A titanium shovel - why should not you spare money on it?

Titanium shovel - where to use?

Among the hand tools, the shovel is used in numerous works on the ground, for example, without it it is absolutely impossible to hold its digger, prepare and clear the necessary area, remove the soil for its transfer, etc. In addition to a purely peaceful application, in many armies the version of the shorter( demining) shovel is the staffing of every ordinary infantryman, paratrooper, etc. There are whole instructions on how to use this tool in close combat.

A similar, shortened variant of a folding tourist shovel also became widespread: with its help, a tent is prepared and put up much quicker, a place for a fire is made, shovels are cut, etc. And for the gardeners, the shovel continues to be the main tool, the degree of evening fatigue and the general state of health in the morning depend on its quality.

Shovel bayonet titanium - properties and characteristics

Of the winged metal, namely so-called titanium, a variety of types of shovels are manufactured. The most simple and common, the bayonet shovel titanium meets the most basic requirements for this hand tool. It is convenient in work, for this there is a handle on the handle, which reduces the load on the muscles of the hands, giving the comfort of the abutment and the lever for digging the soil. When buying such a shovel, it is better to choose the stalk curved, it does not burden the back less.

In addition, the reliability of titanium guarantees long-term operation, good grinding and pressing the edge, the strength of the whole-molded fabric, its light weight. Of course, among such a mass of merits, a significant drawback is the rather high cost of a titanium shovel. But if you count the number and cost savings that will be required for the purchase of low-quality metal shovels, then the price itself fully justifies the high quality of the product.

A common feature of all titanium shovels can be called their high reliability. Regardless of how much work had to be done, how much soil and what quality had to be "shoveled", the next day the tools look the same as at the end of the job. They do not oxidize, do not rust, they keep sharp working edge.

Moreover, models that allow the transformation of the bayonet position, are even more convenient to work with. Such is a folding shovel having three fixed positions of the bayonet blade. When folded, the blade is turned by the working edge upwards towards the cutter, which allows to reduce the length of the tool for more convenient transportation.

In the standard position, the blade rotates and locks down from the handle, allowing it to work in the normal position. But there is also a third position, when the blade is fixed perpendicular to the axis of the handle. In this position, the shovel allows it to work effectively as a hoe, which is much more convenient when performing a number of operations.

Folding titanium shovel - practical and reliable

Very similar design has a folding tourist shovel. It is distinguished by a shortened handle of the handle. Like the previous design of the shovel, the tourist has high strength to mechanical influences and a whole-molded web of profiled titanium two millimeters thick. Crimping the edge of the blade allows him long not to be dull. The light weight and three-position position of the blade favorably distinguish the model of such a shovel.

To work with it, the quality and material of the cuttings production plays an important role. After all, a short lever does not contribute to the convenience of work. More often this part of the tool construction is made of solid wood, subjected to thorough grinding and varnishing. At the same time, considering the operating conditions, the coating must withstand abrasive and moisture effects.

Shovel titanium folding can have another version of the cut, more modern look. Such a cutting is made of carbon fiber, has much greater strength and less weight than a wooden one. In addition, its design makes it possible to telescopic length adjustment. What increases the lever and makes it easier to work with this shovel. The combination of a riveted welded titanium blade and a light, durable handle-handle is complemented by a standard protective cover.

As practical studies show, titanium blades are at least half lighter than steel blades. And their strength is beyond doubt and higher than more than twice.

The ability to keep working sharpening for a long time, thanks to crimping of blade edges, increases the efficiency and durability of titanium shovels more than three times. It must be said that all this is true not only for the bayonet type. After all, from titanium are produced a variety of shovels: shovels, mop, bread, for cleaning snow and others.

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