause, you can by characteristic ringing beats about the drum. Trifle

Well, if all the detail is left inside the drum, but if the foreign objects are between the tank and the drum, you'll have to get some work done. You need to remove the heater and get all the objects through the hole, then put the parts back. In some models, all small things can fall out in a special clarifier where the filter is installed. In this case, if the washing machine is noisy during washing, it is necessary to find the lid of the sump( usually it is in front, closed with a small door), unscrew it and remove any objects that have fallen into it.


transport bolts are not removed. The instructions pay special attention to the necessary unscrewing of the transport bolts after the delivery of the equipment to the installation site. Despite this, most people forget to unscrew them, as a result of which noise is heard during operation, which is accompanied by noise of the washing machine.

The diagram shows the locations of the bolts: Transport bolts

All you need is to unscrew them and test again.

We draw your attention to the fact that you should not throw the transportation bolts into the garbage, as many do. If you decide to transport the washing machine from place to place, they must be screwed in, otherwise during transport, the internal mechanism can be damaged.

Incorrect installation of

No less simple cause of hands-free operation is incorrect installation of the washing machine. Even a slight distortion can cause vibration, which occurs when the machinery works at high speed. As a result, you hear an unpleasant sound, which is easily removed by twisting the legs to a strictly horizontal installation level.

Twisting legs The correctness of the work done can be checked by building level. It is the crookedly exposed body that is the reason why the washing machine vibrates and jumps over the floor, which makes it audible how it makes noise.

Bearing wear

A more complex breakdown, which requires certain skills to eliminate. Bearing wear can occur if the seal is damaged, which prevents the ingress of water. As a result, water seeps to the bearing, it corrodes and breaks down.

Damaged bearing

Determine the fault as follows:

  • on the back of the tank from the outside, rusty streaks are formed;
  • the course of the drum on the shaft is uneven, if you push it slightly with your hand;
  • during the spinning can be heard whistling and strong hum.

To make you understand the replacement process, we provide a visual instruction:

Video lesson for the replacement of the bearings of the washing machine
YouTube Trailer

The pulley

is weakened

If you hear intermittent clicks during washing and especially spinning, which are the cause of extraneous sound during operation, then most likely the pulley loosened. Nothing dangerous in such a breakdown, you need to remove the housing cover and tighten the bolt( or nut) with a wrench. We draw your attention to the fact that with such a breakdown, the washing machine will make noise at both small and high revs. Pulley

It is recommended to completely unscrew the weakened part completely, put it on the sealant, and then tighten it with a key. In this case, the weakening of the pulley will not occur in the future.

Weakened counterbalances

By analogy with the previous problem, the issue with weakened counterweights is solved. You must open the bolts and tighten them, after which the extraneous noise of the washing machine should disappear. Torsion of counterweight

With counterweights, one more variant of breakage can be connected - their complete destruction. In this case, the sound will be much louder and it will be necessary to replace the broken parts.

Drain pump failure

If the washing machine is buzzing when draining, there is only one reason - the drain pump is out of order. You can try to repair it by cleaning the filter, which is located on the front side behind the lid( as shown in the picture).


If the machine does not make noise due to a dirty filter - check the drainage pipe, it may be clogged and need to be cleaned. Well, the most critical option - a complete pump outage, resulting in a replacement.

Understand that the cause of the rumble is in the pump, if an extraneous sound appears only when water is being collected or when the "washer" is draining the water. Usually, with a broken pump, the washing machine hums like a transformer.

Again, better to see the whole essence of the replacement in a visual video lesson:

Video instruction for replacing the drain pump of the washing machine
YouTube Trailer

That's it, all the main reasons for the increased noise and whistling techniques. We hope that now you know what to do if the washing machine makes noises while squeezing, draining and rinsing things!

If none of the above reasons are suitable for the description, then it's probably in the engine or electronics. It is better to call a master who will call all the elements of the scheme with a multimeter, and then quickly find the reason for the technique to make noise when working. If you have any questions, be sure to ask them our experts in the category of Q & A!
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