Vinyl tile - an excellent alternative to linoleum, porcelain tiles and other coatings

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Vinyl tiles:

types This material is made of a mixture of vinyl and natural stone. That is why it has greater resistance to various environmental influences than linoleum. It is laid in many public buildings and houses. In residential interiors is especially popular as vinyl tiles for walls, and for the floor. Below we will describe what kinds of this material exist.

  • Pressed tiles - consists of several layers and is made of resin and vinyl, as well as plasticizers and stabilizers. In its properties, it is much stronger than linoleum and PVC coating. On the front side of the material there is a special decorative film that can mimic the texture of wood, stone, green grass, carpets, etc. It is produced both rectangular and square. Its average thickness is 3 mm.
  • Quartz-vinyl tile - consists of vinyl, natural quartz( 80%) and some additives. Due to this, this material has an unusual hardness, does not conduct electricity, does not absorb moisture and is not affected by any acids. Tiles withstand almost any environmental conditions and mechanical loads. It is produced most often in square sizes. The average thickness is from 1.5 to 3.5 mm.
  • Self-adhesive vinyl tile is the easiest to install, as it is applied quickly enough. To do this, just remove the protective film. By the way, you can attach it to completely different surfaces. It can be as a vinyl wall tile, and floor. Plus, in some cases, she is trimmed with tables, stairs and some other details.

Vinyl tiles: floor laying technology

Before you start laying, you need to prepare tools and materials. They include: glue, tile, knife, tape measure, rope, tamping roller, protractor. Moreover, the vinyl material itself must be removed from the boxes in advance. The tile should lie about one day. Next, prepare the base. It should be dry, perfectly smooth and clean. Any past coating, whether it's porcelain, linoleum or parquet, is removed.

The next step is to mark the center of the room. Two perpendicular lines are drawn from this point, and an angle of 90 ° C is laid. On the drawn strips and it is worthwhile to lay down. Next, glue the prescription, which is written on the package. Apply it to start only on ¼ of the floor and give it a little dry( literally 10-30 minutes).

After this area is glued tile, and each of them from above are taped with a rubber mallet( for better fixation).Surplus material from the wall is cut off. The remaining glue on the surface is cleaned with a damp rag. On top of the metal plinth. The flooring, the vinyl tiles on which was laid according to this technology, is ready! Do not forget also that in the same style you can finish the walls, using exactly the same material.

Vinyl Coverage Rules

Despite the fact that this material is not very pleasant, there are some rules for cleaning and caring for it. To ensure that the room does not get a lot of dirt and sand, many experts recommend you to put special mats near the entrance. They will take away some of the garbage and will avoid premature abrasion in the most passable places.

It should be washed with detergents that have a neutral composition. And after a damp cleaning, always wipe with a dry cloth. In extreme cases, when the coating is heavily soiled, a special polished machine can be used. For it, only those that are suitable for vinyl coatings are used.

Attention! Many manufacturers strongly do not recommend the use of any mastic, acetone, turpentine and other agents in the process of operation, as this can damage the surface of the tile.

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