Bedroom interior with wallpaper of two kinds

Create an exclusive bedroom interior with wallpaper of two types - this is the best option nt sd to make this room cozy and interesting in design. When owners start repair, first of all it does not seem to them the alignment of walls, ceiling and floor of the room, and the final result with beautifully decorated surfaces.

Bedroom interior with wallpaper of two kinds

Interior bedroom with wallpaper of two types

Of course, to make the wallpaper look like it was intended, you need to do a lot of preliminary work. And it starts with the fact that it is necessary to execute although would exemplary sketch of the interior that wanted to get. You can use ready-made designs of professional designers - , they are abundant in the Internet, but many prefer exclusive. Therefore, , conceiving a grandiose change in their apartment, usually look through the photos of already implemented projects, they choose favorite decor elements, and then use them to design their own bedroom.

It should be remembered that when developing a sketch, it will be necessary to observe some rules concerning the combination of shades and the distribution of different wallpapers in the

certain areas. Otherwise, you can get a tastelessly finished room, which simply will not be very comfortable to be.

Kinds of modern wallpapers

Content of the article

  • 1 Kinds of modern wallpapers
    • 1.1 Video: a wide range of modern wallpapers
  • 2 Reasons for using two or more types of wallpaper in the design
  • 3 Schemes for the distribution of dark and light tones
  • 4 Ways of combining different types of wallpaper
    • 4.1 Using two or threetypes of wallpaper
    • 4.2 Secrets of choosing wallpaper by color and shades
    • 4.3 Some design techniques for using different types of wallpaper
  • 5 Options for finishing the bedroomtwo types of wallpaper
    • 5.1 Video: design solutions for bedroom design wallpaper

If earlier in the shops you could find only paper wallpapers with faded drawings, today a great many different types of this finishing material are produced, which are made on different bases and have the widestassortment of texture coating and drawings.

So, from the range of specialized stores you can choose:

  • Paper wallpaper, which have much higher quality than before. They are manufactured using new technologies with the use of fade resistant paints and with the application of complex original drawings.
The quality of modern paper wallpapers is much higher than that of old samples

The quality of modern paper wallpapers is much higher than that of old

  • samples. The non-woven wallpaper usually does not have bright colors, but is always made with textured patterns. This type of finishing material is "breathable", does not swell when it gets wet and is suitable for staining. And , high-glued wallpapers can withstand up to 7 ÷ 10 layers of paint, that is, it is permissible to repaint them many times in different colors.
Flizeline wallpaper can be repeatedly painted

Non-woven wallpaper can be repeatedly painted

They are also convenient in that, having bought one type of wallpaper, separate sections trim sleeping can be painted in different colors, that is, to combine the shades in a hand-drawn sketch.

  • Vinyl wallpapers are washable and can have a variety of patterns and colors. It should be noted that for the bedroom are not all fit vinyl wallpaper, because it produces a "breathable" and airproof finishing material.
Vinyl wallpaper - do not be afraid of wet cleaning

Vinyl wallpaper - do not be afraid of wet cleaning

It is better to use them for rooms that require constant wet cleaning. On sale, you can find thin vinyl wallpaper with printed on them with a color pattern or thick - with a pronounced relief, which is also highlighted in various shades.

  • Textile wallpaper can be made of both natural and synthetic material. For example, they are made from flax, silk, jute or felt.
The disadvantage of natural textile wallpaper is only their high price

The disadvantage of natural textile wallpaper is only their high price

The disadvantage of a natural finishing material is its high price compared to other types of wallpaper.

  • Liquid wallpaper - this material is made from cellulose fibers and applied to the walls with a spatula. Since it is produced in different shades, combining them will be quite easy. In addition, on the wall with the help of "liquid wallpaper" you can create various ornamental drawings. This finishing material makes the wall warm to the touch and gives it texture .
For decorative design is suitable for liquid wallpaper, with a pronounced texture

For decorative design, liquid wallpaper with a pronounced texture

is suitable. If is desired, it will not be difficult to replace the wall covering with a new one, as the "liquid wallpaper" can easily be cleaned with a spatula.

