How to glue wallpapers on plaster, how to prepare walls and protect yourself?

When, where and how can I glue the wallpaper on the plaster?

You can glue wallpaper on plaster in any room - home, office or apartment, where the correct preparation of the working surface. That is, the wall is cleaned of varnish, paints, old wallpaper and other materials, it is updated or re-made plaster. The cleaning of the surface must be done in order to avoid flaking the wallpaper from the wall in the future.

The removal of old materials is usually done with a spatula or trowel, making translational movements. Drills equipped with special nozzles and other devices are acceptable. In places where paint or varnish does not lag behind the surface of the wall, you can use chemical solvents intended for the treated coating. In this case, after the application of the solvent, it is necessary to wait a certain time according to the instructions for use, after which the lagging coating can easily be scraped off.

When carrying out preparatory work, it is necessary to use personal protective equipment:

  • with rubber or fabric gloves;
  • safety glasses;
  • overalls;
  • respirators.

When working with solvents, the room needs to be ventilated periodically, it is forbidden to use open flame sources.

How to glue wallpapers on plaster

Before gluing wallpaper on plaster, it is important to make sure that there are no remains of old coating, cracks or irregularities on the wall surface. If this requirement is met, you can proceed to the next step.

Not all types of wallpaper require the application of an adhesive on the inner surface. But if it is necessary, then proceed as follows. On a clean horizontal surface put in advance cut the height of the ceiling wallpaper. When cutting pieces, you need to leave an allowance - a couple of centimeters in the case of curved walls or an uneven ceiling. Dry glue is carefully diluted in water at room temperature and the finished solution is applied to the web with a roller or brush. It is important to remember that for each type of wallpaper is its own glue. Usually this information is indicated in the instructions for use, here you can find out the proportions and consumption of the material.

As long as the canvas is stuck together with the glued side, it is impregnated with glue, we also apply it to the surface of the wall where we plan to place the wallpaper. Sticky flizeline wallpaper does not mean blurring the panels - the adhesive solution is primed only by the wall. This action is usually performed with a roller, but you can also use a brush. The difference lies in the fact that the roller causes a more even layer, the brush can leave excess, but at the same time, it is accessible to places where the roller does not reach, for example, corners or space behind the radiator. After applying the primer layer of the glue, you can proceed to gluing the wallpaper on the plaster.

Tips on how to glue wallpaper on plaster quickly and efficiently

On our website we have repeatedly described the technology of wallpapering, so here are just the key points of the upcoming action.

  • When you need to paste wallpaper on plaster quickly - you should be preoccupied in advance with the preparation of the workplace and the tool. To do this, it is advisable to think about what might be needed and provide all the necessary tools and devices, such as stairs, goats, stools or other supports.
  • To ensure high-quality stickers, especially for the first time, it would be nice to have an experienced assistant or watch a training video.
  • Pasting is made from a window - this allows you to reduce the possible defects that are caused by uneven walls.
  • Before operation, it is desirable to remove all removable elements( sockets, switches, plinths, platbands) and to de-energize the room.
  • During operation and within 24 hours after completion, drafts in the room must not be allowed, otherwise the wallpaper may fall off.

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