Installing the bidet

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In the modern construction market, there is a wide range of products for the bathroom and toilet. Among such a variety of options, the bidet is especially prominent, which, despite its long history of existence, is not familiar to all modern citizens. Manufacturers of sanitary equipment offer several options for bidets, differing in appearance and functionality.


  1. Required tools and materials
  2. Photo of lid-bidet installation on toilet
  3. Video of bidet installation with own hands

Necessary tools and materials

So, in order to install the bidet was executed qualitatively and in the shortest possible time, you need to prepare the following tools:

  1. drillor a perforator with drills of the appropriate diameter;
  2. gas and adjustable wrench;
  3. mounting tape or tow;
  4. screwdrivers and a wrench;
  5. silicone sealant.

Before installing the bidet, you should carefully study the instructions and fully comply with the recommendations of the manufacturers. Very help viewing the video about installing the bidet, which correctly and concisely shows the most important moments of work.

The installation of the toilet bowl and bidet can be started immediately after all the necessary items are at hand. Below are the main points that detail how to install the bidet yourself.

If the bidet installation is carried out by hand, then start with the installation of the mixer. Most often, a bidet with a floating head or with a hygienic shower is used for a bidet. In addition, complete with these models sold copper tubes or flexible hoses. You can install them in the mixer without using special keys. Do not need to make every effort to do this work. Otherwise rubber pads may be damaged.

After the mixer has been fully assembled, it must be installed in a special hole, carefully fastened. All joints must be carefully treated with a sealant. To perform this work, you can use the photo scheme of setting the bidet in our article.

You need to start from the drain funnel. After it is inserted into the corresponding hole, all seams should be sealed with a transparent silicone sealant. Next, the bottom of the siphon is assembled. For this, the same transparent sealant is used. With it, a corrugated hose is attached.

It's no secret that the installation of a hanging bidet, like installing a bidet, begins with the marking of the surface. It should be noted that when installing the bidet, the dimensions must be carefully measured and fixed on the surface. In the event that it is a question of fixing on a wall, it is necessary in advance to measure and calculate the necessary height. After this, use a perforator to make a hole in the wall. In order not to damage the tile, drill a hole at low rpm. A vacuum cleaner is used to clean the surface of dust.

Sometimes you need to install the installation of a bidet. To do this, use the instruction. The installation, like a bidet, is fixed to the surface with special bolts. After all the work is finished, you can proceed with installing the bidet cover.

In conclusion, it should be noted that mounting the bidet by the level of complexity is comparable with the installation of the sink. Therefore, if you follow all the necessary rules, you can perform this type of work.

Photo of the installation of the lid-bidet on the toilet

Video of the bidet installation with their own hands

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