  • Photo Wall Mural - is the perfect variation of nt for I order that create a combined finish not only in the bedroom, but in any of the rooms of the apartment or house. In specialized stores you can find wallpapers for every taste and theme, and it's easy to find them under the general background of the previously completed decoration.
Do not lose popularity and quality wallpapers

Do not lose popularity and high-quality wallpapers

The wallpaper is produced from other materials, but they are less known and not so widely used because they have a fairly high price. This, for example, wallpaper of natural materials, such as cane or cork, glass piles and others.

It should be noted that each of the presented types of finishing material has its advantages and disadvantages. However, this is the topic of a separate conversation, and in this publication, still attention will be focused on possible design solutions, combinations of materials and shades for the design of a bedroom.

Video: a wide range of modern wallpapers

Reasons for using two or more types of wallpaper in the design of the

If you want to combine two patterns of wallpaper in the bedroom, you need to be prepared for the fact that this will complicate the work, already at the stage of drafting. However, for the sake of the final result, it is worthwhile to work hard and make your own exclusive project. In addition, the use of two types of wallpaper will not only help to transform the room - it can perform and other important functions that are unlikely to be performed with a one-color finish.

  • Zoning of the bedroom.

Different types of wallpaper will help to divide the room into two zones, because in practice it often happens that due to lack of free space, you have to place both an adult and a children's bedroom in the same room.

Different types of wallpapers help to divide the room into zones

Different types of wallpapers help to divide the room into

zones. In addition, sometimes in the rest room they take a corner and for the workplace, decorating it with lighter wallpaper. In general, , the design of the room should be harmonious, so you need to select wallpapers that are well suited to the color and texture pattern to each other.

  • Visual extension of the bedroom space.

Unfortunately, not always the bedroom has the area you would like, but the walls can not be moved apart. Therefore, they resort to the creation of the visual effect of "space expansion" - , it can be achieved by using two or more types of wallpaper.

Использование различных оттенков дает возможность "поиграть" с пространством помещения, визуально расширив или сузив его

Using different shades makes it possible to "play" with the space of the room by visually expanding or narrowing it

Incidentally, incidentally, and the opposite situation, when an excessively large room you need to make a cozy and comfortable for the device in her bedroom. In this case, you can also use wallpaper of various colors and patterns that, if the overall dimensions of the room are unchanged, visually make it more compact and cozy.

It's not very pleasant to be in an excessively extended room - it seems even narrower than it actually is, therefore it looks more like a corridor. Using cunning wallpaper, you can try to fix this flaw in the room. For this purpose, light colors of the finishing material are more suitable.

The room with a very high or low ceiling can also be transformed and made visually comfortable for the bedroom. For example, if the ceiling is too low, then you can paste wallpaper of one tone with the entry of their on the ceiling, on the 150 ÷ ​​200 mm. They will, as it were, flatten the corner of the junction of the two planes, and the fencing of the room will seem higher. The high ceiling is visually reduced by means of two kinds of wallpaper, which are joined together below the joint of the wall and the ceiling by 200 ÷ 500 mm. And , if the wallpaper is covered with a ceiling, then they can also be lowered to the walls. In addition, the joining of two types of wallpaper very often emphasizes the horizontal wide or medium-wide band.

  • Creating a special mood

It is very important to create in the bedroom a special atmosphere that will have to rest in the evening hours, and contribute to a good morning mood. For this, the wallpaper on the walls should have a calm, but not gloomy tone. Of course, the chosen wallpaper should be liked by all the owners of the bedroom - this requires a consensus. Especially, this refers to the wall that will be in front of your eyes during a retreat to bed and at the hour of awakening. It is better if they are warm soft colors, which are not optical stimuli, and they "rest" look.

The bedroom is exactly that room.where you want to create a particularly cozy atmosphere

Bedroom - this is the room.where you need to create a particularly cozy atmosphere

Do not use for the bedroom design solutions in the style of " techno " or building motifs of the loft style, for example, wallpaper depicting bare concrete or brick walls. They will never be able to cheer up, but will act depressingly on the psyche.

  • Hide the flaws of walls and ceiling premises

Quite often, the walls and ceilings in the rooms have flaws, which I would like to get rid of. For example, uneven corners or surfaces under any circumstances will not add a room to aesthetics, so they need to try to hide. The process of "masking" the shortcomings can also to facilitate the wallpaper of different colors, pasted in a specific way. To uneven walls was less visible, it is better to choose a finishing material with a large chaotic pattern. The wallpaper should not be too thin, but better, if they have a large relief texture.

Wallpaper can help hide the visible flaws of walls and ceiling

Wallpaper will help hide the apparent flaws of the walls and ceiling

If you want to create a visual smoothness of the corners, you need to paste wallpaper of different colors on the walls at the junction. However, they are not joined at the very corner, but on the of a certain ideally flat vertical line, which is drawn on one of the walls, retreating from the corner by 10 ÷ 15 mm.

In some cases, the is ideal for concealing flaws on walls can be wall paper with large drawings.

  • Create an accent design.

Very often the center of the bedroom, eye-catching, makes the certain zone of the room. For this, use wallpaper with carpet patterns, which are pasted on the wall behind the back of the bed. An excellent accent for the room will be the wallpaper, which allocates a certain zone.

Нередко интерьер спальни так и просит акцентированного "пятна"

Often, the bedroom interior asks for an accentuated "spot"

It should be said that accenting also helps to distract the view from wall defects on other areas of surfaces, and if you find a successful combination of several techniques by , you can aesthetically transform the bedroom by concealing the in for its annoying shortcomings.

  • Reflection of the preferences and character of the owner of the bedroom.

In any interior, the character of the owner and his predisposition, for example, to travels or to the of a particular culture are always reflected. So, someone makes out the bedroom in an exotic, romantic or English style, while others prefer classics or minimalism.

The interior of the bedroom very often speaks about the character and preferences of the owners

The interior of the bedroom very often speaks about the nature and bias of the owners of

Today, to create any interior, there are lots of possibilities, as in the stores you can find not only wallpapers that can create coziness and desirable atmosphere, but also wallpaper with the image of your favorite country or place inwhich I would like to visit. Of course, in order to create the ideal of this or that style, except for a few types of wallpaper, you will need additional accessories that make the interior impeccable.

Distribution schemes for dark and light tones

To determine the effect that you need to achieve for a particular room, you need to familiarize yourself with the distribution schemes of light on the walls and ceiling of the room, and only then select wallpaper. These schemes and examples of finished interiors will help in drawing up a sketch of the design of the bedroom.

Scheme Interior appearance Description of the received effect
c1 k1 The dark floor and light walls - this combination can be safely considered a traditional, "classic".
A similar color distribution helps visually make the room wider and higher, as if expanding the space. This bedroom interior seems solid and reliable.
In this case, the walls can be applied wallpaper, having different patterns and textures, because they do not affect the overall impression, if they have a light tone and a well-chosen design.
c2 k2 In this case, the dark floor will give the interior a certain "reliability" and it's very good.
However, the ceiling of too dark shades will visually appear much lower, become "hanging" over lying on the bed and create a crushing impression.
c3 k3 The proposed option is more suitable for a narrow room, as the side light walls move the space wide, and the light color of the ceiling raises it in height.
c4 k4 This pattern of distribution of dark and light tones in the room makes the ceiling visually visually lower, and the room is shorter, but "spreads" it wide.
Therefore, this design, rather, suitable for a long and narrow room.
c5 k5 In this variant, the floor and walls are perceived as a single space, since they have a close color in tone.
Due to the light background of the ceiling and the back wall of the room, the room seems higher, it "moves apart" towards the wall, which has a lighter tone.
c6 k6 The rear dark wall shortens the room, but allows you to select a furniture set, set against its background.
It is necessary to know that if such a design move is taken, the room visually decreases.
Therefore, such a finish is good for bedrooms that have a large enough area.
c7 k7 This design narrows the room and makes it taller and longer in the direction of the light wall, so it is not suitable for decorating a narrow room.
If you apply a similar design in it, you can only achieve that the bedroom will look like a car.
c8 k8 Light ceiling and floor make the room higher, and dark walls and curtains give the impression of enclosed space.
I must say that this combination is not very suitable for bedrooms, because such an interior can exert psychological pressure, do not give the relaxation necessary for rest.
c9 k9 If there is no window in the room or when draping it with dark opaque curtains, the bedroom designed in this way will look like a "cave".
And, the light floor will create the impression of unreliability, especially under the influence of "pressure" on it the dark color of the wallpaper on the walls.
c10 k10 The use of dark tones on all surfaces of the bedroom will make it look like a closed box, in which a negative illusion may occur - there is a "lack of air".
This design technique helps to compress, reduce space, which is not very good for rooms designed for a relaxing holiday.
c11 k11 In the presented version, the room seems smaller in area, and the ceiling visually looks higher than it actually is.
If you completely abandon the light accents on the dark walls, the bedroom will clearly look gloomy.
Perhaps it will be comfortable to fall asleep in it, but to wake up and start a new day with a good mood is quite hard.

Ways of combining different types of wallpaper

It is very important to choose wallpapers for each other not only for light and dark tone, but also for style and size of the picture, and also their distribution on the walls. Many owners of housing are stopped precisely by these factors, since arises the fear of to make the dis alni an insipid or banal one. In order not to make mistakes in the choice of the drawing and the arrangement of the finishes, you need to know some simple rules that will achieve the desired effect as a result of the work.

Using two or three types of wallpapers

Two types of wallpaper are used most often, however, if it is decided to dilute the base with a color of additional shades, then in addition to them is taken by auxiliary, which is executed in a lighter or dark tone.

Combination of wallpaper should be done taking into account certain rules

The combination of wallpapers should be carried out in accordance with certain rules

So, two or three types of finishing material are taken:

  • The first type is the basic wallpaper that sets the tonality for the entire bedroom design. Most often for them, single-tone versions of the material that has an inverse pattern are selected. The color saturation of the base wallpaper will depend on their location on the walls. More dark are usually chosen for the lower part of the walls, since they are able to "weight" the with its , which will give the design a solidity. If they are to be glued on large planes, that is, from the ceiling to the floor, light colors are chosen. Usually the basic view of the wallpaper, although the and sets the color scheme for the room, but is chosen for those that will occupy the main place in the design of the room.
  • The second type of is acquired if it is necessary to dilute the with a dark or a light base color. They are usually chosen also monophonic, and with approximately the same texture pattern as the base ones, but two or three tones are lighter or darker than the first ones. Auxiliary wallpaper is applied to the walls in the form of strips, diluting the base color.
  • The third type of wallpaper is the main, although it can occupy quite a small area of ​​the wall. It is on these sites that the function is assigned to become a decorative decoration of the room and to focus all attention on oneself. They can be glued in the form of a panel, or they can decorate the whole wall or with its part.
A bright spot in the design of the room immediately becomes the center of the composition, attracting the eye

A bright spot in the design of the room immediately becomes the center of the composition, attracting the eye

Typically, this type of finishing material has a large color or texture pattern, made in the same key as the base wallpaper. The pattern on them can be correct geometric or chaotic with the image of flowers or other natural elements of various sizes. Very often, as the main accent in the design are chosen wallpapers, but they must be organically combined with the base and color, and texture.

Secrets of choosing wallpaper for color and shades

When choosing the material for finishing the bedroom, you need to pay attention to the following criteria relating to the color design of the room for providing comfort stay in it :

  • In all types of matched for wallpaper design, the general motifs of the pattern and color tones of the same intensity should be repeated.
  • To ensure a comfortable stay, it is recommended to choose quiet pastel shades of wallpaper that will promote relaxation and appeasement when going to bed, will maintain a good mood on waking.
  • When choosing the shades of wallpaper, you need not forget that in their function there is a harmonious delimitation of space, so you should not purchase more three material types.
  • Do not choose wallpaper with black and white pattern as the base, because such a contrasting ornament on large planes will not contribute to normal rest and relaxation of the optic nerves. This option can be used to create an accent in the defined by the wall area.
  • The white color will be good for combining different shades used for accent spots, but it is not worth wholly making the bedroom white. It is better to apply it for visual correction of space.
  • To support the composition of wallpaper, you need to carefully consider the color solution of the textile elements of the bedroom. First of all , this concerns the curtains in the room, because when they close, they become a kind of continuation of the wall covering. That is why curtains, furniture upholstery, and used bedspreads should ideally blend in with all types of of the purchased finishing materials.

It should be noted that some manufacturers of wallpaper, providing for the desire of consumers to combine different types of material, began to produce similar in color and design of the canvas, which perfectly match with each other. Therefore, if it is difficult to select from the general assortment of the store those options that are necessary, you can use the designers already thought out solutions.

For example, you can take the following effective combinations of pattern and color for the design of the bedroom:

  • Photo wall or geometric pattern and monophonic canvas.
  • Graphics or large "peas" and solid wallpaper.
  • Stripes or rare small dots and floral pattern.
  • Paisley pattern, which is called "cucumbers" in another way, and wallpaper in small rare "peas", striped or monophonic canvases.
  • Landscape or genre pattern and stripes.
  • Ethnic ornament and stripes of different width or "peas".
  • Vegetable ornaments and plain or striped wallpaper.
Участок стены, выделенный ярким "горохом"

A section of the wall highlighted by bright "peas"

At the same time, as mentioned above, it is necessary to provide the same shades in all selected types of wallpaper. The only color that can be successfully combined with any of the existing ones is white. But, using this combination, you need to maintain a color type of wallpaper with various accessories, close to him in tone.

Some design techniques for using different types of wallpaper

In addition, you need to know that two to three types of wallpaper can be pasted as follows:

  • The side inserts

This technique of wallpapering can be performed in different ways, and it uses inserts of various shapes anddimensions, cut from a roll. Inserts can be pasted in the correct or chaotic order.

Interior design with sleeping inserts

Interior design with sleeping inserts

- In this case, the walls can be pre-painted or covered with monophonic wallpaper.

- Then, in them the windows of the correct size are cut and pasted in them inserts, which are then framed with strips of curb or molding.

- Inserts are sometimes pasted on top of a single wallpaper wallpaper, and then framed by the selected frame.

- For inserts use wallpaper or ordinary wallpaper, which has a beautiful expressive ornament.

  • Stripes

This technique is the gluing of different types of wallpaper stripes, which can be wide or narrow, and they are cut from the rolls of the selected material. The technique allows you to decorate the walls with vertical or horizontal stripes, which can be located on the entire wall or denote the area of ​​the panels.

Use of stripes in the design of the room

Using strips in the design of the room

The vertical stripes clearly distinguish the defined by the section of the wall and make the its visually higher, while the horizontal lines give the impression of an expansion of the room.

  • Different walls

In this way of decorating a room with two types of wallpaper, two adjacent walls are pasted with a material having common or close to each other shades. A similar technique is used to allocate to a specific zone in a room and to diversify the with its design. Most often in this version of the decor, a white or beige shade is used, since it's easiest to pick up a second type of wallpaper. Therefore , it is the light solid material in this case will be basic, and the color colored matched to it will become decorative additions.

Walls with different design in pleasant summer colors

Walls with different design in pleasant summer colors

Usually this method is used to decorate the wall at the head of the bed, or when allocating a work area or dressing table.

  • Selecting individual elements of the room

In this version, the wall or niche in it is highlighted with a wallpaper of another brighter or lighter color. In addition, a similar method is used to allocate a small area, which will become the accent of decorating the bedroom.

Highlighting on the wall and ceiling

Highlighting on a wall and a ceiling

  • Patchwork pasting

For patchwork, square or rectangular pieces of wallpaper are used, which are matched to each other in color and pattern. Ultimately, the wall should resemble a patchwork quilt, the with the it can consist of large wallpaper elements, medium or very small.

Весьма интересно смотрится комната, оформленная в "лоскутном" стиле

Very interesting looks room, decorated in the "patchwork" style

For the implementation of this original method of pasting, even the remains of wallpaper, preserved from earlier performed by , will work. In some cases, for the performance of work, several rolls are specially purchased, which perfectly harmonize the canvases.

Options for finishing the bedroom with two kinds of wallpaper

There is a large number of bedroom design options with the help of a combination of wallpaper. Some of them should be considered in more detail, as, perhaps, it will help to decide the choice of the interior for those who plan to completely change the design in the apartment.

  • White-blue tone

In this version we used the "different walls" decoration method, which made it possible to select the head of the bed and somewhat expand the space behind the account of the light-colored .A harmonious combination of shades and perfectly matched picture of the material used made the room cozy and calm in color.

Very weighed, calm design of the bedroom in gray-blue tones

Very weighed, calm design of the bedroom in gray-blue tones

There are no bright spots in the design, which could cause irritation, and soft tones have a rest. In such a bedroom it is good to fall asleep in the evening hours, and the morning awakening will be healthy and pleasant. The freshness of the color scheme contributes to the creation of an sensation in the room of the 's fullness with its air, so it seems that it breathes freely and easily.

  • Warm Tone for Baby Room

In the this case presents the design of the children's room in warm solar colors, and for this purpose, three types of wallpapers and ribbon of the border are skillfully used, which comes complete with decorative type of material. The third, auxiliary type of wallpaper is used to visually make the ceiling lower. The photo clearly shows that the upper border is glued below the joint of the wall and ceiling by 200 ÷ 250 mm. It separates the main wallpaper of the composition from the auxiliary material that is glued to the px st sen with the transition to the ceiling. The borders are decorated with the same pattern as the main canvas, but it is more compact, so one type of finishing material separates well from the other.

Such a children

Such a children's bedroom seems to be constantly filled with sunlight

The basic type of wallpaper in this design acts as panels, it is more saturated and is dark , so it slightly "heavier" the view of the room, while maintaining the total score for eta.

In this variant, only two types of wallpaper can be used, without the use of an auxiliary one. In this case, more basic material, decorated with a pattern, will be required. The border with this design will pass under the ceiling, at its junction with the wall.

Such a scheme can be successfully used not only for the children's bedroom, but also for other rooms, by selecting the wallpaper of the desired shades and drawings.

  • Beige-pink shades

This room is located in the attic or zadekorirovana under the attic with the help of imitation of the slope of the wall. In the interior used two types of wallpaper - monochrome and having a floral pattern. The background of the decorative and basic type of material is identical, the ornament has a more saturated tone of the same color, so the harmony of the design was already determined when choosing the finishes.

A very harmonious combination of wall decoration and a general interior solution

Very harmonious combination of wall decoration and general interior solution

The main ones in this version are those wallpapers that attract the eye, and this is the material with printed on it by .Basic, same-color wallpapers are designed to set the tone for the entire interior solution.

An inclined wall slightly narrows the room visually, but it does not spoil the appearance of the room, but makes it compact and cozy. The room is not overloaded with furniture, it has only the accessories necessary for the bedroom, which are also well-chosen according to the color scheme. In addition, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that even the curtains in the interior of the are matched to the basic wallpaper, which helps to maintain style and harmony in shades.

In conclusion, I would like to say that by deciding to use two types of wallpaper in the design of the bedroom, you can bravely tackle the matter, taking into account all the above nuances of selection and combination of material. Taking as a basis one of the presented schemes, adding to their imagination, it is quite possible for to get an exclusive version of the design solution for the design of not only the bedroom, but also any room in the apartment or a private house.

At the end of the publication - a small video, showing a possible variety of options for finishing the bedroom wallpaper.

Video: design solutions for bedroom design wallpaper

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